Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
F2's of the LA Haze underway very soon. I was so lucky to find a great male of the LA Haze. Stout, short internode spacing, thick rings at the stem brach interface. I have a few pictures of him. He did show his sex early, not that is an indicator of anything. Like most gage strains, the LA Haze was a limited release. You need to get some F2's. ;-)

He is 4+ weeks old. Soon to clone and flower.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Take a peek at these. This is an OG Raskal White Fire OG. It is about a month old. I am about to flower it in a week. It has been under a 400W MH in a 24/0 light cycle. No other strains in the room are acting like this and I have never come across a female that showed so strongly so early in 24/0 light. It is acting like a damn auto. The seed was a fem. I have her in a light organic veg mix. Is it a mutant? Does it seem like it's going into flower?

So I went to the OGR section over on the mag. I posted up the pictures and some guys with wifi experience said that this does not resemble OGR's wifi. I will never buy from the SSC again. That sucks. I am going to kill the damn thing since I can't risk having an unknown in the works. Better yet I'll just toss her in the yard and see what happens. :cuss:

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
So I went to the OGR section over on the mag. I posted up the pictures and some guys with wifi experience said that this does not resemble OGR's wifi. I will never buy from the SSC again. That sucks. I am going to kill the damn thing since I can't risk having an unknown in the works. Better yet I'll just toss her in the yard and see what happens. :cuss:
that sucks bro, but yeah take no risk. And I asked Myco tips on taking pics, he shades the HID a bit with some cardboard, that's how I got the few nice pics I did. It works in the tent but not my flower room where there's more than one light. Was a good tip, many thanks to the Master once again :)


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures of some of what is flowering. I just took them tonight.

Engineers' Dream Pheno One

Engineers' Dream Pheno One

Engineers' Dream Pheno One
:clap:These are such beautiful flowers bro! I mean just sick! Look how frosty those are. That will be some superb herb man. I can tell that it's rock hard dense, and I don't even want to speculate on the scent as nothing I'm thinking will come close to justice. The flowers still have a glossy look only the healthiest plants get, and i assume it's near end of flowering. Your soil is dialed in nice to have this going on bro. I'll be reamending some recycled soil again. I love how it keeps getting more, and more bad @$$. I also find that the more you recycle the soil the less you use re-amending it later on. There's only so much food your plant can go through in a flower cycle, and as long as the micro-life is happy, and thriving it will give your plants an unlimited supply of nutrition. It's all about them micros in there. As we can see you know that Gandalf. Your ladies really look amazing bro I couldn't have been happier to see these pics man, just A++++++ work bro! You better keep me away from your plants when I get to Maine bro cause I can already feel the hips going. Dammmitt now look what you made me do! :leaf::leaf::leaf::hump: :shock: :o Sorry I have to go! Peace out bro, enjoy your weekend. Sorry about the mess on the screen, it wipes right up, or should, LOL!


Well-Known Member
what he's looking for are scratch and sniff bud pron ftw im thinking...........really not a bad idea either but im hella baked atm. I cleaned my grinder after multi-use since 2008! Had no clue there was hidden treasure in that damn grinder!


Well-Known Member
Also can someone remind me which airstone is ideal for our tea's>? ive been a stubborn idiot continuing to buy airstones as they become clogged and unuseable. I did noticed t]some are better than others and id love to avoid going through them like I do.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Good point... I also can go through air-stones like a mad man. They don't clean all that easily either do they?! Looking for dirt-cheap ones so I can treat them as 'disposable'...


Well-Known Member
everytime ive tried to clean my dirty stones they crumble into small piles of granules. Not impressed with my choice in stones I guess. I need a hardcore stone I can get alil rough with!


Well-Known Member
you will notice the smell rise out of the stone / peroxide and the guanos /mycos / benes/ organic material slowly rise out


Well-Known Member
thankyou all excellent idea's. Im gonna hold off on the bleach for now but it'll also help if I get a decent stone instead of going to k-mart and being cheap lmao!