Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks a stack you wonderful people you :) I have decided that this is that one time I had to experience this, figure I can't call myself 'experienced' without going through it in the end, after all this is the first time I see herm plants in real life. And I guess I brought it on myself, this is Karma at work. Me and Swerve don't like each other and I guess this is what happens, I mean I really dissed the guy in the end, really told him off like I've never done to anybody on this site before. Doing that does not fit in with how I would like to be. Sounds terrible, but I kinda deserved it. He really got the sharpest end of my tongue and I guess I hit below the belt. Really my bad.

I spent a half-hour in the flowering room after lights out, I wanted to really see if absolutely anything could have contributed. Any light leaks sprung up, a duct perhaps, whatever. So I found a little something: In the table they were in, right in the spot where they were, I eventually noticed a beam of red light... coming off my A/C's stand-by LED. Like a single little red lazer folks. Talk about a facepalm moment. Where this might not usually be an issue, with an in-bred OGK it definitely would contribute to an issue like this. Damn, I feel stupid.

Rrog, I got the Dream Beaver because of Bodhi's description, I just could NOT resist. Plus it has one serious lineage to back it up, Gooey's Dirty Hippy meets Bodhi's inimitable Appalachia daddy, I think I will be very happy indeed. One guy on here reckons he got a STRAWBERRY FUEL pheno, my gods if I get as lucky as to get a strawberry fuel nom nom nom:

i knew this would be a special strain, and i needed a special name, something that would make people go WTF! and crack a big smile. i envisioned this odiferous sativa dominant strain as something that the holy man from even cow girls get the blues would toke on up in his cave on full moon nights. i had that dreamweaver song from the 70's stuck in my head and was thinking of native American names, and dream beaver was born. later when i searched around for what beaver medicine was in the totems of indigenous people i came across this info and everything fell into place:

"In essence, the beaver tells us to believe in our dreams as if they were real. Build on them as if the dream is your reality.
Change the course of your life flow by structuring your life with a goal to coax your dreams into your physical reality. Animal symbolism of the beaver deals with building our lives up around our dreams."

the genetics of dream beaver are dirty hippy crossed to appalachia, dirty hippy is an afgooey blocked cross and sister to the snow lotus male, appalachia is green crack x jj's tres dawg created by h&l. this magical mammalian hybrid smells of muskrat, kitchen herbs, caramelized onion, baked garlic, animal den, she musk, pommellow, peppercorn, and pink grapefruit zest…no joke…. with a blast off sativa high that really gets you moving and grooving, and hefty yields of some of the most exotic buds on the block. get your dreams in motion with some dream beaver in your victory garden.

EDIT: Bodhi is retiring the Appalachia daddy it seems and is going to go Indica for his next drops... Grab this one while you can, seriously, before it goes the route of the Tranquil Elephantizer RMX, never to be seen again... That's Bodhi's style, limited drops ;)

Hamish, just add a little Vagisil to your nutrient tea and that should clear up that "she musk" for ya. :-)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hamish, just add a little Vagisil to your nutrient tea and that should clear up that "she musk" for ya. :-)
You, Sir, need to start hanging out with a different class of woman :mrgreen: LOL

Anyhow bad jokes aside, my first all-organic indoor plants, transplanted yesterday after slowly building this soil over quite a lot of weeks. They were getting a bit hungry in their little cups but already within a day they are looking much stronger. Fresh LVBK babies, reckoned an A/B comparison was in order:

They got tons of extra mycos at transplant, and a top-dressing of volcanic rock dust. Fed them a FERMENTED compost extract, what I did was take some of my pH 9 water (super-low ppm's, it's rain-water high pH is because of natural algae on sides of tank) and pH'd it using the compost extract which is also incredibly microbe-rich, it's a kinda indigenous microbe innoculant I cooked up more than a tea. Didn't realise that's what I was doing but after reading some it is what I did, thanks again Gramps :)

So if all goes to plan, they will not really need anything more than for me to finish making the Lacto B syrum and spraying the leaves and innoculating the soil. Then just water and they should be in perfect health for a long time. Let's see how it goes!

Edit: Steelheader, if you have persistent humidity problems, in the end good climate control is worth ever penny spent. Even a portable A/C will do very well. Dessiccants only work in extremely small spaces. Climate control will pay itself back in spades.


Well-Known Member
I've had good luck with Promix Seed Starter. Organic and so completely Neutral. Just a little cylinder of it in the larger pot. So the less than 1 week old root doesn't get zapped. Grows out of the Promix and into soil.

