Trump is going to lose in November

I'll hold my tongue, or should I say finger tips on guns until after the election. The only one mentioning it is Donald and he wants to grab the guns before due process, said as much on video. Nope, no one should mention guns or anything not directly connected to disposing of Trump and the crimes against humanity he and the republicans committed and are continuing to commit. The dereliction of duty and incompetence was malevolent and there is now evidence (Woodward tapes) for second degree mass murder, according to expert legal opinion. Today marks 200,000 American dead and the best models predict 400,000 by the end of the year.
It would be a terrible thing if Trump were to become the fifth US president to be assassinated while in office. Just terrible.
It would be a terrible thing if Trump were to become the fifth US president to be assassinated while in office. Just terrible.
Do you think Melania would consider committing self-immolation on his pyre as an act of selfless devotion? or would she bust out the bomber jacket with “I don’t give a fuck” writ large on the back.
It would be a terrible thing if Trump were to become the fifth US president to be assassinated while in office. Just terrible.
Catch covid and die would be my option, or perhaps burning at the stake. Normally I'm against capital punishment, but there are exceptions to every rule, 400,000 exceptions in Donald's case.
Do you think Melania would consider committing self-immolation on his pyre as an act of selfless devotion? or would she bust out the bomber jacket with “I don’t give a fuck” writ large on the back.
Lulz at the idea she would be a grieving widow. She'll play the part. I'm sure she's already picked out the fashionable black outfits. I think the "I don't give a fuck" is tattooed as a tramp stamp. She doesn't give a fuck, she charges.
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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Just days after after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis won a court victory to keep felons from voting until they’ve paid off fines, restitution and court fees, Democratic billionaire and former presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has stepped in to help them pay off the debts.

Bloomberg is part of an effort that raised more than $20 million dollars to help felons who have completed their prison sentences vote in the presidential election. That’s in addition to the $100 million he has pledged to help Joe Biden win Florida, a crucial state with 29 electoral college votes that President Donald Trump’s hopes will keep him in the White House.

A federal appellate court ruled on Sept. 11 that in addition to serving their sentences, Florida felons must pay all fines, restitution and legal fees before they can regain their right to vote. The case could have broad implications for the November elections.

Under Amendment 4, which Florida voters passed overwhelmingly in 2018, felons who have completed their sentences would have voting rights restored. Republican lawmakers then moved to define what it means to complete a sentence.

In addition to prison time served, lawmakers directed that all legal financial obligations, including unpaid fines and restitution, would also have to be settled before a felon could be eligible to vote.

With Bloomberg’s help, the Florida Rights Restitution Council is trying to get this accomplished. The group had raised about $5 million before Bloomberg made calls to raise almost $17 million more, according to Bloomberg advisers who weren’t authorized to speak on the record because the announcement hadn’t been made yet.

The money is targeted for felons who registered to vote while the law was in question and who owe $1,500 or less. That accounts for about 31,100 people, Bloomberg advisers say. In a state that decided the 2000 presidential election by 537 votes, that could be critical in a year when polls show Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden in a dead heat.

Organizers for the group say they aren’t targeting people registered with a particular political party.

“To hell with politics, to hell with any other implications or inuations, at the end of the day it’s about real people, real lives, American citizens who want to be a part of this,” said Desmond Meade, the group’s executive director. “People with felony convictions have had their voices silenced for so long.”

The Florida Rights Restitution Council said other donors include John Legend, LeBron James, Michael Jordan, MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, Ben & Jerry’s, Levi Strauss & Co., the Miami Dolphins, the Orlando Magic, the Miami Heat and Stephen Spielberg.
It doesn’t matter who is declared the winner, a storm is coming and a lot of us won’t make it out alive. Hope is not a good plan and no one is coming to save us. Live free or die.
It doesn’t matter who is declared the winner, a storm is coming and a lot of us won’t make it out alive. Hope is not a good plan and no one is coming to save us. Live free or die.
You will live free and about 500,000 will have died from covid in America before Biden takes charge on Jan 20th and you once again have responsible government. Biden is going to run away with it or America is a nation of morons, the people get the government they deserve.
You will live free and about 500,000 will have died from covid in America before Biden takes charge on Jan 20th and you once again have responsible government. Biden is going to run away with it or America is a nation of morons, the people get the government they deserve.
responsible government? Creepy Joe has been in government for decades and you think he’s gonna save us all? The fact that we’ve gotten to the point we’re at is proof that America is a nation of morons. Half a million dead by Jan 20? That’s just wishful thinking.
responsible government? Creepy Joe has been in government for decades and you think he’s gonna save us all? The fact that we’ve gotten to the point we’re at is proof that America is a nation of morons. Half a million dead by Jan 20? That’s just wishful thinking.
Looks like you drank the propaganda huh.
responsible government? Creepy Joe has been in government for decades and you think he’s gonna save us all? The fact that we’ve gotten to the point we’re at is proof that America is a nation of morons. Half a million dead by Jan 20? That’s just wishful thinking.
Joe is a normal intelligent human being, Trump is a psychopath with a professionally assessed IQ of 78, he is a moron and has been called it many times, he also proves it daily. Expert legal opinion from multiple sources say it's mass 2 nd degree murder since the Woodward recordings came out.

Both sides are not the same, Joe represents liberalism, the constitution and the rule of law, Trump represents fascism, mass murder treason, incompetence and dereliction of duty.

The best models out there predict 400,000 dead by Jan 1st with a high end number of 600,000. If you compare it to Canada (we were average) you would only have 90,000 covid deaths, not 200,000 so far. Trump and the republicans are responsible for 110,000 dead Americans so far, in an act of 2nd degree mass murder and the states will be making the indictments in 2021 along with the feds.
Bro, you are the biggest NPC on this whole forum. Your TDS is off the charts. You're a victim of the media, a useful idiot, and you say all Trump has left are uneducated white guys... Look at the prominent political figures on the right and they are all well educated, well-spoken high IQ people of all races. I pray for you, you need it.
Yes but they're still deplorable incels who are trying to advance a white supremacist agenda thinking they will finally get laid when only the ice Queens are left.
Looks like you drank the propaganda huh.
No I drank the Jameson. I’m old enough to know that it doesn’t matter who wins. The average man has always gotten fucked over by the rich. Always have, always will. I’ve experienced enough war to recognize what’s on our horizon. I have my ammo stacked deep. I just wanna be left alone but I will protect me and mine. I support legalizing freedom not some lying politician. Maybe I live in a bubble, because I honestly don’t give a shit who wins because in the end, we all lose. Live free or die.
Joe is a normal intelligent human being, Trump is a psychopath with a professionally assessed IQ of 78, he is a moron and has been called it many times, he also proves it daily. Expert legal opinion from multiple sources say it's mass 2 nd degree murder since the Woodward recordings came out.

Both sides are not the same, Joe represents liberalism, the constitution and the rule of law, Trump represents fascism, mass murder treason, incompetence and dereliction of duty.

The best models out there predict 400,000 dead by Jan 1st with a high end number of 600,000. If you compare it to Canada (we were average) you would only have 90,000 covid deaths, not 200,000 so far. Trump and the republicans are responsible for 110,000 dead Americans so far, in an act of 2nd degree mass murder and the states will be making the indictments in 2021 along with the feds.
Beautiful country you have up there in Canada. As an American, your opinion means nothing to me.
I just wanna be left alone but I will protect me and mine. I support legalizing freedom not some lying politician. Maybe I live in a bubble, because I honestly don’t give a shit who wins because in the end, we all lose. Live free or die.

Ok. Cya. Come back again when you can’t stay long.