Trump is going to lose in November

I hope these "magats" turn invisible and go back under the rock they came from after Nov.
Once removed from the table of power their voice will wain, along with their ability to influence policy or events. They will be in the streets and liberal patriots at the table of power, that has certain implications. H.R.-1 is one of them and others too that will level the playing field. The democrats needed a lot more votes to have an impact on seats, that will change by 2022, along with election reform, security, campaign finance laws and media reform as well, all are urgent priorities.
Trump is becoming irrelevant.

A president ignored: Trump’s outlandish claims increasingly met with a collective shrug

Shortly after a deadly explosion in Beirut this week, President Trump offered a theory — backed by no apparent evidence — that the devastating incident was “a terrible attack,” claiming “some of our great generals” thought it was likely the result of “a bomb of some kind.”

Such a bold proclamation from a U.S. president would usually set off worldwide alarms. Yet aside from some initial concern among Lebanese officials, Trump’s assertions were largely met with a collective global shrug.
More than 3½ years into his presidency, Trump increasingly finds himself minimized and ignored — as many of his more outlandish or false statements are briefly considered and then, just as quickly, dismissed. The slide into partial irrelevance could make it even more difficult for Trump as he seeks reelection as the nation’s leader amid a pandemic and economic collapse.

In battling the coronavirus crisis, which has left more than 158,000 Americans dead, many of the nation’s governors have disregarded the president’s nebulous recommendations, instead opting for what they believe is best for their residents. So have the nation’s schools, with many of the country’s largest districts preparing for distance learning when they reopen this fall, despite Trump’s repeated calls for kids to return to classrooms in person. And the president’s own top public health officials are routinely contradicting him in public — offering grim, fact-based assessments of the raging virus in contrast to his own frequently rosy proclamations.

Congressional Republicans, meanwhile, never seriously entertained Trump’s desire for a payroll tax cut in the latest coronavirus stimulus bill, and the president has been more of a spectator than a key player in negotiations. Even former vice president Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, often seems to ignore the president he is running against, focusing his messaging elsewhere.

Ian Bremmer, president and founder of Eurasia Group, a political consulting firm with a global emphasis, said that when Trump made his claim about the bomb in Lebanon, much of the global community intuitively understood that the president “is inclined to think that of course it must be terrorism because it’s the Middle East and people blow up stuff up there.”

Trump can do harm, which is what his defunding of social security is all about. He has to do something like that to get any attention whatsoever. Nobody pays much heed to what he says. After 3 1/2 years, what Trump says and does is being met more often with a smirk and a shrug instead of concern or interest.

Trump is going to lose the election this fall.
After 3 1/2 years, what Trump says and does is being met more often with a smirk and a shrug instead of concern or interest.
Does anyone ever REALLY care what any president does on a day to day basis? Theres always this huge argument between electing a douche bag and a turd sandwich and when its over and the dust clears, the slaves go back to their slavery and no one cares for another 3.5 years.
How is that economy that you were crowing about as Trump's great accomplishment doing?
All things considered our economy is doing great. There were a couple short term layoffs at my job (not me, im to "essential") but everyone has been back for a while now and were running like nothing ever happened. Most everyone I know is working. Markets are strong. I dont see ridiculous inflation on anything (gas, food, durable goods, etc).
Does anyone ever REALLY care what any president does on a day to day basis? Theres always this huge argument between electing a douche bag and a turd sandwich and when its over and the dust clears, the slaves go back to their slavery and no one cares for another 3.5 years.
It’s funny watching you pretend the president doesn’t matter and then shitting yourself when Biden is the clear favorite to win

Why the two face act?
All things considered our economy is doing great. There were a couple short term layoffs at my job (not me, im to "essential") but everyone has been back for a while now and were running like nothing ever happened. Most everyone I know is working. Markets are strong. I dont see ridiculous inflation on anything (gas, food, durable goods, etc).
-33% gdp and 50 million unemployed with a $6 trillion dollar deficit is “doing great”?

The entire world is in the same boat.
not quite

US tops 5 million confirmed virus cases
ROME (AP) — With confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. hitting 5 million Sunday, by far the highest of any country, the failure of the most powerful nation in the world to contain the scourge has been met with astonishment and alarm in Europe.