Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

Trump advisers waged covert influence campaign

Aug. 18, 2016 9:32 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — A firm run by Donald Trump's campaign chairman directly orchestrated a covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine's ruling political party, attempting to sway American public opinion in favor of the country's pro-Russian government, emails obtained by The Associated Press show. Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, never disclosed their work as foreign agents as required under federal law.

The lobbying included attempts to gain positive press coverage of Ukrainian officials in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press. Another goal: undercutting American public sympathy for the imprisoned rival of Ukraine's then-president. At the time, European and American leaders were pressuring Ukraine to free her.

Gates personally directed the work of two prominent Washington lobbying firms in the matter, the emails show. He worked for Manafort's political consulting firm at the time.

Manafort and Gates' activities carry outsized importance, since they have steered Trump's campaign since April. The pair also played a formative role building out Trump's campaign operation after pushing out an early rival. Trump shook up his campaign's organization again this week, but Manafort and Gates retain their titles and much of their influence. The new disclosures about their work come as Trump faces criticism for his friendly overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump said Thursday night that, if elected, he will ask senior officials in his administration not to accept speaking fees, for five years after leaving office, from corporations that lobby "or from any entity tied to a foreign government." He said it was among his efforts to "restore honor to government."

Manafort and Gates have previously said they were not doing work that required them to register as foreign agents. Neither commented when reached by the AP on Thursday.

The emails show Gates personally directed two Washington lobbying firms, Mercury LLC and the Podesta Group Inc., between 2012 and 2014 to set up meetings between a top Ukrainian official and senators and congressmen on influential committees involving Ukrainian interests. Gates noted in the emails that the official, Ukraine's foreign minister, did not want to use his own embassy in the United States to help coordinate the visits.

Gates also directed the firms to gather information in the U.S. on a rival lobbying operation, including a review of its public lobbying disclosures, to determine who was behind that effort, the emails show.


more evidence how they all enter public office broke n leave with millions ,election reform & ending .moonlighting are essential in stopping it
@ 15 cents of every $ going to help people I don't see to much around the world action,the hatians protesting 7 days a week agree
Here we go again, it's just another devoted fan of the right wing echo chamber regurgitating the same ole pablum.

You right wingers get me sick with all that patriotic talk but when speculation and damning evidence points to their candidate being propped up with money from Russian and possibly China, I hear crickets.

Read up!
Here we go again, it's just another devoted fan of the right wing echo chamber regurgitating the same ole pablum.

You right wingers get me sick with all that patriotic talk but when speculation and damning evidence points to their candidate being propped up with money from Russian and possibly China, I hear crickets.

Read up!

haha where'd you get the idea I'm a right winger or a left winger,I'm a no winger cause there all fuked
To you only Trump can fix it? You befuddled fool, your opinion isn't worth a dried out smear of spunk.

And the story you told about WMD's is really funny. So, thanks for that. You are aware that GW Bush made up that story about stockpiles of WMDs. It's public knowlege that Bush knew there were not stockpiles of WMDs well ahead of the invasion. Whatever fantasy you have about Obama is about six years after GWB made that story up. Unless you have Obama listed as an admiral in 2003. In your fantasy, that is.

The weapons Assad used were not sophisticated and can be easily made by any country with a petro-chemical plant.

Where do you get this stuff? Care to cite a source?

Like I said, Only Donald has promised to destroy ISIS. You can cite Hillary or Obama if you can. But you can`t. Your problem not mine, it stands till you cite the others.
Public knowledge comes from the media, the media is edited to suit the need. Fool.
Bush knew he would not be able to prove a thing. He knew that Sadam would hide them well before any US troops find them,.so in a strategic sense, they don`t exist. You can`t State without proof is correct. What the public has been told seems only to be what you know.

The weapons the Rebels and Assad were using were identical and 55 gal drums filled with materials taken from Arty shells that have no detonators and because each detonator is unique to the round, they are completely useless in a bore. To circumvent the lack of detonators, they cut open the rounds and filled barrels, planted hand grenades or the like inside, threw them with mortars or dropped them from aircraft because they can`t be used in the G-5 anymore. The shells used came from Iraq. You can believe the media if you chose so. For what it`s worth, Why would Assad or Rebels make simple Chem. Weapons. only to use the worst possible delivery system you can create ? You`re not only a fool, but you are a stupid fool. Kinda like making Chem. Weapons then using the last possible delivery system that might get them delivered.

I can`t disclose the sources. I certainly would not cite the media. Like you in this case. Bad Idea.
Well if Rush said it's a scam then it must be true...right? Where the hell do you think the Clintons got the idea to begin a charity foundation? Papa freakin Bush that's who!

Wanna take a guess who he had listed on it's board membership?


