Trump is going to lose in November

See Dixie Democrats who ran to the Republican party and remain to this day
Feel free to leave the country if you can find a country that will allow you to enter under the The Trump Regime there is not much hope
No they were with FDR's party unless you want to say FDR is a republican Icon.
Revisionist history
Sorry pal history isn't the rights friend
It's not revisionist. you just have blinders to the possibility that democrats have been shitty before. the facts back that they were democrats and they associated their campaign with the popularity of FDR. I'm sorry you guys aren't as perfect as you thought you were.
It's not revisionist. you just have blinders to the possibility that democrats have been shitty before. the facts back that they were democrats and they associated their campaign with the popularity of FDR. I'm sorry you guys aren't as perfect as you thought you were.

As was already explained to you. The Democrats you are referring to were Dixiecrats. These were racists, segregationists, KKK, etc. that eventually joined the Republican Party.
I’m not going to teach you history. Read a book.
you won't teach me because the democrats in this instance were clearly the same democrats as FDR's party which was who fought the nazi's. I'm just pointing out the reality that some people that killed nazi's were also people who didn't want blacks to get a sandwich with them. I never said it was right.
I never said that. I responding to "if this were 1935 you'd be a nazi" when clearly some of the people who went and shot nazi's in their heads to save europe came home and didn't want blacks at "their" lunch counters. Or did the nazi killers come back and make 1950's America a utopia void of racism? You guys have a major issue with reality. I bet you also don't know about how some ww2 vets shot it out with the democrat sheriffs ( backed by E.H Crump lol and riding the coat tails of FDR) that were appointing ex cons as deputies and getting paid per ticket they wrote and then the democrat sheriffs shot some veterans on leave and that's when the returning vets came home and shot it out.

Veteran Bill White described the veterans' motivation:

isn't that weird how those guys went and fought nazi's but then democrats were like fuck you budday? nothing has ever changed.
battle of athens = democrats rigging an election and then getting shot up and their sheriffs office blown up with dynamite. too funny. The way you guys present history you would have thought that your side would have respect for people that actually went and killed nazi's but nope bunch of lying scumbags rigging elections.
More made up shit from a Trump loser.

Trumps goons are collecting uteruses from women who came to this country to file for asylum and protection. Fact
Why would kids be touching my plants? we were talking about political groups that think they'll tell me how to live so of course you were like but the children. that's just weak. Maybe in your life children are causing you to lose your rights. not mine.
Way to go! These trolls just keep slamin another's opinion. We must look at the track record of both Candidates carefully. Truly I agree Trump has let the Country down. Biden on the other is not what one could call a solution. Let's take a look at his record:
Neither in my opinion are able, qualified or have the knowledge to complete their duties.