Two charts charts from Five-thirty-eight, a site that publishes results from statistical modeling on various subjects, but most notably some of the best forecasts on upcoming presidential election results.
First chart, presidential election forecasts. Second chart, their outcomes from their first runs using a model to predict who will the Senate after the 2020 election.
Chances for Trump (red) or Biden (blue) winning in November:

Chances for Republicans (red) or Democrats (blue) winning control of the Senate in November
44 days out and both models have been very stable, showing bad times ahead for the Grand Old Fascist Party. As late as 2018, nobody was predicting a Democrats taking majority control of the senate.
Something happened in early September to shift odds in favor of Republicans. Even then, they were forecast to be losers. Since then, downward slide. For those that want to cite Hillary's loss in 2016 as evidence that polls could "be wrong". This isn't 2016. Clinton's support was always tenuous and shifted about dramatically, just look at the stable and enduring support Biden has or better said, the enduring lack of support Trump and Republicans have.
Trump is going to lose in November. He's going to take down the Republican senate with him.
My only question is, can a president who loses an election still be impeached and removed from office?