Trump is a fucking moron


Well-Known Member
At a White House “listening session” on school shootings Wednesday, President Trump argued that arming teachers and staff was potentially the best way to prevent tragedies such as last week’s massacre at Parkland, Fla.

Concealed carry, Trump said, “only works where you have people very adept at using firearms, of which you have many. And it would be teachers and coaches.”

Referring to Aaron Feis, the assistant football coach and security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who was one of 17 people killed in the Parkland shooting, Trump continued: “If the coach had a firearm in his locker when he ran at this guy, that coach was very brave, saved a lot of lives I suspect.”

Trump went on to say that his administration would look “very strongly” at allowing concealed carry weapons in schools, even though he knew “a lot of people are going to be opposed to it.”

His solution to the mass murders in schools is to arm teachers?

Fuck Trump, and the NRA . They both can suck my dick

Ban fucking assault weapons with 30 round magazines, and start there.

These kids are the tipping point... will not be fast with solid gop control but these kids are not the forgetting type.... i can now envision a day that a GOP candidate is hesitant in bragging about their A+ Rating with the NRA...
At a White House “listening session” on school shootings Wednesday, President Trump argued that arming teachers and staff was potentially the best way to prevent tragedies such as last week’s massacre at Parkland, Fla.

Concealed carry, Trump said, “only works where you have people very adept at using firearms, of which you have many. And it would be teachers and coaches.”

Referring to Aaron Feis, the assistant football coach and security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who was one of 17 people killed in the Parkland shooting, Trump continued: “If the coach had a firearm in his locker when he ran at this guy, that coach was very brave, saved a lot of lives I suspect.”

Trump went on to say that his administration would look “very strongly” at allowing concealed carry weapons in schools, even though he knew “a lot of people are going to be opposed to it.”

His solution to the mass murders in schools is to arm teachers?

Fuck Trump, and the NRA . They both can suck my dick

Ban fucking assault weapons with 30 round magazines, and start there.

Can you imagine if Trump were in a position of taking down an aggressive attacker already deploying his AR15 with a 9 mm revolver how it would go?

My third grade teacher, Mrs. Brummer was a tiny 50+ woman. Is she supposed to take tactical weapons training in order to teach 30 eight year old kids?

They live in a fever dream if they think that school teachers should arm themselves and be the first line of defense for those kids.

Ban em all. Then decide which models to allow. I'm all for single bolt action hunting rifles or whatever the analogue is for hand guns. No semi-automatics. Nobody needs more than six rounds in a clip either.

And pleeeeeze gun nuts, don't lecture me about how there are no assault rifles. Take em back to flint locks, black powder and ram rods if they can't agree on a modern fire arm for self defense and hunting that can't kill a crowd in seconds.
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Can you imagine if Trump were in a position of taking down an aggressive attacker already deploying his AR15 with a 9 mm revolver how it would go?

My third grade teacher, Mrs. Brummer was a tiny 50+ woman. Is she supposed to take tactical weapons training in order to teach 30 eight year old kids?

They live in a fever dream if they think that school teachers should arm themselves and be the first line of defense for those kids.

Ban em all. Then decide which models to allow. I'm all for single bolt action hunting rifles or whatever the analogue is for hand guns. No semi-automatics. Nobody needs more than six rounds in a clip either.

And pleeeeeze gun nuts, don't lecture me about how there are no assault rifles. Take em back to flint locks, black powder and ram rods if they can't agree on a modern fire arm for self defense and hunting that can't kill a crowd in seconds.

I think Mrs.Brummer would have preferred full auto, or the hand grenade option.
It’s all just fucking insane.
It was really telling to see how that guy poured his guts out right to Trump's face about seeing his best friends be murdered and the effect it's had on him and the rest of his friends only for him to switch right into talking point mode about more guns in schools. It's hard to believe someone, especially the president of the United States, could actually be so dumb not to realize and understand the statistics on school shootings..

Dude, off the top of my head, I can name MJD High, Vegas, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Columbine, Aurora, Charleston, Fort Hood (not enough guns I guess..), San Bernardino, Orlando.. I was sitting in the theater waiting to see The Last Jedi when it came out and I had a panic attack before the movie started thinking about this shit.. That's the same thing the people who walk away alive from these things feel; defenseless in your own country. There are so many instances where even if you take every protective measure the GOP is offering, you still won't be safe..

I think it's pretty obvious many of our gun laws lack the ability to actually protect citizens and more gun control regulation needs to be passed. I feel like something about this shooting in Florida kind of tipped the scales where more people are taking notice and getting involved and trying to actually change things. There's a march on Washington on March 14 that people should pay attention to. Gun control is probably going to be a big issue come midterms, too, so pay attention to the position of the person you plan on voting for.
To this day, not a single mass shooting has ever been prevented by a person with a gun.

