Trump is a fucking moron

“We’ve had eight years of listening to Obama foreign policy critiques that, from every ideological quarter, agreed on one thing: The President apparently “just doesn’t understand”—whether it was red lines, allies, opponents, or the persistence of the DC establishment “blob.” Even when it wasn’t coded racism—remember the Romney associate who said claimed that Obama “didn’t fully appreciate the shared history” of the United States and the United Kingdom’s “Anglo-Saxon heritage”?—this view of Obama and his team as at sea in a harsh world is starkly countered by the image Obama and his strongest supporters have sought to instill: that the President is, rather, a chessmaster whose “long game” is often too sophisticated for his critics to grasp.”

Ah the good old days immediately after Trump’s inauguration. Heading into constant sunshine and guidance by obvious experts. So look where we are. Fucking Republicans can’t even play checkers. Much less chess.

And all this junk 2-1/2 years in. Wait until we start entering recession. He’ll lash out more at China and Mexico and India and the Fed and . . ..
His voters and vocal supporters are retards.

“He also opposes free-trade deals supported by Washington Republicans and, unlike some of his rivals, Trump supports a graduated income tax that would result in billionaires like himself paying higher rates.”

From 2015. “He keeps his promises.” Notice he never promised you this political bullshit. He just “supports” it like such a plan was ever introduced of ever will be. Buy guns and lots of ammunition.
. “He keeps his promises.”
He's a fucking pathological liar that will say 2 different things about the same subject in the same sentence, time and time again.
"There were good people on both sides"
"I didn't call off the air strikes, I just delayed them"
"I ordered ICE to arrest all migrants illegally in this country"
"Well, I put a delay on that operation, so it's not going to happen now"
If that fucker said the sun will rise tomorrow, I'd finish my will and be prepared for the Apocalypse.
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He's a fucking pathological liar that will say 2 different things about the same subject in the same sentence, time and time again.
"Their were good people on both sides"
"I didn't call off the air strikes, I just delayed them"
"I ordered ICE to arrest all migrants illegally in this country"
"Well, I put a delay on that operation, so it's not going to happen now"
If that fucker said the sun will rise tomorrow, I'd finish my will and be prepared for the Apocalypse.
I would only believe him if he was claiming that the sun was rising if I watched it live in person with him in between me and the sun. I know all politicians lie for various reasons and sometimes out of necessity. Such as actual national security. But this sonofabitch is worse than anyone I have ever personally known and I worked about 5 years doing dialysis at the Texas state prison medical facility where they housed the criminally insane. He is an original piece of privileged work.
And all this junk 2-1/2 years in.
2.5 years in and he has already almost doubled the national debt with his tax cuts and military spending.
You know what Trumps legacy will be by the time he get's thrown out of office?
A bankrupt nation that will take fucking generations to pay off the debt, if ever.
Your children and mine are fucked, because this Nation (World?) will never be the same as a result of that twat.
Oh, the good news is that all that the Red states are getting fucked the hardest by his policies.
Maybe there might actually be a God :)
the good news is that all that the Red states are getting fucked the hardest by his policies.
the american oligarchs love him because he screws the working class and the near impoverished for their benefit.
his lower middle class base support and love him because they believe he hates the same type people(any non white) that they hate.
he uses money & hate to keep himself in power...
I almost wish they would arm teachers, then when one kills a few dozen kids because of the way the little shits treat them we'd get over this stupid idea.
tRUmp announced sanctions today against the Iran supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini, only problem is he's been dead for 30 years.
That blathering idiot can't even pronounce the name of his supposed arch-rival in the ME properly
And then all he did was keep his head down and recite a speech probably written by Bolton, not once hardly looking up and at the camera.
What the fuck have we elected?
Oh, that's right!!!
A fucking illiterate, unknowing fool.

Today calling into Fox News.

“We had a deal with [China], and it was very close, we were just finishing it, and you know my whole life is deals. I know when we have them and when we don’t—like with Mexico, we made a deal with Mexico…they know what we have, and if we don’t have intellectual property, theft protections, the opening of China…if we don’t have the opening of China, if we don’t have the things we negotiated, maybe even more than that…and right now, look, we’re getting 25% on $250 billion worth of goods, nobody ever heard of such a thing, it’s massive amount of money. Don’t play, don’t let anyone tell you that China’s not paying for it, China’s paying for it…and we’re not paying for any of it.” (Fact check: false.)

“Since tariffs have been on, the market has been going through the roof if you know what I’m talking about…Now you have another $325 billion I haven’t taxed yet. IT’S. RIPE. FOR. TAXING. For putting tariffs on…. It‘s been an incredible thing. Am I happy now? Absolutely…. When you say, ‘Are we going to make a deal?’ It’s possible we’re going to make a deal, but I’m also very happy where we are now, we’re taking in a fortune…. There’s no way you can beat the tariffs, there‘s no way you can make that money…[the tariffs] help us in ways that nobody even wants to talk about, that I don’t want to talk about them.”

Yo Prez!!!!
Trump is your President...... And he will be again in 2020........... Get over it...............

God Bless America,.............
...and nobody else, correct?

Will the electoral college prezydint win the popular vote this time? With Russian, or other foreign influence?
its like he speaks in feces and his followers are dung beetles
Only this f'en lying idiot and obese, shit choked, buffoon could come up with this hideously embarrassing idiocy:

“I know nuclear, okay? I know nuclear better than the generals do. Our nuclear is old, I can guarantee you. Putin is building up the military again and again and again. You better be careful. From what I hear, their nuclear is tippy-top.”

stooge wtf is covering your head in that pic you cowardly f'en weasel? Looks like you got a meal team six dude jock over your head or does it belong to your wife's/daughter's bull? you f'en harmless stuffed diaper6-26n cali.jpg
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