This LED Light claiming 210w draw but 1000w equivilent??

Yeah, fair enough. It's probably closer than I thought.

If you live in Cali and pay closer to .30 or .35 per kwh, then it seems like LEDs might be the way to go, especially when you factor in the cost of the additional AC to make up for extra heat of the HIDs.

I'm paying .17 per kwh, but then again, I didn't plunk down $900 for my LEDs. I wanted to try them out a year or so ago and got 4 Mars 300s for less than 300 total. In a 4x4 tent, it's almost too much light and slaughters my 600 watt HID fixture in terms of production, but draws about 560 from the wall total. I highly doubt they will last 30,000 hours, but it was a cheap way to get mt feet wet, so to speak.

My next LED adventure will be building some DIY Cree COB units, which I am going to build into stripped down 4' fluorescent fixtures. I mentioned this project (under my YouTube name) to GrowMau5, but he said he's too busy to do it. If I ever get around to building them, i think the fluorescent fixtures

You are a good man. In am also growing in about the same space under a 600 but without scrogging I can't imagine packing in many more colas. ;). This is from around week 6 of a 10 week strain...
If y'all think LED is the answer just because it shaves a lil off your power bill, you're missing all the best parts.
The energy savings are just a small part of it, really. I think it's overall a better quality of light (spectrum-wise) too, and where I live, the lower heat is better.

Having said that, I'm not convinced the lights I have are providing the ideal spectrum. Then again, I'm not all that concerned with 5% or 10% increases in yield that the ideal spectrum might add.

I've heard people say, "Plants evolved on Earth, so they use the entire spectrum that the sun provides." This, of course, isn't true, any more than saying, "fish evolved on Earth, so they can make use of any kind of water." 2/3rds of the planet is covered with salt water, and the fresh water fish can't use any of it.

Each strain has an ideal spectrum. If we all grew landraces, it would be relatively easy to nail this perfect spectrum for a particular strain, but we mostly grow crosses of crosses of crosses, so I don't see any sure way to determine the ideal.