I'll take this edit of your post one point at a time.
Right on man... I appreciate you taking the time...
If you were concerned with maximizing efficiency, you would not use cooltubes,
Well, in my situation, it works pretty damn good... there is no way I could be running a 600 HPS inside of my tent without air cooling... and as it happens, the cool tube fits the tent much better than my other reflector...
It is small enough to allow the ducting to bend and give me height adjustment...
especialy homemade from glass designed to bake bread not pass light.
I do have a cooltube from HTG... and plan on using a batwing...
The physics and geometry involved show cooltubes to be inefficient,
Could you elaborate?
and my own tests using an Apogee Quantum meter, show the glass to bock the most light in the red and blue spectrums.
I agree that there is a loss of light... but heat is an issue... and I would have to say I am not lacking in the light department, I think... 600 watts in 5 sq. ft.
Please, do not apologize...
I am dumb ass that comes here to learn...
It is just common sense to me that hot air is less dense than cool air and that if you blow hot air on your electric motor, it will not last as long as one that has cool air over it...
Regardless of application... grow room... front end loader... or whatever... an electric motor is an electric motor...
But I am sorry if I came off as a know it all, I am not.. in fact I am so dumb, I have yet to pull in a decent harvest...
But I do have a little bit of common sense... I think...
All I my fans are rated for a max air temp of 140-160F. And I have yet to measure temps hotter than 120F within the duct at the intake of the fan.
Sure... but the closer to the edge of the envelope you get... the closer you are to a premature failure...
You can run a motor at red line (temp wise) .. but I have a sneaky suspicion that if you cool it, it will last longer...
Therefore heat moving through the fan should be no issue to it's performance.
Ok... what can I say...?
This of course assumes you aren't daisy chaining multiple 1000w bulbs from one intake and you use appropriate cfm's moving through.
I am not now, but plan on... and I do have way overkill light and ventilation for the tent because of that...
We aren't running our motors hot. On all my fans, the motor is centraly located and gets air moving over it constantly.
Sure, and if you blow hot air over it...
Furthermore, if you reseached that guys posts, you wouldn't be accusing Picaso of ignorance.
I even said I could be wrong... I did not mean to insult anyone...my sincere apologies...
But I have been around equipment all my life, and your practices in daily operation have a great deal to do with longevity and performance of your equipment... any equipment...
And lastly, all fans I own are designed to push or pull air. However, the turbine impellers work best pulling.
Hot air is less dense than cold air...
I have tested this myself but you don't have to believe me.
Hey dude, I am not a troll.. I am not here to stir anything up...
I am a newb and I am here to learn...
But just because I only moved indoors last week... doesn't mean I don't know anything about anything....
I hope I am not pissing anyone off... That is the last thing I want to do... most of you have way more grwoing experience than I do.. so I come here for help, not to insult anyone...