3rd Monkey
Well-Known Member
The temps could be better for sure.
They were hitting 79 with lights on and are touching near 81 on occasion now.
Almost time to turn on the A/C but I always hold out a few weeks in the spring time before turning it on.
Temps are something I deal with in the spring and summer.
Humidity has been pretty good averaging between 43 - 49.
I'm curious what Dr. Who thinks of them and of your assessment.
I enjoy all opinions as there is always something to learn.
I got ya. I don't think they look bad at all. You have a bit of tip dip, but you know why lol.
It's just one of those things that I notice from observation. Look into turgidity. That's why they raise like that. Pushing too much for too long actually thins out and weakens the cell walls, making them more easily ruptured. That's why you'll see what appear to be healthy plants with "dry" leaves.