Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

It's no surprise that you are an ignoramus who can't see past his Hillary hatred to recognize that Trump is the real corrupt politician here. Trump was willing to sell out on NATO in order to gain Putin's support and help from his spies.

Well, you need to cite where Trump was in a office or held a Government job before calling him a Politician. So starting out with false intel don`t make you look good at all now,....does it ?

Hillary is a career Politician with at least something to show to be gaged by.

"Trump is the real corrupt politician here" What a fucking joke you are.
Well, you need to cite where Trump was in a office or held a Government job before calling him a Politician. So starting out with false intel don`t make you look good at all now,....does it ?

Hillary is a career Politician with at least something to show to be gaged by.

"Trump is the real corrupt politician here" What a fucking joke you are.
When the election is over and the history is written, it will show that Traitor Don has colluded with Russia to sell out the United States and her allies. You are ex military. Everything you sacrificed during your stint in the Navy is being sold out. Meanwhile, Traitor Don calls building some hotels "sacrifice" and compared that to the sacrifice a family made when they lost their son in a war. Yet you still support him. It just goes to show the power of fear and right wing propaganda in its affect on weak minds.

Hillary's record shows she will be the most experienced and prepared person to occupy the presidency in I don't know how long. Trump as the record of a weak corrupt business man.
When the election is over and the history is written, it will show that Traitor Don has colluded with Russia to sell out the United States and her allies. You are ex military. Everything you sacrificed during your stint in the Navy is being sold out. Meanwhile, Traitor Don calls building some hotels "sacrifice" and compared that to the sacrifice a family made when they lost their son in a war. Yet you still support him. It just goes to show the power of fear and right wing propaganda in its affect on weak minds.

Hillary's record shows she will be the most experienced and prepared person to occupy the presidency in I don't know how long. Trump as the record of a weak corrupt business man.

It was weak corrupt business men that led and are still leading that war that got the families son killed. Trump promises to let the Pentagon lead the war because that`s what they are trained to do.

Your claim of sacrifice was pawns being slaughtered so Democrats can look good doing something. Fighting a war the way the US has been doing for the last eight years under Political Correctness is the fastest way to kill your own troops.

Simply put, there will be civi casualties, there will be protests, there will be refugees in any war, trying to do it by avoiding that will get your own killed.

I`ll hand you proof,.... General Norman Schwarzkopf, and Colon Powell are two of the finest field marshals that ever walked the planet. Both play by the book and know the risks and rewards. During Desert Storm in 90, against a million man Army,...we lost four or five to enemy fires. It was over in a week or two. Letting Saudi Arabia pay and use of their CVN docks,...was gonna get the primary objective done fastest. We owe them for that. It may have taken a year or more and the casualties would be higher on our side if not for the Saudi`s.

They made all the right moves, calls, and ended that war (which was a US Assault) in record time with minimal casualties. As that war wound down, one General was forced to halt his advance to Bagdad. (Norman) and the other forced to retire (Colon) After cl;early stating to finish them off.

The President, (Bush) Got the bulk out of the way,.. then proceeded to run it with political Correctness. Ten years later the General`s warnings came to fruition,...we`re back at it, and using Political Correctness as a guide.

How`s that going ? What`s the body count ? What`s the overall direction the war in Iraq is going now that the enemies have taken that country, and are occupying the other (Syria)?

Obama knows how badass and ruthless the US military can be,...that`s why he does not use it to it`s maximum ability. Ask yourself,...Why would someone do that ?
When the election is over and the history is written, it will show that Traitor Don has colluded with Russia to sell out the United States and her allies. You are ex military. Everything you sacrificed during your stint in the Navy is being sold out. Meanwhile, Traitor Don calls building some hotels "sacrifice" and compared that to the sacrifice a family made when they lost their son in a war. Yet you still support him. It just goes to show the power of fear and right wing propaganda in its affect on weak minds.

Hillary's record shows she will be the most experienced and prepared person to occupy the presidency in I don't know how long. Trump as the record of a weak corrupt business man.

As far as the Hillary record goes,....She has one and most voters want a new guy without one, strings attached, the so called record holding experienced one`s, are losing the war in Iraq and not addressing Syria.

Even Stevie Wonder can see that.
As far as the Hillary record goes,....She has one and most voters want a new guy without one, strings attached, the so called record holding experienced one`s, are losing the war in Iraq and not addressing Syria.

Even Stevie Wonder can see that.
What record are you talking about? The real one or the one fed to you by the right wing propaganda machine. The real record is not spotless, she did support some odious welfare reform and crime bills during Bill Clinton's presidency and she voted for the Iraq war. On the other hand, she has supported funding for child health care, funding for 911 firefighter's medical expenses, and jobs programs. Want to fill me in on what you mean by "Hillary's record"? Not Faux news and other right wing made up shit but something substantial?

