Trump is a fucking moron

But I do believe to each there own....

But then you don't know me............ and I find it funny it gets a rise outta ya

Love it or you can leave it... They do sell plane tickets outta here just not as easy coming back is all...
And what's funny is Trump will be here come 2020,,,,, again!!!!! MAGA...

Again, will he win the popular vote, not just the electoral college, agin'? Yer' doin' the predictin'. The Confederate states are traitors, yawl. To each their own, 'cepin if ya' doan love it, then leave it. Why, exactly, should I leave if I don't love it? Yore fer' freedom, ain't ya'? Is slavery yore "heritage" yer' proud of?
Besides been fun.. But I have to run,,,,,, and water my gardens...

I just wanted to see how anti-Trump people act.. And ya'll didn't disappoint me.. Still crying is all..

But I did see one point I can agree with,,,

I believe we should do away with electorial shit.. When you live in a small state,, you vote don't matter.. A SMART man will just push,, Like Trump did for the larger states... And he probably will again.....

Just like they do here in downtown Portland.. Sorry if I believe in America...

Yep the South will rise again.. States rights is a big thing now,,,,

Confederate states of Cannabis is about the same thing..

Slavery a good thing? Hell no.. Something I'd load my shotgun for,, civil rights..

But I still love the south.....
D1QB8XpW0AQlXVl.jpeg Shows your age is all.... What you 6 or 7?
Not a racist here,,,,, just a southern bitchdownload (13).jpeg with lots of heritage rooted in the south.....
Heritage? Gtfoh your heritage is poverty and ignorance and fear. Hence the bull jock on your pussy face

You got a mans shorts over your face and you smell like goat shit and youre plainly dumb AF.

You wanna bang your lil girl like individual 1?trump-corruption-lede.w512.h600.2x (1).jpg
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