Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
The hermed Tahoe made some real shit... Stigma curling back all over my flowering room. Sometimes great circulation is a curse. I am not doing a seed-run off Swerve's herm crap. I never saw an open nanner but I pulled all the herm plants when I noticed. Been keeping a close eye since. Just lost my entire 4 cycles. Set me back months. Absolutely gutted.

All my flowering ladies got the chop. Not in a happy mood. Will catch up with you all tomorrow.

On the plus side, Dream Beaver seedlings already doubled the size of their first little leaves. Even with all of this, looking at them fills me with joy. I have an excellent feeling about them.



Well-Known Member
That's cool on the Dream Beaver Hamish-man! Very very sorry to hear about the rest of the grow, though. That's just awful.


Well-Known Member
I am really sorry to hear this Hamish. I am speechless. I know you will be really happy with the Bohdi gear. I am sick to hear this.


Well-Known Member
I want to hear more about the Dream Beaver. Sounds like something to look forward to!

If you were here I'd get you poopy-faced. But you're not, so in anticipation of you saying "go ahead and start without me," I have already.


Well-Known Member
Damn Hamish, that stinks! The only way to look at this is how much better that Bodhi gear is gonna smoke when you get those to the finish line! I've got some Dream Lotus that are going to get popped here soon, so I'll be riding shotgun with ya on this one!
  • bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yeah bodhi is good shit! i have a friend who has been running sunshine daydream for some time. I want that , mothers milk, lucky charms, some more goji OG... fuck it the list goes on really. him and GGG are among my preffered breeders.


Well-Known Member
yeah like gandalf said any of them will be good. Ive smoked a few of he strains of a friends. But Im doing my first go now and have some testers going too. but right now my charity OG , im pretty sure ones a male ones a female. more like 99 percent sure. im telling you now , i can tell good genetics when I see them , and these are special. Plus like gandalf was saying , no bs on GGG forums. He myself and many from RIU are over there. Ill show yall what I mean in a few days like i had mentioned earlier, I want to have somethign to show and not a boring little inch to 3 inch seedling for ya' haha. but genetics like these take the stress out of things. lol i feel like the genetics is like the forums .. no bs haha. I have a couple packs of Blessings OG kush as well as the charity. i like OGs.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hey thanks a stack you wonderful people you :) I have decided that this is that one time I had to experience this, figure I can't call myself 'experienced' without going through it in the end, after all this is the first time I see herm plants in real life. And I guess I brought it on myself, this is Karma at work. Me and Swerve don't like each other and I guess this is what happens, I mean I really dissed the guy in the end, really told him off like I've never done to anybody on this site before. Doing that does not fit in with how I would like to be. Sounds terrible, but I kinda deserved it. He really got the sharpest end of my tongue and I guess I hit below the belt. Really my bad.

I spent a half-hour in the flowering room after lights out, I wanted to really see if absolutely anything could have contributed. Any light leaks sprung up, a duct perhaps, whatever. So I found a little something: In the table they were in, right in the spot where they were, I eventually noticed a beam of red light... coming off my A/C's stand-by LED. Like a single little red lazer folks. Talk about a facepalm moment. Where this might not usually be an issue, with an in-bred OGK it definitely would contribute to an issue like this. Damn, I feel stupid.

Rrog, I got the Dream Beaver because of Bodhi's description, I just could NOT resist. Plus it has one serious lineage to back it up, Gooey's Dirty Hippy meets Bodhi's inimitable Appalachia daddy, I think I will be very happy indeed. One guy on here reckons he got a STRAWBERRY FUEL pheno, my gods if I get as lucky as to get a strawberry fuel nom nom nom:

i knew this would be a special strain, and i needed a special name, something that would make people go WTF! and crack a big smile. i envisioned this odiferous sativa dominant strain as something that the holy man from even cow girls get the blues would toke on up in his cave on full moon nights. i had that dreamweaver song from the 70's stuck in my head and was thinking of native American names, and dream beaver was born. later when i searched around for what beaver medicine was in the totems of indigenous people i came across this info and everything fell into place:

"In essence, the beaver tells us to believe in our dreams as if they were real. Build on them as if the dream is your reality.
Change the course of your life flow by structuring your life with a goal to coax your dreams into your physical reality. Animal symbolism of the beaver deals with building our lives up around our dreams."

the genetics of dream beaver are dirty hippy crossed to appalachia, dirty hippy is an afgooey blocked cross and sister to the snow lotus male, appalachia is green crack x jj's tres dawg created by h&l. this magical mammalian hybrid smells of muskrat, kitchen herbs, caramelized onion, baked garlic, animal den, she musk, pommellow, peppercorn, and pink grapefruit zest…no joke…. with a blast off sativa high that really gets you moving and grooving, and hefty yields of some of the most exotic buds on the block. get your dreams in motion with some dream beaver in your victory garden.

