Thoughts on Christians smoking cannabis (Christian thread)

Noah lived for hundreds of years and even discovered Australia before Captain Cook. He picked up kangaroos and koalas before the flood then returned to drop them off. He had hundreds maybe even thousands of animals just from Australia and many more from Africa and the middle east
what a guy what a story hahahahaha

HAHAHA! Right there were koalas, I've never thought from this point of view, cannot stop laughing, brother :clap::clap::clap:
I'm a bible beliving Christian that got saved about 4 years ago after seeking spirtual "enlightenment and truth" until I came to the the real truth and that is, I am a sinner and only Jesus Christ can save a soul. I'm not here to start arguments as it seems bringing the truth of Jesus Christ up tends to cause problems from my experience lol, I'm Not here to debate if Jesus is the risen King of kings and Lord of lords who is God which I fervently believe and know this to be the truth. I'm here to discuss with other Christians if they think it's sinful to smoke cannabis. As it's something i still wrestle with after getting saved.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

Thanks in advance.

If Jesus came back today and he saw what was going on in the world, people having billions of dollars off the backs of slave labor, racism, the elites of this world all getting away with sexually assaulting minors, the way we consume animals and the cost of factory farming, and the list of horrible things we do to each other in this world(myself included). Do you honestly think Jesus will come down hard on you for consuming a plant that the Heavenly Father created?
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 KJV
I'm not a Christian, nor am I a biblical scholar. However, I'm always skeptical of anyone, be it my grandmother or King James himself, who claims to have the proper interpretation of the written text at the expense of other's interpretations; that's how wars start.
In the context of the quoted passage, I certainly dont read "sober" to mean what we commonly use it for in respect to drugs and alcohol. To me, it would make more sense to mean clear-eyed in the spiritual sense. That said, the New Testament has several references to the use of mind and mood-altering substances for celebration and communion among fellow humans. I really dont see a conflict, personally. I think the rub from years of social dominance and repression by the church upon its congregation as a means of social control. If the church were to celebrate communion among the flock by their own means, the church then runs the risk of becoming secondary, and that wont work at all for them. The Romans recognized the danger of such self-guided spirituality and communion, and it cost Jesus his life.
My two cents.
I'm not a Christian, nor am I a biblical scholar. However, I'm always skeptical of anyone, be it my grandmother or King James himself, who claims to have the proper interpretation of the written text at the expense of other's interpretations; that's how wars start.
In the context of the quoted passage, I certainly dont read "sober" to mean what we commonly use it for in respect to drugs and alcohol. To me, it would make more sense to mean clear-eyed in the spiritual sense. That said, the New Testament has several references to the use of mind and mood-altering substances for celebration and communion among fellow humans. I really dont see a conflict, personally. I think the rub from years of social dominance and repression by the church upon its congregation as a means of social control. If the church were to celebrate communion among the flock by their own means, the church then runs the risk of becoming secondary, and that wont work at all for them. The Romans recognized the danger of such self-guided spirituality and communion, and it cost Jesus his life.
My two cents.

I agree with you on the sober translation. I found this online

Sober” is translated from the Greek word that means to be sober, calm and collected, to have good sense, good judgement, wisdom, and level-headed in times of stress.

Getting closer to the definition of the ancient Greek word, it kind of losely translates to "dont be an asshole"
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I'm a bible beliving Christian that got saved about 4 years ago after seeking spirtual "enlightenment and truth" until I came to the the real truth and that is, I am a sinner and only Jesus Christ can save a soul. I'm not here to start arguments as it seems bringing the truth of Jesus Christ up tends to cause problems from my experience lol, I'm Not here to debate if Jesus is the risen King of kings and Lord of lords who is God which I fervently believe and know this to be the truth. I'm here to discuss with other Christians if they think it's sinful to smoke cannabis. As it's something i still wrestle with after getting saved.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

Thanks in advance.
If God made it, We should Smoke It!
Smoke that shit.
You're only going to die. If you read the book and check out the words that Jesus says, then you realize most everyone is going to hell and only a small percentage of people go to heaven. There are around 8 billion people today, there have been people for a very long time, and there are more people on the way.'re statistically going to hell. So why worry? Sin it up (you can't stop if you tried.) If Jesus forgives you, then great! But, Yahweh still wants you dead. And if you go to hell for sinning, go ahead and sin real bad, then at least you didn't waste Jesus's sacrifice by being a goody two shoes and getting him killed over nothing.
2000 years...and shit is still fucked up. People suck. I'm starting to think Yahweh isn't all that great of a designer. Seems like a shit plan. Seems like there is no plan. Seems like bullshit. And it is like the horseshoe effect in politics. Crazy left and crazy right are both just crazy. Islam gets shit on, and yet Christians have very similar views on conservativeness and crushing free choice.
So live your very short life, and try to enjoy it. Life after death? Prove that shit. You ever meet a dead person? I doubt it.
The Romans recognized the danger of such self-guided spirituality and communion, and it cost Jesus his life.

I appreciated your perspective homie! You should check out Holy Annointing Oil thread on ICMAG. Very interesting perspective on cannabis in the Bible.