Trump most certainly has strings attached, to money loaned in the hundreds of millions to him by China and Russia. He's the biggest liar and most corrupt politician there is. And he is a politician. He's always been in politics, buying influence, selling favors for his own benefit. He's now courting your and millions of people's votes. He's definitely a corrupt politician.
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It was weak corrupt business men that led and are still leading that war that got the families son killed. Trump promises to let the Pentagon lead the war because that`s what they are trained to do.

Your claim of sacrifice was pawns being slaughtered so Democrats can look good doing something. Fighting a war the way the US has been doing for the last eight years under Political Correctness is the fastest way to kill your own troops.

Simply put, there will be civi casualties, there will be protests, there will be refugees in any war, trying to do it by avoiding that will get your own killed.

I`ll hand you proof,.... General Norman Schwarzkopf, and Colon Powell are two of the finest field marshals that ever walked the planet. Both play by the book and know the risks and rewards. During Desert Storm in 90, against a million man Army,...we lost four or five to enemy fires. It was over in a week or two. Letting Saudi Arabia pay and use of their CVN docks,...was gonna get the primary objective done fastest. We owe them for that. It may have taken a year or more and the casualties would be higher on our side if not for the Saudi`s.

They made all the right moves, calls, and ended that war (which was a US Assault) in record time with minimal casualties. As that war wound down, one General was forced to halt his advance to Bagdad. (Norman) and the other forced to retire (Colon) After cl;early stating to finish them off.

The President, (Bush) Got the bulk out of the way,.. then proceeded to run it with political Correctness. Ten years later the General`s warnings came to fruition,...we`re back at it, and using Political Correctness as a guide.

How`s that going ? What`s the body count ? What`s the overall direction the war in Iraq is going now that the enemies have taken that country, and are occupying the other (Syria)?

Obama knows how badass and ruthless the US military can be,...that`s why he does not use it to it`s maximum ability. Ask yourself,...Why would someone do that ?
Complete hot mess of revisionist history here. Trump says he knows more about ISIS than the generals do. He says the military has competely screwed up the war against them Only he can fix it. Does that sound like a leader who will "let the Pentagon lead"?

Trump compared building Trump tower to the sacrifice of a son in Iraq -- a total lack of empathy and understanding. The kind of response one would expect from a narcissist. He won't listen to his generals and he will do what he wants -- without really understanding the situation. The fastest way to kill troops is to send them into war without understanding the situation. This is the kind of war leader you support.

I'm not going to argue with you about Schwartzkopf or Powell. But I will remind you that GW Bush and his team first lied to Powell about the WMDs, then sent troops into a long term war without adequate armor -- remember Rumsfeld telling that soldier "fight the war with the army you have not the one you want to have"? This when his team was totally unprepared to occupy the country they just defeated, leaving soldiers in harms way without adequate armor or troops. The Republican team under GW completely disregarded their generals and Powell before the invasion about the number of "boots on the ground" necessary to keep peace after defeating Iraq's army and so they lost the peace, leading to the sacrifice that Khan's family experienced. Also the irresponsible leadership of GW Bush and team in Iraq can be pointed to as the cause of the rise and establishment of ISIS.

"Political Correctness", translation: I'm a weak and privileged white man who doesn't want to work hard doesn't want to learn anything and wants protection from my historically deprived brown brothers and sisters. Oh poor downtrodden white men, let me shed a crocodile tear for you.

"Only Trump can fix it". Oh yeah, sure.
Complete hot mess of revisionist history here. Trump says he knows more about ISIS than the generals do. He says the military has competely screwed up the war against them Only he can fix it. Does that sound like a leader who will "let the Pentagon lead"?

Trump compared building Trump tower to the sacrifice of a son in Iraq -- a total lack of empathy and understanding. The kind of response one would expect from a narcissist. He won't listen to his generals and he will do what he wants -- without really understanding the situation. The fastest way to kill troops is to send them into war without understanding the situation. This is the kind of war leader you support.

I'm not going to argue with you about Schwartzkopf or Powell. But I will remind you that GW Bush and his team first lied to Powell about the WMDs, then sent troops into a long term war without adequate armor -- remember Rumsfeld telling that soldier "fight the war with the army you have not the one you want to have"? This when his team was totally unprepared to occupy the country they just defeated, leaving soldiers in harms way without adequate armor or troops. The Republican team under GW completely disregarded their generals and Powell before the invasion about the number of "boots on the ground" necessary to keep peace after defeating Iraq's army and so they lost the peace, leading to the sacrifice that Khan's family experienced. Also the irresponsible leadership of GW Bush and team in Iraq can be pointed to as the cause of the rise and establishment of ISIS.

