Trump is a fucking moron

Vote out ANYONE, that accepts a fucking dime from the NRA. (GOP?)
Enough is enough.
I liked how that one kid was not taking any of Rubio's nonsense and kept pressing him on why he accepts money from the NRA then votes with them in accordance, every time. He says it's because he supports the 2nd amendment and the NRA just supports his agenda, that's why they donate to him. That's why it's so important to get money out of politics; so that when a politician casts a vote, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that vote was not shrouded in a conflict of interest. If the story is as you say it is, you shouldn't need the $3 million the NRA donated to you to keep voting in accordance with them, so why are you taking it?
If the story is as you say it is, you shouldn't need the $3 million the NRA donated to you to keep voting in accordance with them, so why are you taking it?

And that's it in a nutshell right there.

Lobbying is nothing more than legalized bribery. They "donate" to "your campaign" so that you "consider" their point of view and vote "their way".

That's a lot like giving the cop that just pulled you over a "donation to his fraternal order" so that he would "consider" your point of view and not give you a speeding ticket.

Of course, if you do that, it's called attempted bribery of a public official and you go to jail for it...even though it is, in fact, the same exact fucking thing.
I liked how that one kid was not taking any of Rubio's nonsense and kept pressing him on why he accepts money from the NRA then votes with them in accordance, every time. He says it's because he supports the 2nd amendment and the NRA just supports his agenda, that's why they donate to him. That's why it's so important to get money out of politics; so that when a politician casts a vote, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that vote was not shrouded in a conflict of interest. If the story is as you say it is, you shouldn't need the $3 million the NRA donated to you to keep voting in accordance with them, so why are you taking it?

because in our current political system, he/she with most campaign dollars wins..wooooohooooo! just like God intended:
that shit is true ^^^^ very fucking sad, but true. those stupid people deserve what they get...
It's just too fucking bad those stupid bastards in Mississippi are running the country right now. They won, we lost.
Ha Ha Ha !!!
Every liberal that voted Stein or Sanders, their the ones that should suffer. I guess they are, and they deserve it because they helped to create this mess we live in today
It was a national election for POTUS, not some fucking Green/Independent party bullshit that had no hope of success.
Now what do we have?
Fucking Trump, that's what.
Nice job, assholes.

It's just too fucking bad those stupid bastards in Mississippi are running the country right now. They won, we lost.
Ha Ha Ha !!!
Every liberal that voted Stein or Sanders, their the ones that should suffer. I guess they are, and they deserve it because they helped to create this mess we live in today
It was a national election for POTUS, not some fucking Green/Independent party bullshit that had no hope of success.
Now what do we have?
Fucking Trump, that's what.
Nice job, assholes.
9% of Democrats voted for Trump

How is it the 3% that voted for Stein's fault?
9% of Democrats voted for Trump

How is it the 3% that voted for Stein's fault?
Ist off, no true Dem voted for Trump, and 2nd, those that wasted their vote for Stein were assholes.
Point being, I think a lot of Sanders supporters sat on their hands instead of voting for Clinton, or am I wrong?
Those few thousands cost Clinton the election, like in Pennsylvania, which gave him the Electoral College win

These are the stats for Pennsylvania, which Clinton lost by 44,292 votes

Donald J. Trump Republican 2,970,733

Hillary Clinton Democrat 2,926,441

Gary Johnson Libertarian 146,715

Others Independent 51,306

Jill Stein Green 49,941

So, if the Greens/Independants had pulled their heads out of their asses, Trump wouldn't be POTUS.
Ist off, no true Dem voted for Trump, and 2nd, those that wasted their vote for Stein were assholes.
Point being, I think a lot of Sanders supporters sat on their hands instead of voting for Clinton, or am I wrong?
Those few thousands cost Clinton the election, like in Pennsylvania, which gave him the Electoral College win

These are the stats for Pennsylvania, which Clinton lost by 44,292 votes

Donald J. Trump Republican 2,970,733

Hillary Clinton Democrat 2,926,441

Gary Johnson Libertarian 146,715

Others Independent 51,306

Jill Stein Green 49,941

So, if the Greens/Independants had pulled their heads out of their asses, Trump wouldn't be POTUS.
"No True Scotsman" fallacy. 9% of registered Democrats cast their vote for Trump

Those that voted for Stein practiced their democracy. Is it that hard to believe two of the worst political candidates in history didn't do enough to earn their votes? Candidates are not entitled to votes. If they want votes, they have to offer something voters want. In the case of Clinton and Trump, neither bothered.

