well technically speaking isnt everything in our body really synthetic?
My brain perceives 2c-B
as if I was playing with Molly and Lucy at the same time.
If I was to choose one over the other I would do the two compound mixture .... but Nexus is OK .... if you dont have the other compounds.
V ... if you are going to be doing this on the wkd at home .... start a thread ... and do PM me. I would love to see you under.
Will do man! I still gotta play with molly too. I'm thinking molly and lucy together for my first molly experience.
In all rights, yes... 2c-b is synthetic but to characterize the "feel" of the experience as synthetic is a big misconception. They call it Nexus for a reason![]()
There is a reason psychedelics are called psychedelic. Not for the oohs and aahs of the pretty colours. But for the psyche manifesting raw power of the substance. The first paragraph of the commentary in the PiHKAL entry states this.You present some fine counter arguments good sir... And I can't say I don't agree. But perhaps 2c-b is the link between the wholly "cognitive" process of LSD and the body warmth sustained by the likes of mdma. If taken at a high enough dose 2c-b main characteristics can drastically change! PIKHAL evidently proves that. Every psychedelic experience doesn't have to be a ego dissolving one, to be of some value.
As ANC says, 2c-b would probably be the only 2c-x he'll try![]()
Four quotations were chosen arbitrarily from literally hundreds that have worked their ways into the files. The vast majority are positive, ranging from the colorful to the ecstatic. But not all are. There are people who choose not to go into the corporeal but, rather, prefer the out-of-body experience. They express discomfort with 2C-B, and seem to lean more to the Ketamine form of altered state, one which dissociates body from mind.
Ndanger is devoted to higher learning in these areas. No matter how hard he falls on his ass regularly.it took me like.. 20 minutes to read the last two posts..
damn this grape ape
you guys speak so fancy
fanciest speakers at toke n talk... no where else do people speak so fancy![]()
There is a reason psychedelics are called psychedelic. Not for the oohs and aahs of the pretty colours. But for the psyche manifesting raw power of the substance. The first paragraph of the commentary in the PiHKAL entry states this.
I have never experienced the K-Hole on 2C-B. These people who found dissociative discomfort on 2C-B where most certainly in a bad state of mind. Just as any psychedelic can be discomforting. It doesn't mean it's a natural trip because it's not glitter and starshine all the time. It means the set/setting was off. When you have to overdose to get a powerful experiene out of something, that's not a very good drug in my opinion.
That PiHKAL entry seems to say the opposite of what you're suggesting. To me it appears that it was being said that some people don't enjoy 2c-b because it did NOT have the dissociative affects of special-k.
There is a reason psychedelics are called psychedelic. Not for the oohs and aahs of the pretty colours. But for the psyche manifesting raw power of the substance. The first paragraph of the commentary in the PiHKAL entry states this.