Tinder, ex's and straight f*cking thread.

How are YOU cutie???

You're on tinder, right?

What's your take on the thing?

Apparently it's a hook up app, I wasn't aware. I have met quite a few chicks from there, most are seemingly normal, looking for relationship with normal guy. Some definitely just looking to hook up, I only hooked up with one, twice. The rest that just wanted to hook up were gross, I won't lower myself to that...

I couldn't imagine tinder from a female's perspective. The shear amount of messages received would be daunting.

A lot of profiles are spam, I only message those whom I actually vibe with. They message me back if its mutual. Or they just message me first, the go-getters are sexy to me...

All in all its an interesting experience, use at your own risk.
my granny always told me when i was young, you have to learn to entertain yourself.

now i know i've taken the concept too far, livin in the woods, wiping my ass with tree bark, but you get the idea.
yes the heroin addict and the one you said who didn't turn you on during. i remember you talking about both lol..
uhh, well, if anyone cares, I vote for jerking off and calling it a night...
I don't know HOW many times afterwards, where I be like..
"shoulda taken care of shit personally"
the caveat being your chosen company...
but i'm getting old I guess.. sex with random chicks isn't quite the same as with someone you like.
or let alone "love"
But hey... I'm looking down the barrel of being 40...
couple yrs sure, but still.
Plus @yessica hit it on the nose...
I don't have HPV... and don't want it, I LOVE cunnilingus fellas... and that just a great way to get shit on your face man..
Like ever relationship you ever been in has been perfect??? Like you don't have a opiate problem? Seriously?

well, that's the main reason i want to be alone to work on myself. i've been clean about 3 months and will admit i am anything but perfect. I'm not delusional and know i have to be happy with myself before i involve anyone else in my shitshow of a life....however, do not mistake this for weakness, young grasshoppa...i'm an angry and determined person.

You two were doing so well a couple days ago. I thought maybe there actually was a break up that can be ok when two people at one point loved each other…

Bubble burst. It’s always shit I guess.

You kids need a couple days/weeks/months/years to cool off before you interact.

I pwomise it will be way better after…

Who knows…maybe you could eventually become BFFs???

Well great, end of the conversation.. Now go play on somebody else's thread before I put you on ignore, like how you won't except me as a friend on facebook..
Female Translation:

It’s too soon for me to be friends with you Nell. You were lovely and it just didn’t work out and I’m going to miss you in my life and as my friend.

I hope eventually, we can know each other again.

But right now it’s too hard with all these confusing feelings.

I love you, take care. I look forward to our paths crossing again in the future…
Female Translation:

It’s too soon for me to be friends with you Nell. You were lovely and it just didn’t work out and I’m going to miss you in my life and as my friend.

I hope eventually, we can know each other again.

But right now it’s too hard with all these confusing feelings.

I love you, take care. I look forward to our paths crossing again in the future…