Papa freak`n Bush is worst of the two, at least George W has a heart. Papa Feakin Bush,......does not. So,...don`t go to him. I would choose a hundred Bill`s and two Hillary`s before papa freakin Bush.
Like I said, Only Donald has promised to destroy ISIS. You can cite Hillary or Obama if you can. But you can`t. Your problem not mine, it stands till you cite the others.
Public knowledge comes from the media, the media is edited to suit the need. Fool.
Bush knew he would not be able to prove a thing. He knew that Sadam would hide them well before any US troops find them,.so in a strategic sense, they don`t exist. You can`t State without proof is correct. What the public has been told seems only to be what you know.

The weapons the Rebels and Assad were using were identical and 55 gal drums filled with materials taken from Arty shells that have no detonators and because each detonator is unique to the round, they are completely useless in a bore. To circumvent the lack of detonators, they cut open the rounds and filled barrels, planted hand grenades or the like inside, threw them with mortars or dropped them from aircraft because they can`t be used in the G-5 anymore. The shells used came from Iraq. You can believe the media if you chose so. For what it`s worth, Why would Assad or Rebels make simple Chem. Weapons. only to use the worst possible delivery system you can create ? You`re not only a fool, but you are a stupid fool. Kinda like making Chem. Weapons then using the last possible delivery system that might get them delivered.

I can`t disclose the sources. I certainly would not cite the media. Like you in this case. Bad Idea.

nice conspiracy theories, jew hater.
Like I said, Only Donald has promised to destroy ISIS. You can cite Hillary or Obama if you can. But you can`t. Your problem not mine, it stands till you cite the others.
Public knowledge comes from the media, the media is edited to suit the need. Fool.
Bush knew he would not be able to prove a thing. He knew that Sadam would hide them well before any US troops find them,.so in a strategic sense, they don`t exist. You can`t State without proof is correct. What the public has been told seems only to be what you know.

The weapons the Rebels and Assad were using were identical and 55 gal drums filled with materials taken from Arty shells that have no detonators and because each detonator is unique to the round, they are completely useless in a bore. To circumvent the lack of detonators, they cut open the rounds and filled barrels, planted hand grenades or the like inside, threw them with mortars or dropped them from aircraft because they can`t be used in the G-5 anymore. The shells used came from Iraq. You can believe the media if you chose so. For what it`s worth, Why would Assad or Rebels make simple Chem. Weapons. only to use the worst possible delivery system you can create ? You`re not only a fool, but you are a stupid fool. Kinda like making Chem. Weapons then using the last possible delivery system that might get them delivered.

I can`t disclose the sources. I certainly would not cite the media. Like you in this case. Bad Idea.
You say "I can't disclose the sources". And so, you have nothing. Just an unsubstantiated conspiracy. We've talked often enough for me to understand that you have the education and understanding of a child. Why did you even bother to reply?
To you only Trump can fix it? You befuddled fool, your opinion isn't worth a dried out smear of spunk.

And the story you told about WMD's is really funny. So, thanks for that. You are aware that GW Bush made up that story about stockpiles of WMDs. It's public knowlege that Bush knew there were not stockpiles of WMDs well ahead of the invasion. Whatever fantasy you have about Obama is about six years after GWB made that story up. Unless you have Obama listed as an admiral in 2003. In your fantasy, that is.

The weapons Assad used were not sophisticated and can be easily made by any country with a petro-chemical plant.

Where do you get this stuff? Care to cite a source?
Oh, and the story before about Putin and the temperature laws,...Putin gave them till the next day, Obama pleaded and got a couple weeks and he massed conventional weapons off Cypress.

The media told some other bullshit story that glorified Putin for his generosity.
You say "I can't disclose the sources". And so, you have nothing. Just an unsubstantiated conspiracy. We've talked often enough for me to understand that you have the education and understanding of a child. Why did you even bother to reply?

There are things even you wont understand,...just never stand under me. I`ll shit on you every time.
No theory involved. I like, no I love the Three Stooges.

you spout conspiracy theories and refuse to even cite your retarded sources, jew hater.

prove me wrong by actually citing a source for all the bullshit blather that falls out of your mouth.
There are things even you wont understand,...just never stand under me. I`ll shit on you every time.
Talking to you is like talking to a child. So, your conspiracy requires you to not release your sources. Too funny this. Here is an example of how you understand the world about you. It was drawn by you and posted in an earlier thread. For those that might not be able to decipher OB's drawing it is his hand drawn picture of the earth and it's relationship to radiation from the sun. I like it as an example of primitive art.

The best part about your post is that I can gauge your penis size by it. Watch:
-First of all, wishful has only one "L". Minus one inch on your penis length.
-Secondly, I never pretend - Minus 2 inches on your penis length.
-Thirdly, you projected waaaaaay too much. Now I know that you pretend that those you hate live in some world that you desperately try to define. That is sad, and very comforting to me. Minus 4 inches.

By geez, boyo, you have an extremely tiny penis! How do you manage to get anyone to take you seriously? Ever? That is a rhetorical question by the way. That means you do not have to answer, because we all know that you don't.
-7 inches?

That would make him a girl numbnuts. Lol