Gives it a couple days to harden up, maybe. I like it, anyways.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Take a peek at these. This is an OG Raskal White Fire OG. It is about a month old. I am about to flower it in a week. It has been under a 400W MH in a 24/0 light cycle. No other strains in the room are acting like this and I have never come across a female that showed so strongly so early in 24/0 light. It is acting like a damn auto. The seed was a fem. I have her in a light organic veg mix. Is it a mutant? Does it seem like it's going into flower?



Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Take a peek at these. This is an OG Raskal White Fire OG. It is about a month old. I am about to flower it in a week. It has been under a 400W MH in a 24/0 light cycle. No other strains in the room are acting like this and I have never come across a female that showed so strongly so early in 24/0 light. It is acting like a damn auto. The seed was a fem. I have her in a light organic veg mix. Is it a mutant? Does it seem like it's going into flower?

yes , i have had this issue on feminized seeds before. flower quickly before she goes the other way. however I have had ones that just have an intense preflower... but thats alot man. I really think you should flower before she herms on you . I do not know the cause / science of this issue as much as I know how i handled one of the 2 hat did this to me. one of them i tried to keep vegging and got balls. also check out my TP on my profile in albums if you ge some free time . orange odor coming on strong


Well-Known Member
kinda why i drift away from fem beans.. ultimately theyre stressed. and mutants among other things sometimes have their way of manifesting. I almost always get some bit of mutant genetics with fems.


Well-Known Member
It really too bad you can't get these in regular. I have heard such great things about this strain. I am flowering her this weekend on your advice Corey. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures of some of what is flowering. I just took them tonight.

Engineers' Dream Pheno One

Engineers' Dream Pheno One

Engineers' Dream Pheno One

Engineers' Dream Pheno Two

Engineers' Dream Pheno Two

Engineers' Dream Pheno Two

Engineers' Dream P2

Pineapple Express (I have two phenos like this and a third that is very close)

Pineapple Express

Blue OG

Blue OG

Blue OG

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Those bud-shots would easily grace the pages of a glossy magazine bro. That is proper bud-porn right there. Each one worthy of being the strain's promo-pic, they actually look BETTER than BB's promo pics for sure. The Engineer's Dream is still one of the prettiest plants I have ever seen, since you showed the pics of it in veg I've been in love with it.

About the NightFire OG: Quite simply, it's an auto. You get more than one kind of autoflowering strain. Some flower at a specific age, whereas others at a specific maturity. Nirvana's got a strain (can't remember which) that they advertise specifically as being the latter. To me as an outdoor grower they make a lot of sense for spots where I would need a plant to not go above a certain size, but still get big enough to give me 300 to 400 grams which is my minimum off an outdoor plant. It will finish anything from 45 to 60 days before anything else in my garden too.

Not a desirable trait for an SoG, but I will be doing some digging to see if others have this experience with the plant. If it indeed is a characteristic of the strain, I will be ordering two packs of it.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys for the kind words. It is the White Fire OG though. I posted the question over on icmag in the OG Raskal section so I am expecting an ass whipping at some point today. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Some of the testers. Organics really produces some lush green colors. In these pictures are SBD X FB, Starlet Kush, OB Ripper and LA Haze.



Well-Known Member
The beauty there is really hard to replicate with a regiment of bottle nutes. Even if you can, what you have in the end is far inferior in taste, smell, and potency I.M.H.O. What you have is a real canopy of super dank there bro. A really beautiful representation of what you can achieve with organic soil. The yield looks like it will be quite staggering. The glossy look on the indicas is always a tell tale sign of a very happy lady. Definitely no issues with these girls as they all look so very content. Have a great weekend you green thumbed wizard. Peace, love, and Light.


Well-Known Member
Man it is sooooooo good to see you bro. I hope things are cool. If you ever want to chat I am around. Take a peek at the Engineers' Dream on page 47. Don't you have a few ED? Man it's so good to post you.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures of some of what is flowering. I just took them tonight.

Engineers' Dream Pheno One

Engineers' Dream Pheno One

Engineers' Dream Pheno One

Engineers' Dream Pheno Two

Engineers' Dream Pheno Two

Engineers' Dream Pheno Two

Engineers' Dream P2

Pineapple Express (I have two phenos like this and a third that is very close)

Pineapple Express

Blue OG

Blue OG

Blue OG
When taking pics like this.............your in total darkness aside from the light on the camera? I'm trying to discern how to do good pics without hid lighting being involved.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely beautiful plants Gandalf! "Noob" my ass. I'd hate to go golfing with you ya sandbagger! :-)

As Rrog said, you have the touch!

PS- Can't wait to see the results of your LA Haze. That one is on my radar