Well-Known Member
Fairly accurate. Except almost everyone they serve via mail order is a real deal sick person. I also noticed you failed to adress my point regarding the prices lp's are charging. It's cool no need to answer a question we all know sthe answer to. A rose by any other name is a thieving overcharging bastard lp. Right?
For example MedPotNow, their menu has 20 strains on it right now, 75% of those are $8.-$10. How is that any different than a LP. Those aren't compassionate prices, if they can offer one strain for $5.50 ( blueberry) why not all strains? How do they justify that? Why is the blueberry cheaper than anything else? Do the other strains cost more to produce? No it's supply and demand not compassion. It's just a business, like an LP. At least with an LP you know that it was grown under GMP, quality controled and tested without the use of pesticides or fungusides. Can the dispenceries make that claim?
Another example there concentrates. Which is usually made from the byproduct of the harvest (shake) It costed me $1-2 a gram to make, but they charge $35-$50 a gram. Real compassionate.