"Political Correctness", translation: I'm a weak and privileged white man who doesn't want to work hard doesn't want to learn anything and wants protection from my historically deprived brown brothers and sisters. Oh poor downtrodden white men, let me shed a crocodile tear for you.

"Only Trump can fix it". Oh yeah, sure.
I am shocked you can even work up the enthusiasm anymore. I think we have already moved into the post-election phase. I don't think I take TRUMP! seriously anymore - and neither do about 80% of the country.
As far as the Hillary record goes,....She has one and most voters want a new guy without one, strings attached, the so called record holding experienced one`s, are losing the war in Iraq and not addressing Syria.

Even Stevie Wonder can see that.
Most voters want a new guy you say, you might be right but looking at the poll numbers it sure as shit not going to be Trump.

I am shocked you can even work up the enthusiasm anymore. I think we have already moved into the post-election phase. I don't think I take TRUMP! seriously anymore - and neither do about 80% of the country.
Until the odds drop below 5%, I'm not even close to being relaxed about this election. Not that anything I say here matters, just saying that 16% chance of Trump winning the election is about 10% too high. If I had a 16% risk of major property loss, I'd be taking out an insurance policy and paying a high premium.
Complete hot mess of revisionist history here. Trump says he knows more about ISIS than the generals do. He says the military has competely screwed up the war against them Only he can fix it. Does that sound like a leader who will "let the Pentagon lead"?

Trump compared building Trump tower to the sacrifice of a son in Iraq -- a total lack of empathy and understanding. The kind of response one would expect from a narcissist. He won't listen to his generals and he will do what he wants -- without really understanding the situation. The fastest way to kill troops is to send them into war without understanding the situation. This is the kind of war leader you support.

I'm not going to argue with you about Schwartzkopf or Powell. But I will remind you that GW Bush and his team first lied to Powell about the WMDs, then sent troops into a long term war without adequate armor -- remember Rumsfeld telling that soldier "fight the war with the army you have not the one you want to have"? This when his team was totally unprepared to occupy the country they just defeated, leaving soldiers in harms way without adequate armor or troops. The Republican team under GW completely disregarded their generals and Powell before the invasion about the number of "boots on the ground" necessary to keep peace after defeating Iraq's army and so they lost the peace, leading to the sacrifice that Khan's family experienced. Also the irresponsible leadership of GW Bush and team in Iraq can be pointed to as the cause of the rise and establishment of ISIS.

"Political Correctness", translation: I'm a weak and privileged white man who doesn't want to work hard doesn't want to learn anything and wants protection from my historically deprived brown brothers and sisters. Oh poor downtrodden white men, let me shed a crocodile tear for you.

"Only Trump can fix it". Oh yeah, sure.

To me, only he can fix it indicates that he is the only one willing to take on the task. Obama wont and has not, Hillary will not either. Only he can fix it is correct. Anything else ?

As far as the WMD, they were moved from Iraq to Syria and long after that war, resurfaced in Syria only to be handed over to Putin under the Temperature law threat that he made. Obama massed the navy off Cypress to use conventional weapons. The WMD was correct but alluded US intelligence. We got out smarted. Anything else you need corrected ? Where in gods name do you think rebels and Assad got them ? I will school you fool.
since you cited politifact earlier to back up your claims, i will use politifact to debunk this festering shitstink you put out there.

"we rate it Mostly False."

by the way, stop plagiarizing lies directly from rush limbaugh. we already know you are racist, no need to prove you are brainwashed and retarded too.
like what? Show what the Clinton Foundation spends that 85% on. Also show us what it spends that 15% on. Why should anybody care what you think. Show us the facts.

Trump is selling the country out to Russia. You don't think that is important? What about secure borders? The wall would be between Mexico and the US. No wall is proposed in Alaska is it?

Nobody is "pretending" Trump has ties with Russia. Trump himself has said he does:
Trump has boasted in the past of his many meetings with Russian oligarchs. During one trip to Moscow, Trump bragged that they all showed up to meet him to discuss projects around the globe. “Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room

The Times also reported that federal court records recently released showed yet another link to Russian financial interests in Trump businesses. A Bayrock official “brokered a $50 million investment in Trump SoHo and three other Bayrock projects by an Icelandic firm preferred by wealthy Russians ‘in favor with’ President Vladimir V. Putin,’”

Who is Bayrock? “Tax evasion and money-laundering are the core of Bayrock’s business model,” the lawsuit said of the financiers behind Trump Soho. The financing came from Russian-affiliated business interests that engaged in criminal activities, it said.