Yes, you are wrong. More Sanders supporters voted for Clinton in 2016 than Clinton supporters voted for Obama in 2008, but he still won

Who is to say Stein voters would have voted for Clinton anyway? How do you know Stein voters wouldn't have voted for Trump if Stein wasn't in the race? More Independent and Libertarian voters would likely have voted for Trump had Johnson not been in the race, so even if every Stein vote would have went to Clinton, she still would have probably lost PE

Bottom line is that Clinton was a terrible candidate who did not appeal to white, working class Americans like Trump's fake populist rhetoric did. Had it been Sanders v. Trump in PE, it wouldn't even have been close.
"No True Scotsman" fallacy. 9% of registered Democrats cast their vote for Trump

Those that voted for Stein practiced their democracy. Is it that hard to believe two of the worst political candidates in history didn't do enough to earn their votes? Candidates are not entitled to votes. If they want votes, they have to offer something voters want. In the case of Clinton and Trump, neither bothered.

Yes, you are wrong. More Sanders supporters voted for Clinton in 2016 than Clinton supporters voted for Obama in 2008, but he still won

Who is to say Stein voters would have voted for Clinton anyway? How do you know Stein voters wouldn't have voted for Trump if Stein wasn't in the race? More Independent and Libertarian voters would likely have voted for Trump had Johnson not been in the race, so even if every Stein vote would have went to Clinton, she still would have probably lost PE

Bottom line is that Clinton was a terrible candidate who did not appeal to white, working class Americans like Trump's fake populist rhetoric did. Had it been Sanders v. Trump in PE, it wouldn't even have been close.
Except Bernie lost to Clinton.
Bernie failed to attract black and women support.

He was so badly beaten in the South due to his poor relationships with black voters that his campaign was pretty much done by the middle of March.
Clinton cheated. Why do you refuse to acknowledge that fact?

Claiming victory over a campaign that cheated holds no value. Do you not understand that? Somebody who cheated to win didn't actually win. They cheated to win. Their win is not a win. It's an admission of guilt and a loss. Hillary Clinton cheated, she lost the election because everybody knew she cheated the actual winner out of the debate. She lost because she didn't run on anything Democratic voters wanted. She, like Obama, was more of the 'status quo'.


Clinton cheated. Why do you refuse to acknowledge that fact?

Claiming victory over a campaign that cheated holds no value. Do you not understand that? Somebody who cheated to win didn't actually win. They cheated to win. Their win is not a win. It's an admission of guilt and a loss. Hillary Clinton cheated, she lost the election because everybody knew she cheated the actual winner out of the debate. She lost because she didn't run on anything Democratic voters wanted. She, like Obama, was more of the 'status quo'.
I don't know what you mean by cheating. Were all the rules followed? No. Not by Clinton and not by Bernie.

What I will also say is from everything I've gathered reading and listening about post election analysis, Clinton did not take unfair advantage during the campaign. By that measure, I say that Clinton did not cheat. She most clearly had the opportunity and did not take advantage of her position.

You made me laugh at you by yet again by showing irrelevant opinion polling data. People said they loved Bernie during the 2016 election and he still lost by three million votes.

Finally, you still can't tell me how your story and belief meshes with the fact that Bernie only did well with the white male voter. He totally sucked at getting votes from black and Hispanic people and he didn't win the majority of women voters and not even white women voters. This fact blows apart your theory that "Clinton cheated is why she won". So, answer this adequately and I'll change my tune. Continue to ignore it and you fail.

In order to be believable, your theory must explain why the "Clinton cheated" scenario only affected black, Hispanic and women voters. You keep making this same claim and you've never addressed the inconsistency in your story. You simply ignore it. Not just you but also @schuylaar and @ttystikk have the same blind spot in their stories too.

That's all so fucking yesterday. What about going forward?.

Bernie might win the next time. By then he will have much of the same advantage Clinton had over him in 2016. He was practically unknown in 2015 and in 2019, that won't be the case. I keep saying that I like Bernie too. On many issues he's good. On some issues he's been inadequate. From what I've seen, Bernie isn't doing much to build bridges with the black, Hispanic and women voters of the democratic party that he needs to win the nomination. To me, that's a negative and a blight on his claim that he can be an effective leader. I might vote for him again in the primary, it all depends on who he is running against.
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