too larry
Well-Known Member
Since I'm outdoors from the get go, I will plant 2-3 seeds in a pot of the lesser strains. I have to transplant them before they are sexually mature, so I can count on 1 or 2 of them being male most of the time. But when I do end up with 2 females, I just tell them to LOB {Lean Over, Baby}. I'm not a big smoker, so yield is not a big deal to me.Yah... I was scratching my head reading that, too. The only time Iv ever seen/heard of multiple plants in the same pot working, is when it is used as a "culling" method. You intentionally plant 2-4 seeds/cuttings per pot, & then cull out the slower, less vigorous plants. Helps with quality & uniformity... never heard of anyone having success growing 3 plants to a pot. At least not the same level of success that giving them all their own pot, so they dont have to compete for space, light & nutrients, will give.
Here is a couple of Gorille de Raisin that I had to LOB.