Trump Soho was so complicated that Bayrock’s finance chief, Jody Kriss, sued it for fraud. In the lawsuit, Kriss alleged that a primary source of funding for Trump’s big projects with Bayrock arrived “magically” from sources in Russia and Kazakhstan whenever the business interest needed funding.

Go ahead and complain about some nobody in Clinton's foundation talking to a nobody in the State Dept as if Clinton knew about it. It looks bad and shouldn't have happened. But that is nothing compared to what Trump is doing. Trump is up to his eyeballs in dirty Russian Oligarch money and he knows it. His financial relationships with a Russian criminal bank are public knowledge that can be found in court proceedings. Before too long, this will be laid bare.
He's selling out to the Russians in the form of recognizing Russia's theft of Ukrainian soil and he's willing to dissolve the NATO alliance. Now we know why. So, suck it, Red.
i believe it was Obama who recognized the annexation of Crimea, following Hilary's famous"reset" with Russia. Trump can no more recognize anything anymore than you or I can. Clinton was up to her eyeballs in "dirty" money as SoS, a business accepting investments is kind of normal, you can make the same accusations against Walmart, Apple, or Microsoft. Pretending The C Foundation and the State Dept. secretly coluding is meaningless is just dishonest. But you would allow Clinton anything, stealing the nomination from Bernie, attacking her husbands rape victims, stealing the Whitehouse china, murdering Vincent Foster. You do not care about her crimes in office and out. Why you keep blathering about Trump as if that somehow whitewashes Hilary's crime is laughable.
To me, only he can fix it indicates that he is the only one willing to take on the task. Obama wont and has not, Hillary will not either. Only he can fix it is correct. Anything else ?

As far as the WMD, they were moved from Iraq to Syria and long after that war, resurfaced in Syria only to be handed over to Putin under the Temperature law threat that he made. Obama massed the navy off Cypress to use conventional weapons. The WMD was correct but alluded US intelligence. We got out smarted. Anything else you need corrected ? Where in gods name do you think rebels and Assad got them ? I will school you fool.
To you only Trump can fix it? You befuddled fool, your opinion isn't worth a dried out smear of spunk.

And the story you told about WMD's is really funny. So, thanks for that. You are aware that GW Bush made up that story about stockpiles of WMDs. It's public knowlege that Bush knew there were not stockpiles of WMDs well ahead of the invasion. Whatever fantasy you have about Obama is about six years after GWB made that story up. Unless you have Obama listed as an admiral in 2003. In your fantasy, that is.

The weapons Assad used were not sophisticated and can be easily made by any country with a petro-chemical plant.

Where do you get this stuff? Care to cite a source?
i believe it was Obama who recognized the annexation of Crimea, following Hilary's famous"reset" with Russia. Trump can no more recognize anything anymore than you or I can. Clinton was up to her eyeballs in "dirty" money as SoS, a business accepting investments is kind of normal, you can make the same accusations against Walmart, Apple, or Microsoft. Pretending The C Foundation and the State Dept. secretly coluding is meaningless is just dishonest. But you would allow Clinton anything, stealing the nomination from Bernie, attacking her husbands rape victims, stealing the Whitehouse china, murdering Vincent Foster. You do not care about her crimes in office and out. Why you keep blathering about Trump as if that somehow whitewashes Hilary's crime is laughable.
Who cares what you believe? A very common malady among right wingers -- the confusion of belief with facts.

Your stories are getting more and more delusional. You should start the healing. Just start saying "Hillary Rodham Clinton, President of the United States" and repeat that several times a day. Over time, reality might set in.

But I doubt it.
As far as the Hillary record goes,....She has one and most voters want a new guy without one, strings attached, the so called record holding experienced one`s, are losing the war in Iraq and not addressing Syria.

Even Stevie Wonder can see that.
Most voters want a new guy, you might be right but just not trump.
i believe it was Obama who recognized the annexation of Crimea, following Hilary's famous"reset" with Russia. Trump can no more recognize anything anymore than you or I can. Clinton was up to her eyeballs in "dirty" money as SoS, a business accepting investments is kind of normal, you can make the same accusations against Walmart, Apple, or Microsoft. Pretending The C Foundation and the State Dept. secretly coluding is meaningless is just dishonest. But you would allow Clinton anything, stealing the nomination from Bernie, attacking her husbands rape victims, stealing the Whitehouse china, murdering Vincent Foster. You do not care about her crimes in office and out. Why you keep blathering about Trump as if that somehow whitewashes Hilary's crime is laughable.
All this shit from the same racist who plagiarizes lies from rush Limbaugh.