EDIT: Bodhi is retiring the Appalachia daddy it seems and is going to go Indica for his next drops... Grab this one while you can, seriously, before it goes the route of the Tranquil Elephantizer RMX, never to be seen again... That's Bodhi's style, limited drops ;)


Well-Known Member
I heard that about the appy male too. Rumors were abound that he was going to retire this male. Some people said he may have lost the male somehow. Who knows I guess. The minute I heard this I bought two packs with the appy male in there. It was buy 2 get Blueberry Hill free. It just turned out that the Bleuberry Hill had the appy male too. I think you are spot on about getting these while you can.
The thing I don't get about light leaks is how plants that are grown outdoors deal with the moon and such. I try to be perfect and avoid them entirely, but I have had a few in the past without incident.


Well-Known Member
nah brother dont put that on karma for SWERVE. please dont get me going . fuck that guy . and ill leave it there because I have a shit ton more to say about that cross-eyed brat. Hes got more bad karma than could ever come back around on you for disliking him . he does NOT belong in the industry. You wouldnt even know how many others breeders cant stand him. shit happens. completely fucked a cat piss grow a few years back. dumbass buddy left a bathroom in the spot that was adjacent to garden open with lights on . didnt go back for 3 days. came back. herm city. shit happens . you live and you learn . bet u wont let that light shine through at night again right? If youre ever buying beans again ( you will be :) ) sunshine daydream I must pick up soon. my friends cut smells pretty on point with description of it. kinda a buttery dank taste. buying seeds is addictive. i might need an intervention , I could spend thousands on seeds before even popping one hahaha.


Well-Known Member
the genetics of dream beaver are dirty hippy crossed to appalachia, dirty hippy is an afgooey blocked cross and sister to the snow lotus male, appalachia is green crack x jj's tres dawg created by h&l. this magical mammalian hybrid smells of muskrat, kitchen herbs, caramelized onion, baked garlic, animal den, she musk, pommellow, peppercorn, and pink grapefruit zest…no joke…. with a blast off sativa high that really gets you moving and grooving, and hefty yields of some of the most exotic buds on the block. get your dreams in motion with some dream beaver in your victory garden.

Now see that's a description I can work with! I wanna find an oldschool hoarder from the 70-80's that saved every bean from every sack he ever got, a friend claimed to have a family member like that north of me on the Canadian border so yeah naturally im gonna go check this shit out. Big question is how do you get a hoarder to share? Maybe bring them something else to replace item? l


Well-Known Member
Gandalf thats very interesting , my only possible thought . and this is from no research or anything is that it is because of the spectrum and UV rays not really directly hitting the plants. or they just didnt need full darkness truly to begin with . But i get what youre saying because on full moon nights I dont really even need man made lighting to see my way through the field and wooded area out here. like i wonder how people in LA do their backyard grows. anyone whos ever been to any one of the 10 largest cities in the US knows its never really dark unless theres a power outtage. LOL.

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
I assumed its why they list plants as indoor, outdoor or both... I figured that maybe because a plant was grown indoors and bred indoors that after so long of continuing this strain in the same fashion it may become so genetically in tune to indoor pitch black lights off that any light will cause stress on the plant...?


Well-Known Member
How about the lights from planes at night? Stars? They may be minor but they are similar to leaks. Corey is spot on about cities. My thought on the listing of plants as indoor/outdoor etc had to with height and such. Interesting thought though. :joint:

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
How about the lights from planes at night? Stars? They may be minor but they are similar to leaks. Corey is spot on about cities. My thought on the listing of plants as indoor/outdoor etc had to with height and such. Interesting thought though. :joint:
I've thought about that, bro. My only conclusion is that celestial bodies move, so with the moon it will be like the sun not equal intensity everywhere all at once. Light leaks are static beams of light burning away on one spot, maybe that's the big difference and is particularly the trigger for the hormonal change, the fact that a few photons of constant intensity on one spot will be more easily felt than a gently drifting 'carpet' of light. Passing clouds etc further help with this. And then there are other factors with the light, indoors our day cycle is precise and constant, outdoors there is a small difference every day, and that just seems like a more logical way for a plant to set it's clock by and extra light doesn't really have that much of an effect, because I have seen MANY balcony-grows in the city and no herms there. Indoors everything is rigid so an anomaly is easily perceived, outdoors everything is rubbery and in flux so many more cues for a plant to follow... It's like from a plant's perspective indoor growing is like looking at the world through a straw, not much to guide it by.


Well-Known Member
That is a great explanation Hamish. Amazing descriptions.

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Mad Hamish again.