Just wanted to touch on the last part as it’s a detail more nuanced.

The “Romans” executed Jesus because they were pressured to do so. Pontius Pilate knew Jesus was innocent, and offered a criminal to the crowd in Jesus’s place hoping to appease them.

They refused, and insisted Jesus be executed. They even took a curse upon themselves and their children.

If the “Romans” had their choice Jesus would have been freed.

Interesting story:

There will always be legalistics in this world, unfortunately most of their hearts have turned cold.

Heard this song today and it reminded me of this thread.

"If I upset you don't stress never forget
That God isn't finished with me yet
I feel his hand on my brain
When I write rhymes I go blind and let the Lord do his thing
But am I less holy
'Cause I chose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homies"
I'm a bible beliving Christian that got saved about 4 years ago after seeking spirtual "enlightenment and truth" until I came to the the real truth and that is, I am a sinner and only Jesus Christ can save a soul. I'm not here to start arguments as it seems bringing the truth of Jesus Christ up tends to cause problems from my experience lol, I'm Not here to debate if Jesus is the risen King of kings and Lord of lords who is God which I fervently believe and know this to be the truth. I'm here to discuss with other Christians if they think it's sinful to smoke cannabis. As it's something i still wrestle with after getting saved.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

Thanks in advance.

Hey, I'm a Christian and I smoke a bunch of weed. I don't drink often, and almost never get drunk, just not my thing. I have psychedelic and spiritual experiences from time to time with mushrooms, mescaline, or LSD, but always pray going into it that He will reveal something to me that will be of use in carrying out His will. The bible specifically says don't get drunk or take part in any wild parties (somewhere in Romans 1 or 2) but never says anything about smoking weed. Lol. I think it's between you and God, if something is making you feel funny about it then meditate with it. Is it your ego telling you that people won't respect you as a Christian if you smoke weed, is it God telling you not to, is it some other form of guilt brought on by parenting or a teacher. There is an awesome book called "The Voice Of Jesus" and it's about discernment and listening for the voice of God in our hearts. Check it out, it may help. Peace.
Christianity as known today i believe is largely based on corruption, ignorance and evil in early church and they got to decide what the bible says and wrote/edited it in a way that was not true or even good anymore. They left out bits and pieces that would had given the truth and wrote it in a way that would bind people under church and worship the church and not Christ.

Im pretty sure that if you go with church christians, smoking weed is not ok. But personally i have more gnostic view on Christ and all these things and dont see that it is wrong, but it can be done in a way that is wrong and sin.

Actually one of the things that has been hidden from bible through mistranslations etc is the fact that kaneh bosom is cannabis and it is part of the holy anointing oil and there are some references to inhaling some of smoke in old testament, also god has appeared from smoke and maybe the burning bush also has some double meaning lost in time and also:

And even tho i think christianity is based on ignorance, many christians are good people and do know the true Christ in their hearts etc. and are not blind sheep who just follow church. So im not bashing christians, just the religion. But i think those people should learn about other than just the churches view on Christ, they might find viewpoints that resonate much more than what bible says.

3. Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you.

When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."

22. Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his disciples, "These nursing babies are like those who enter the (Father's) kingdom."

They said to him, "Then shall we enter the (Father's) kingdom as babies?"

Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."
My $.02

Cannabis has been recognized medically and recreationaly for centuries - opinions and policies shift, but people medicating or relaxing have been, and will continue to use cannabis.

Luke (one of the authors of the Bible) was a physician. As such, he most likely carried a number of remedies mentioned in contemporary writings including:
Opium poppies
and a large number of other substances and compounds to be ingested, applied topically, made into other compounds (hash, opium, emetics, anti-emetics), or any number of medical practices of the 1st century.

Warnings about drunkenness and encouragement of sobriety are found throughout Christian texts; but wine is described as being mixed with other substances (un-named, except for gall at Jesus' crucifixion) and is frequently mentioned in celebrations & festivals - Beer and wine are prescribed for the poor & suffering.

- so clearly abstinence isn't the intent of "sobriety" mentioned in the text.

In 1st Corinthians, Ch. 10, vs. 23 it says:
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

There's a lot of latitude there, but also a reminder that not everything is good, and to consider others before ourselves.
I'm a bible beliving Christian that got saved about 4 years ago after seeking spirtual "enlightenment and truth" until I came to the the real truth and that is, I am a sinner and only Jesus Christ can save a soul. I'm not here to start arguments as it seems bringing the truth of Jesus Christ up tends to cause problems from my experience lol, I'm Not here to debate if Jesus is the risen King of kings and Lord of lords who is God which I fervently believe and know this to be the truth. I'm here to discuss with other Christians if they think it's sinful to smoke cannabis. As it's something i still wrestle with after getting saved.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

Thanks in advance.
Hmmmm, This is a complex question. On its face it’s easy to answer; God put Cannabis on earth to be used by humans so of course there is nothing wrong with it in and of itself. The problem arises with other parts of the New Testament. For example Paul when being questioned about eating meat( because it offended other Christians) he states that there is no sin in eating meat but if it offends his brother he shall eat no meat while the world stands. Paraphrased of course.