Time for a REVOLUTION are u ready ?


Well-Known Member
American society as a whole is weaknd and totaly relient on someone else to care for them . Some would starve if fast food disappeared if grocery stores closed , what would you do if we lost our power grid ? Would you know how to survive if right now the switched got turned off ? Terrorist have nothing but time on their hands to think of ways to cripple us . Since 9/11 our country is safer right ? Yes its safer at our airports,seaports, and security everywhere has tightned up . Makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over right?

Do you know right now terrorists are coming up with ways to cripple us and right now the most emminent danger is an nuclear attack , no they don,t want to detonate on our soil , they want to take advantage of the EMP effect and detonate in the outer atmosphere above us . You want even know what happened just that for some reason all the power went out and all the automobiles are stopped dead in their tracks . It has been said that 2 nukes launched from within 400 m of our coasts one east one west would shut us down .And this can be achieved off a container ship ! You think oh well they will get the power back on in a few weeks . Sadly no Emp will kill all grids and substations . Do you know that we don't manufacture large transformers in substations? They are imported from other countrys what a way to save a buck huh?

So what would YOU do if the switch got flicked ?

Good read ! That's what I,m talking about . But that far and few in between nowadays .And all that was done ON GRID . I'm talking if right now it happened what would ensue . Would u rely on todays government to take care of us ? They are gonna feed their own before us . Think about it you would't even be able to run water nothing will work . Unless you have a car pre 1981 that does'nt rely on electronics .
your gardens won't mean shit when the zombies come..

I can't wait for the zombie apocalypse. As long as there like slow moving stupid zombies. If there 28 days/weeks later then fuuuuck that.

Also my .357 mag named Mary and my .45 named Jane are more then ready. Also my family has a well and owned shelter on 20 acres. They already have a plan. So bring it. I'll survive. It's in my fucking dna. The only thing I rely on the government for is power/gas/ and credit. And my credits fucked...my cars a piece of shit and my electric bill is past due. So let's fuck shit up.
I can't wait for the zombie apocalypse. As long as there like slow moving stupid zombies. If there 28 days/weeks later then fuuuuck that.

Also my .357 mag named Mary and my .45 named Jane are more then ready. Also my family has a well and owned shelter on 20 acres. They already have a plan. So bring it. I'll survive. It's in my fucking dna. The only thing I rely on the government for is power/gas/ and credit. And my credits fucked...my cars a piece of shit and my electric bill is past due. So let's fuck shit up.
I know!! dead rising zombies all the way! I would welcome that apocalypse with open arms!! and your right, fuck running zombies!
Very nice read.. We take to many things for granted... not realizing how small and insignificant we really are. life is just F@cked if you ask me.. along with many other things... Long live the cannabis plant
The only terrorists are the smoke and mirror false flag operatives working for the big governments.
What you should be concerned about is that we are past peak oil, and there is no viable alternative yet.
Can you grow food? Well in some places in america, not if you want to eat it.
I have been learning to grow some food over the last 4 years or so, and I can tell you I'd probably still die if I had to feed myself.
well seeing as how i know how to grow plants and blacksmith i think ill be fine. and start a fire
lol i've been stashing shit such as, seeds, blankets, clothes, water, food, just because shit can happen!! also keeping soil, fuel, and other stuff in my basement because i've learned how to grow basic foods that produce seeds . Ive also learned basic skills like building a shelter from whatever, purifying water, first aid. May i suggest growing some aloe and other useful plants indoors. Also having a building in my backyard heated my incinerator is very handy, forest behind so no worries. Fuck i live in the middle of nowhere so zombies will starve before they find me!!
Lots of horses around here to ride so i think i'll be ok.
I remember Y2K and what that brought, lmoa, our neighbors got together and made up questionnaires about what food, medicine, talents and other personal traits we had to share if Y2K actually happened...lol

I got the sheet and waited one day for everyone to get it and I called the contact nubmer form my house and said THanks for giving me the sheep I need to survive and where they are staying. We dont have to worry about someone from the outside coming in, we have to be wary of the ones that are already here. I told them I had the guns to make happen what I needed to. The next day they were collecting the sheets. I put a sign on my front door, "Out Hunting"
I am one of those bible reading gun totein redneck bring it on. If the shit starts here they had better bring a picnic lunch cause they goin be all day.
I was born and raised hunting and fishing my whole life. So long as I got my guns and ammo and my trusty hunting knife, along with my magnesium fire starter, I'll survive what ever they can throw at me. Most people in the big cities would more than likely die of starvation or get beat down or murdered for supplies. Only the strong will survive in a situation like that.
But comming back to the food thing, do you have enough seed RIGHT NOW, to last, say the next year on your own, feeding your family?