Tomato Clones


Active Member
You can clone just about any plant i know about, my grandma has about 15 different kinds of plants, all from slips she pulled off plants at walmart :)


Well-Known Member
Tomatoes are the easiest plant to clone. A very low stress way to do it is to bury some connected stem in the ground and keep it dark. In about 2 weeks, you can cut the stem from the rest of the plant and put it anywhere you want.

If you just leave a tomato plant to grow, undoubtedly, some branches will touch the ground. Even with this casual contact with soil, roots will sprout. Tomatoes love to grow roots.


Active Member
so i took a couple clones from my outdoor tomato plants. been in only 3 days so no roots yet but i'll put some pics up as soon as they do to let u guys see if it worked 4 me


cut the suckers that come out of the fork, put it in a glass of pure water and it'll sprout roots in about 5 days.


Well-Known Member
cut the suckers that come out of the fork, put it in a glass of pure water and it'll sprout roots in about 5 days.
I always sucker my tomatoes, and the suckers are perfect for starting new plants. I've had great success just sticking them directly in wet soil and keeping them in the shade for a week or so.