Guns are offensive weapons. If you don't pull the trigger first, chances are you're dead before you get your gun out of the holster.

The ONLY time a gun is actually advantageous is in your own home. You know full well when you are upstairs, and you're the only one that lives there, and you hear somebody downstairs, that it's an intruder. If armed, you'll be ready for them.

Other than that, you're just a sitting duck like everybody else. There were no less than a dozen armed people at the Las Vegas mass shooting. None of them got off a single round.

The "guns stop people with guns" statement is, without doubt, the DUMBEST fucking statement ever made. It has, in the history of guns in this country, never once proven to be true.
At a White House “listening session” on school shootings Wednesday, President Trump argued that arming teachers and staff was potentially the best way to prevent tragedies such as last week’s massacre at Parkland, Fla.

Concealed carry, Trump said, “only works where you have people very adept at using firearms, of which you have many. And it would be teachers and coaches.”

Referring to Aaron Feis, the assistant football coach and security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who was one of 17 people killed in the Parkland shooting, Trump continued: “If the coach had a firearm in his locker when he ran at this guy, that coach was very brave, saved a lot of lives I suspect.”

Trump went on to say that his administration would look “very strongly” at allowing concealed carry weapons in schools, even though he knew “a lot of people are going to be opposed to it.”

His solution to the mass murders in schools is to arm teachers?

Fuck Trump, and the NRA . They both can suck my dick

Ban fucking assault weapons with 30 round magazines, and start there.

trump on guns: drain the lake.

all coral springs/parkland schools have armed resource officers; douglas had one too..this is split second..there's no time..that school is huge- one reason my daughter hated it there. we were happy when construction of coral glades was finished and she had the option of transfer.
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To this day, not a single mass shooting has ever been prevented by a person with a gun.

Guns are offensive weapons. If you don't pull the trigger first, chances are you're dead before you get your gun out of the holster.

The ONLY time a gun is actually advantageous is in your own home. You know full well when you are upstairs, and you're the only one that lives there, and you hear somebody downstairs, that it's an intruder. If armed, you'll be ready for them.

Other than that, you're just a sitting duck like everybody else. There were no less than a dozen armed people at the Las Vegas mass shooting. None of them got off a single round.

The "guns stop people with guns" statement is, without doubt, the DUMBEST fucking statement ever made. It has, in the history of guns in this country, never once proven to be true.

No offense. But if it was stopped it would never have been a mass shooting so how can you say that?
The people who happen to follow the laws will. The people who dont wont care if assault rifles are legal or not they would still use them. We really need to figure out something else to stop violence in general.
Making more laws only keeps guns out of good people's hands the ones who actually follow them. I don't really know what it is we can start doing different this late in the game but violence is a part of this country and is depicted daily in all forms of media. Think we are going to have to start from the ground up with a lot of things.
The people who happen to follow the laws will. The people who dont wont care if assault rifles are legal or not they would still use them. We really need to figure out something else to stop violence in general.
Making more laws only keeps guns out of good people's hands the ones who actually follow them. I don't really know what it is we can start doing different this late in the game but violence is a part of this country and is depicted daily in all forms of media. Think we are going to have to start from the ground up with a lot of things.
we should ban guns like australia did because they haven't had a gun massacre in over 20 years now. more laws against guns will work very well.

spouting off your NRA-approved propaganda? not so much
we should ban guns like australia did because they haven't had a gun massacre in over 20 years now. more laws against guns will work very well.


What is the point it is a means to an end. Is it not ? Yeah sure if they didn't have guns you think that means the problem will stop? It will just evolve if the guns are not there they can always make their own or use a bomb or a car or a knife or (insert what ever you would like here). A pressure cooker bomb could have done just as much damage. No need to be hostile. We are just trading one form of violence for another, it is a band aid not a cure
What is the point it is a means to an end. Is it not ? Yeah sure if they didn't have guns you think that means the problem will stop? It will just evolve if the guns are not there they can always make their own or use a bomb or a car or a knife or (insert what ever you would like here). A pressure cooker bomb could have done just as much damage. No need to be hostile. We are just trading one form of violence for another, it is a band aid not a cure
Great theory for simple minded folk. Except it does not actually occur in any place where guns have been restricted. Try again... Or just keep parroting this right wing trope.

In all seriousness, this bullshit argument has been made a million times despite the evidence being against it. Did you think you were being intelligent and original?