Trump is going to lose in November

Ya, it's like an ass everyone has one. I'm not the only one who feels there is no choice between two fat worthless old men. I know because I too am a fat worthless old man who can't hardly walk. Let's hire an able knowledgeable Candidate.
I don't give a shit about who long the orange traitor is gone.
Two charts charts from Five-thirty-eight, a site that publishes results from statistical modeling on various subjects, but most notably some of the best forecasts on upcoming presidential election results.

First chart, presidential election forecasts. Second chart, their outcomes from their first runs using a model to predict who will the Senate after the 2020 election.

Chances for Trump (red) or Biden (blue) winning in November:
Chances for Republicans (red) or Democrats (blue) winning control of the Senate in November

44 days out and both models have been very stable, showing bad times ahead for the Grand Old Fascist Party. As late as 2018, nobody was predicting a Democrats taking majority control of the senate.

Something happened in early September to shift odds in favor of Republicans. Even then, they were forecast to be losers. Since then, downward slide. For those that want to cite Hillary's loss in 2016 as evidence that polls could "be wrong". This isn't 2016. Clinton's support was always tenuous and shifted about dramatically, just look at the stable and enduring support Biden has or better said, the enduring lack of support Trump and Republicans have.

Trump is going to lose in November. He's going to take down the Republican senate with him.

My only question is, can a president who loses an election still be impeached and removed from office?
Ya, it's like an ass everyone has one. I'm not the only one who feels there is no choice between two fat worthless old men. I know because I too am a fat worthless old man who can't hardly walk. Let's hire an able knowledgeable Candidate.
Oh, the dumbass libertarian shows up again.

So, which country can you hold up as a practical working example of libertarian government?
Way to go! These trolls just keep slamin another's opinion. We must look at the track record of both Candidates carefully. Truly I agree Trump has let the Country down. Biden on the other is not what one could call a solution. Let's take a look at his record:
Neither in my opinion are able, qualified or have the knowledge to complete their duties.
LOL. quotes national review. didn't infowars have any articles too? LOL
Way to go! These trolls just keep slamin another's opinion. We must look at the track record of both Candidates carefully. Truly I agree Trump has let the Country down. Biden on the other is not what one could call a solution. Let's take a look at his record:
Neither in my opinion are able, qualified or have the knowledge to complete their duties.

What you did there is called cherry picking Rather than try to convince with reason, you chose something that obscures and tries to influence with carefully crafted story.. You went to a reliably right wing biased site for something that confirmed your claim. In other words, sir, you are not a conman, you are a damned conman.

  • Overall, we rate the National Review Right Biased based on story selection that always favors the right and Mostly Factual in reporting due to a few misleading claims and occasional use of poor sources and one failed fact check.
Your retarded obfuscation would be funny if you right wingers weren't literally killing people.
Actually FiveThirtyEight was pretty accurate in 2016 with their prediction.......Clinton won the popular vote.
Their forecast just before the election had Trump with a 30% chance of winning. That's actually not predicting Trump would lose. It just said he had a 1 in 3 chance. Also what you said is true. Trump just barely squeaked through with a win in the EC and became one of a few presidents who took office without winning the popular vote.

So, today, 538 says Trump has 1:4 odds. They say Biden is "slightly favored to win". They have to say that because, 6 weeks away. A lot can happen. But it's not the same as in 2016.


People had trouble choosing in 2016. Clinton's support swung up and down radically. Not this time. That dark blue line for Biden is stable and hasn't changed at all since that plot was published August 4. Through the conventions, through all the protests, through the fires and hurricanes, despite all the lies, smears and fake news published by Trump's side, none of it mattered. Trump landed one last sucker punch on Hillary when Comey waffled about the results of his investigation less than a week before the election. Clinton's support was tenuous and that was the final straw for a lot of voters at the time. Trump's campaign will attempt the same thing this year but it won't change people minds. Minds were made up against Trump long ago.

A large majority of people in people in the US made up their minds against Trump a long time ago. Trump is going to lose in November by a landslide and just might take the Republican Senate into retirement with him.
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Good call. Yep, Barr is going to come out with some BS on this subject just before the election. Probably some hacked e-mails, something that claims Biden is racist and pedo, who knows what else? I just look at the stability of those polling results. I look at how unstable Clinton's support was. I just don't think it will work this time.

I look at how results showing support for Biden hasn't budged in months. Not in Blue or Battleground states. Even Florida, where Biden's chances of winning in that state has dropped from 66% to 60% and I say, "I like those odds". Meanwhile, every other battleground state where Biden is ahead has only shown more support for him over the past few months.

Florida forecast:


I look at all of that. I compare that to what happened in 2016 and I'm willing to put my chest out and say: Trump is going to lose in November.
All Biden has to do is win all the states won by Clinton plus Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin and he wins. Arizona would be icing on the cake........and if he should win Florida it'll be a fucking landslide.

Biden has a significant lead in all of those states......I doubt anything will change in the next 6 weeks.

Biden/Harris 2020 :clap:
I don't know how to paste links but I just read a CNN article that said the in-person voter turnout on the first day in Wyoming, Virginia, So. Dakota, and Minnesota was record breaking........with very long lines. The few people that were interviewed said they either didn't trust the USPS or they didn't trust the administration.

Not sure if this is a good sign for dems or not......I hope so.
I don't know how to paste links but I just read a CNN article that said the in-person voter turnout on the first day in Wyoming, Virginia, So. Dakota, and Minnesota was record breaking........with very long lines. The few people that were interviewed said they either didn't trust the USPS or they didn't trust the administration.

Not sure if this is a good sign for dems or not......I hope so.

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couldn't resist!
My only question is, can a president who loses an election still be impeached and removed from office?
Yes, heard expert legal opinion on it, it can prevent him from holding any federal office again and for that reason is doable, he can be impeached after Jan 20th too and Nancy might pull the pin on him before the new congress, if required.

Edit: Impeachment would tie up the senate with a trial and they are required to try him... Not much time for judicial appointments with a major impeachment trial.
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Now that RBG has passed, a possible implication is for the democrats to impeach Barr and then DeJoy after the election and finally Trump, tie down the senate until the new congress and create a rift with Trump. It will be hard for Mitch to make Judaical appointments if he has a full plate of constitutionally required impeachment trials until the congress ends with the year. There are election and Christmas breaks to consider too.
With the republicans now firmly in control of the Supreme Court there is little chance trump will lose. Even a dem landslide will be contested and the SC will declare trump president. America as we knew it is lost. 2020 really is the end of it....we are so fucked
With the republicans now firmly in control of the Supreme Court there is little chance trump will lose. Even a dem landslide will be contested and the SC will declare trump president. America as we knew it is lost. 2020 really is the end of it....we are so fucked
I don't think the SCOTUS is all in for Trump, some of the conservatives on the court are now kinda like the never Trumpers. I don't think Roberts likes Trump,not many true conservative will side with him. After this election they like many conservatives are homeless RINOs.
I don't think the SCOTUS is all in for Trump, some of the conservatives on the court are now kinda like the never Trumpers. I don't think Roberts likes Trump,not many true conservative will side with him. After this election they like many conservatives are homeless RINOs.
i doubt that. I see no way trump loses this election now. I'd buy more ammo is i could find any....better just dig