Topping off the DWC. Using nutrient mix or fresh pH water only

Are you saying some people never change the reservoir water?
Sounds like I've been doing something in between. I change my reservoir every 7-10 days with fresh nutrient solution and Hydro guard. I've been topping off with freshwater pH water as needed.
i change mine day 13 or even 14-15. i actually see more growth and ph stability after day 6-7. i top off by mixing nutes/ro in 1gl jug and add, if ppm to high, just add ro.
What is a good ppm number and ec number ? Thanks
but there is no definitive answer, really depends on your strain and amount of light plants get. i use the plants color if its light pale green, you can increase, if very dark or showing nute burn, then decrease by adding straight RO water.
Thank guys I havent checked mines in weeks. Prob will do that tonite now to see where im at. Ill post it. I have 4-7.5 gal totes going. 2- flower. 2-veg
I change res water out once a week. 5 gallon igloo cooler. Put in all my nutes and top off with regular water rest of week. If using rainwater I will add some cal mag but other than that, just the water. Using Blue planet nutes it's working great. Ran a plant with house and gardens same way, did awesome.
either way. some people top off with nutes for the whole grow and never change a res

some start with nutes and top off with water and at the end of the week start over again.
I understand the slope feeding. However, when topping off with nute mix, say 1 gallon. Do we simply use the nutes:1 gallon ratio and then add that mix to the 4 gallons already inside the DWC? The DWC pH and EC should be much different from your newly made 1 gallon nute mix. When adding new nute mix ph'd properly (1 gallon) when added to the rest of the nute mix in the rez won't the pH and EC change drastically?