Regarding me, my life, my marriage and any threesomes. Yes it's being selfish. There is no question that all of what I'm doing is about me and making me happy. I do like to make the girls happy too because I would like a repeat customer. One or both...
I'm sure there is some guy out there who is perfect and has never cheated on his wife. It's a rarity and my guess is he has no control over it. He's probably fat, ugly and has no game. Otherwise he would be screwing his buddies 19 year old daughter (I've tried too).
I knew somebody would take this discussion about sex and create a moral "shame on you" approach.
For me I see no way I could sleep with one woman for the rest of my life. I use condoms so fuck it.
I had another talk with the girl I'm supposed to be hooking up with in the coming weeks. I was telling her about my frustration with my threesome experience and how the two chicks were not into each other. She said if two girls are going to take part in a threesome the proper mind set is "here let me suck that dick for you sweetheart while you go down on me."
She asks...Will that work for you sweetie? "yes it will darling."
why the hell did you get married and commit yourself to one woman for the rest of your life if you knew you were going to be a cheating dickwad?

I'm not trying to be rude, but I've been cheated on. It hurts like nothing you will ever imagine.
To put all you've got; your emotions, tender-loving care, time,and trust (not to mention genitals) into a relationship and be betrayed really fucking hurts.
Its quite apparent you think with your dick, which only shows that you haven't grown up yet, or in other words that you're immature. Even though you are 33. (or however old you are, I forgot. Sorry)
I dunno if you've ever taken a Psych 110 class, but its apparent you're stuck in the genital stage and everything still evolves around your dick. Everyone doesn't make it to the highest stage of cognitive development, which we can plainly see in you. You haven't learned that the brain
controls everything from emotions to hormones, and the result of that is, you being a cheater. You may think you can't control it, but that only makes you weak-minded.
I will give you some advice and tell you to get a divorce. Its not right that
you're betraying your wife even though you already know this.
I can guarantee
WHEN she finds out, she'll be hurting more than she
would if you would have just been truthful and broke it off.
Betrayal hurts more than the truth; obviously. So if you do care about her (which I'm not sure you do since you're cheating on her) just break it off and make it easier on the both of you.
Instead of cheating on your wife, why don't you try talking her into
doing one
with you instead of behind her back? She might like the idea.
(Unless you've already tried to no avail....)
and btw....
I am in a relationship where my significant other and myself actually
enjoy talking about meeting other couples.
Its just a matter of time until we find the right one.

Its all about open communication and trust.
Good luck bro.
And I also agree with Stoney, its not right to play Russian Roulette with your wife's reproductive system. Some stds viruses are so small they can go right through those condoms. Some give no symptoms, and by the time you figure out you have it, your reproductive organs have gone to shit which means no kids.