Tinder, ex's and straight f*cking thread.

There is a goodbye note I wrote to nellie tonight in tnt
Was it nice, or more of this angsty stuff? I saw but I didn’t read it.

I don’t much care to watch couples/ ex couples fight. It’s very “mommy and daddy are yelling again” and it makes me feel weird.

And horny…

I told you to try tinder a week ago and you said something about one night stands.

Member? Pfffffft.

It's fun. If you hate it, easy peasy - just delete it.

Oh, but if you join Tinder you will 100% get HPV. Apparently 99.99 percent of people have it...

View attachment 3539474

(That's not from the hunger games. That's an actual photo of the urethra of someone with HPV)

don't give a fuck....this is funny
tip for ya cupcake......after some experience i can spot crazy comin around the corner......same as i can for fuckwits.
Anyone that thinks that people, in general, don’t have a little bit of crazy in them - is fucking retarded.

We are all fucked. hahah

Some of us just own up to our crazy more than others. That’s the first step.

Well my ex started a thread about me and talked about all my shortcomings in the first person like he was talking about himself, so many didn’t notice it and he didn’t seem to get in any trouble…

Betches be cray cray
nutters should stand tall and puff out their chests......i propose a national nutter day where we can all fly our freak flags proudly.

nude nutter day.....the only day no one will fuck with you