Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

Nothing you said was factual. Just right wing made up shit. Stop wasting your time on those right wing blogs. People lose intelligence by going to those places. Porn is better for you.
It's open source history. You can look it up, but you won't, because you don't care about facts. You prefer to believe the lies you want to believe
Quote a single instance of me saying anything racist or homophobic. You're a liar who can't refute anything I've said, so you make false accusations because you know you are an idiot who can't support the lies and idiocy you spew from your mouth like a bad case of diarrhea.
So making up a new identity wipes away all your old posts? Come on we're not part of your town or community. We're not stupid. Who do you take us for, your family?
It's open source history. You can look it up, but you won't, because you don't care about facts. You prefer to believe the lies you want to believe
Just like the Russian criminal money laundering done by Trump. If you can't be bothered why should I?
There's a playbook? Seriously, you can look up everything I said, but you won't. You reject that which doesn't agree with what you want to believe. This a stupid way to live your life.
That's not the way it works mama huevo, you make a statement back it up with a link otherwise you're just a come mierda.

That's not the way it works mama huevo, you make a statement back it up with a link otherwise you're just a come mierda.

The way it works is you declare any link I provide as a right-wing lie. So you choose your own sources. But you won't do that either because you do not want the truth, you want your agenda.
So making up a new identity wipes away all your old posts? Come on we're not part of your town or community. We're not stupid. Who do you take us for, your family?
Actually, you are stupid. You lie to yourselves. And believe it. These posts you speak of, post them, without editing them as you seem to often do when they don't actually say what you want to accuse them of saying.
Actually, you are stupid. You lie to yourselves. And believe it. These posts you speak of, post them, without editing them as you seem to often do when they don't actually say what you want to accuse them of saying.
Either way your posts are dismissed.
was obama born in hawaii?
His grandparents published a birth announcement in Hawaii, but it didn't say where he was born. His biography states he was born in Kenya. A certificate of birth(not a birth certificate,two differant things) was printed in 2008 that was signed by the current governor in 2008 that asserts he was born in Hawaii. So do you believe a politician or a biographer?