Thoughts on 2cb?

So let me see if i get this straight.... I've only tripped on shrooms and salvia, not lsd, but here we go.

So 2cb will enhance all my senses, make lights appear brighter, and if I take enough, make me see colors (like on shrooms), all while feeling relatively sober?

I've never wanted to leave my house when tripping. Everything outside is just way too intense. But I would love to plan an adventure and be able to think rationally.
Haha. I might be a little misleading because I can handle myself pretty well on hallucinogens. If you can handle yourself 100% on shrooms, you're golden with 2C-B. If you can handle a Salvia breakthrough with out loosing your shit, you're probably golden with 2C-B. Otherwise, not a good idea I'd guess for you to walk downtown on 2C-B. :)
haha ok. I'm not one of those people who will strip naked in public while tripping, and I've tripped in NYC during rush hour (which was the worst idea ever).

Looks like I know what I'm doing next if I cant find lsd
my roommate was on acid a few years ago and saw a chick inside of a bar, and for some reason, thought she was god. This "goddess" began telling him to take off pieces of clothes, and the rest of the bar patrons were cheering. Then, right as he was about to take his pants off, the cops picked him up!

I always wanted to try DMT. I have never heard of anyone in my area with it though, just the south.
I'll be going to a music festival that my brother attends each year. He said his friends write "please dose me" on their backs, and head off into the crowd. When they get back, they are from another world, he says
In other news, I'm going to be eating a tab of some strong dose and I'm going to see tron 3d imax.. I'm hoping that it's just like being sober, except things are going to be crawling on the walls and patterns will be a little more vivid.

I plan to eat my dose 2 hours before the movie starts, so I will have been tripping for an hour by the time the previews start :) Nice and cozy in my mental state

my buddy wants to eat two. But I figure just one the first time to feel it out, then come back AGAIN and eat more if its really worth it :)

I saw this in 3D on 2C-B funnily enough. Only 20mg (it was a week night) but it was a good experience. Tuned into it nicely an the coloured trails left by the bikes etc were very vivid.
Hey Guys.

I think 2cb is one of the greatest phenetylamines for party-tripping. for me 20 mg in nose is perfect - (after puking a couple of minutes) :)

its like hardcore visual trip for 4 hours and a pretty crazy onset.

for me its a mushroom-like synthetic drug
2c-b and mushrooms are far different in my subjective opinion. The density of a mushroom experience comes in wave like patterns... where as 2c-b's motion of visuals and intensity is constant. 2c-b has an all natural tone to it so I wouldn't term it as synthetic!
2c-b and mushrooms are far different in my subjective opinion. The density of a mushroom experience comes in wave like patterns... where as 2c-b's motion of visuals and intensity is constant. 2c-b has an all natural tone to it so I wouldn't term it as synthetic!

It's synthetic. All these drugs have the same actions. Well, interestingly enough, 2C-B is actually quite unique in it's action. It's even speculated that it's an ANTAGONIST of one of the two serotonin receptors most psychedelics agonize. But just the same it's an agonist of the 5-HT2C receptor. Would I say 2C-B 'feels' 'natural'? Not like Mescaline. :) Not like DMT. Not like Psilocin. I wouldn't say 2C-E feels natural in the sense of these natural gems. :) Mother Nature is the best chemist. :D
im just getting that mushroomy mellow feeling on it.. like everything bounces. 2cb is a chemical - so yeah its synthetic
Its the only 2C I'd still actualy do.

Lucy should be taken at the beach or in nature, but beach is the coolest....
I want to take lucy at the beach soooo bad. its the one place i've always wanted to trip and never have... I always thought lucy or mescaline would go with the beach nicely, but i've never done mescaline so dont know about it...
that settles it Darth. we need to go on a roadtrip to Galveston. some bud and sum lucy and shrooms sounds like a good vacation to me. oh wait, its freezing here! haha man im fuckin stoned!
Awesome to live somewhere it doesn't snow, mountains on one side, sea on the other.