Trump is a fucking moron

There's a reason the GOP blocks any research into gun violence by the CDC or any other federal agency. Because it proves that all their rhetoric is bullshit.
Technically speaking, it doesn't really block them because it can't. What it does is apply very obvious pressure to not study gun violence. For example, if the CDC spends $250 million on research on gun violence, the Republicans will defund the CDC by the same amount. It is very effective.
What is the point it is a means to an end. Is it not ? Yeah sure if they didn't have guns you think that means the problem will stop? It will just evolve if the guns are not there they can always make their own or use a bomb or a car or a knife or (insert what ever you would like here). A pressure cooker bomb could have done just as much damage. No need to be hostile. We are just trading one form of violence for another, it is a band aid not a cure
then let's ban all semi-automatic rifles and force all the wannabe mass murderers to use rocks and scissors.

if you're worried about not having your mass murder tool of choice, don't be. you have my thoughts and prayers, and those are really effective.
There's a reason the GOP blocks any research into gun violence by the CDC or any other federal agency. Because it proves that all their rhetoric is bullshit.
republican political correctness is the worst. you can't state facts about how guns are just mass murder tools. you can't call a racist a racist without them fucking crying.

republicans hate free speech
No offense. But if it was stopped it would never have been a mass shooting so how can you say that?

Because in several instances, people who were armed were at the mass shootings as they took place. The fact that they were armed did not stop the mass shooting.

I didn't think I was being cryptic when I said:
There were no less than a dozen armed people at the Las Vegas mass shooting. None of them got off a single round.
It was really telling to see how that guy poured his guts out right to Trump's face about seeing his best friends be murdered and the effect it's had on him and the rest of his friends only for him to switch right into talking point mode about more guns in schools. It's hard to believe someone, especially the president of the United States, could actually be so dumb not to realize and understand the statistics on school shootings..

Dude, off the top of my head, I can name MJD High, Vegas, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Columbine, Aurora, Charleston, Fort Hood (not enough guns I guess..), San Bernardino, Orlando.. I was sitting in the theater waiting to see The Last Jedi when it came out and I had a panic attack before the movie started thinking about this shit.. That's the same thing the people who walk away alive from these things feel; defenseless in your own country. There are so many instances where even if you take every protective measure the GOP is offering, you still won't be safe..

I think it's pretty obvious many of our gun laws lack the ability to actually protect citizens and more gun control regulation needs to be passed. I feel like something about this shooting in Florida kind of tipped the scales where more people are taking notice and getting involved and trying to actually change things. There's a march on Washington on March 14 that people should pay attention to. Gun control is probably going to be a big issue come midterms, too, so pay attention to the position of the person you plan on voting for.
