Cletus clem
Well-Known Member
I guess i sounded a little harsh? Im not totally trashing the guy. I just dont like the way things look at the moment? hes got a couple things id really like to check out, 91 chem ix, onycd, lemon lime diesel and just out of curiosity if i could get my hands on a cut or a couple beanz of the original super stardawg. I can look past things, everybody has their shit. If customers are complaining that your shit is herming, deal with it!!!! Dont go airing your dirty laundry out in public! Posting disputes on instagram? Not a good idea whatever side of it youre on. Integrity is key. People can and will do and say whatever the fuck they want. You cant change that. Let them, let your work speak for itself. On a good 39 no herm yet! Again, im pretty sure this cut is ok but i have tester tents now so ill use em!I'm a vulture picking at bones at this point.
91 chem #12. Sure ill pick it up
Sister city , and the skunk cross chemphlegm talks about if it ever pops up again.
I'd kill for a straight onycd or onycd 3.
But otherwise it's green point all the way.
I don't lend credence to clone only/exclusive.
chem sis, chem 4, chem d, extinct.
And if any cuts truelly exist, they're too far gone genetically.
Chem 91 is robust because it's crossed ie nl, haze, skunk,
Stardawg shines still because of the affie in double dawg but it needs another injection.
The new chems, are hybrids and need work imho
Common sense says chem chucking days are over,
work the lines or watch em fade into obscurity like the ak's and white widows of Christmas past

Shes just a little thing. Tents are 2.5x2.5x5 so i have to keep em pretty small. Those are 2' stakes but not sunk to the bottom so shes just shy of 3'. 1.5 gal pot, pro mix hp with worm castings, happy frog dry fert and nectar for the gods nutes. Mykos wp, mammoth p and slf-100. Light is 3 vero 29 COBs @ 2100ma for 240 watts, 3500°k.