Easy to make foam door, make foam srtucture minus the sidewall adjacent to the door your makin, so you can get in and out. So your box is 3/4 the way framed in.Get som large washers, hinges, som nuts and bolts long enough to go through yout 3/4"foam box or w/e width. Simply put your hinge up on the outside with the washe underneath it, poke the bolt through the foam, repeate with the door side of the hinge, repeate with x ammount of hinges. Then go inside, put your backing washers on, then nuts, tighten and boom door, or almost. Now just cut out the door, and she should swing open with a little love. Make it easy on yourself by making measurements for your hinges so they are exact and likewise for your cuts on your door. I wouldnt overkill with poly. Maybe blanket to cover the cracks in the foam door, ya know light leak.