Trump is going to lose in November

Another nail in Trump's coffin

Supreme Court Rules Pennsylvania Can Count Ballots Received After Election Day
October 19, 20207:44 PM ET

The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday that election officials in Pennsylvania can count absentee ballots received as late as the Friday after Election Day so long as they are postmarked by Nov. 3.

The court declined without comment to take up one of the highest-profile election law cases in the final stretch before Election Day. Pennsylvania Republicans had sought to block the counting of late-arriving ballots, which the state's Supreme Court had approved last month.

Republicans sought the emergency stay, arguing that it is up to the state's legislature — not the court — to set rules for how elections are conducted. They also said the court's ruling could allow ballots cast after Election Day to be counted.

The Court's most conservative justices, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas said they would have agreed to the stay request. But Chief Justice John Roberts joined the Court's three most liberal member to reject the request.

Many more voters are expected to cast votes by mail this year due to the pandemic and the issue of the cut-off date for when those ballots must be in the hands of election officials has become a legal flashpoint between Democrats and Republicans.

The decision comes in a state that is central to the presidential campaigns of both major party candidates. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are the only two swing states where officials can only begin processing and counting the millions of absentee ballots on Election Day, likely delaying complete results for several days. In a third crucial swing state, Michigan, clerks can only begin processing ballots the day before Election Day.

In its ruling, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said that ballots could be counted if they were received by 5 p.m Nov. 6, as long as they were mailed by Election Day, Nov. 3. It also said that ballots without a postmark would "be presumed to have been mailed by Election Day" unless there was strong evidence to the contrary.

Before this year, the state required absentee ballots to be received by Election Day. But Democrats pushed for the extension because of concerns that postal delays would disenfranchise some of the millions of Pennsylvania voters who are expected to cast their ballots by mail this year due to the pandemic.

The decision is especially important because President Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 by just over 44,000 votes, a narrow margin in a state where more than six million ballots were cast. An NPR analysis earlier this year found that tens of thousands of primary ballots — including almost 16,000 in Pennsylvania — were rejected because they arrived too late to be counted.

Voters Prefer Biden Over Trump on Almost All Major Issues, Poll Shows
Joe Biden leads President Trump, 50 percent to 41 percent, a New York Times/Siena College poll shows, with voters favoring him by wide margins on the coronavirus and law and order.

Joseph R. Biden Jr. holds a nine-point lead over President Trump amid widespread public alarm about the trajectory of the coronavirus pandemic and demand among voters for large-scale government action to right the economy, according to a national poll of likely voters conducted by The New York Times and Siena College.

With just two weeks left in the campaign, Mr. Trump does not hold an edge on any of the most pressing issues at stake in the election, leaving him with little room for a political recovery absent a calamitous misstep by Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, in the coming days. The president has even lost his longstanding advantage on economic matters: Voters are now evenly split on whether they have more trust in him or Mr. Biden to manage the economy.

On all other subjects tested in the poll, voters preferred Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by modest or wide margins. Mr. Biden, the former vice president, is favored over Mr. Trump to lead on the coronavirus pandemic by 12 points, and voters trust Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump to choose Supreme Court justices and to maintain law and order by six-point margins. Americans see Mr. Biden as more capable of uniting the country by nearly 20 points.

Over all, Mr. Biden is backed by 50 percent of likely voters, the poll showed, compared with 41 percent for Mr. Trump and 3 percent divided among other candidates.

Most of all, the survey makes clear that crucial constituencies are poised to reject Mr. Trump because they cannot abide his conduct, including 56 percent of women and 53 percent of white voters with college degrees who said they had a very unfavorable impression of Mr. Trump — an extraordinary level of antipathy toward an incumbent president.

His diminished standing on economic matters and law and order is a damaging setback for the president, who for much of the general election has staked his fortunes on persuading Americans that a Biden administration will leave them impoverished and unsafe. But that argument has not managed to move the electorate in his direction.

Nor, according to the poll, have Mr. Trump’s efforts to tarnish Mr. Biden’s personal image and make him unacceptable to swing voters. Fifty-three percent of voters said they viewed Mr. Biden in somewhat or very favorable terms, compared with 43 percent who said the same of Mr. Trump.

A majority of voters said they saw Mr. Trump unfavorably, with 48 percent viewing him very unfavorably.

The margin of sampling error for the poll, which was conducted from Oct. 15 to 18, was 3.4 percentage points.

Part of the shift away from Mr. Trump on the economy may stem from voters’ urgent hunger for new relief spending from the federal government — which Mr. Trump has nominally endorsed but which he has not sought actively to extract from congressional Republicans.

Seven in 10 voters, including more than half of Republicans, said they wanted to see a new multitrillion-dollar stimulus program that includes government support for citizens and emergency help for state and local governments. There is also widespread public support for a $2 trillion renewable energy and infrastructure package that Mr. Biden has proposed as a form of economic stimulus.

Yahoo News/YouGov poll: The tide turns against Trump as Biden surges to his largest-ever lead among likely voters

With only two weeks left until Election Day, Joe Biden’s lead over President Trump has widened to 11 percentage points — Biden’s biggest margin among likely voters in any Yahoo News/YouGov poll to date.

The survey, which was conducted from Oct. 16 to 18, shows that a majority of likely voters (51 percent) now say they are voting for the Democratic nominee, while just 40 percent say they are voting for Trump. Biden’s lead, which is identical among registered voters, has grown by 3 points since last week’s Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The president has struggled to rebound over the past three weeks from a widely panned first debate performance and a COVID-19 outbreak that sent him to the hospital and sickened others in and around the White House. Yet the main reason Trump appears to have fallen even further behind Biden in recent days is that coronavirus cases are peaking just as the campaign is coming to a close. On Friday, new daily cases cleared 70,000 nationwide for the first time since July; hospitalizations are increasing in 39 states, and are at or near their all-time peak in 16 states.

Trump vented his frustration with the coronavirus on a campaign call Monday, saying, “People are tired of COVID. I have these huge rallies. People are saying, ‘Whatever. Just leave us alone.’ They’re tired of it. People are tired of hearing [Anthony] Fauci and all these idiots.”


Tired or not, Americans have growing concerns about Trump’s leadership amid a resurgent pandemic — and those concerns appear to be dimming his hopes of a comeback. Nearly two-thirds of registered voters (63 percent) now say the “number of cases is increasing,” up sharply from 57 percent last week and 48 percent the week before that. A full 60 percent think the pandemic will get worse this fall; only 15 percent think it will get better.

As a result, Biden’s existing advantage over Trump on the question of who would do a better job handling COVID-19 — the top issue of 2020 — has nearly tripled from 7 points two weeks ago (45 percent to 38 percent) to 19 points today (52 percent to 33 percent). Sixty-three percent say Trump has not been wearing a mask or social distancing appropriately; 60 percent say he has not followed the advice of medical experts closely enough; and 59 percent say he has underestimated the risks of COVID-19 — something that just 8 percent of registered voters say about Biden.
Dig the enthusiasm, but guns are not going anywhere.

Best we can hope for is a steeper curve for people to actually be able to buy them to stop all these nuts from acquiring a arsenal and become potential domestic terrorists. And reasonable trade in money to destroy them in a buy back program, because it is easy to see that if someone passed away and some idiot kid ends up with a crazy amount of firepower, so incentivize them getting turned in to reduce the availability. Keep national stockpiles if they want instead of destroying. I always have a soft spot for the gun nuts in our country, it is a clear message to any outside government that they will not succeed invading us, our crazy may not win, but they would be their worst nightmare. I always enjoyed Red Dawn.

All for reforming the justice department. That is why we need a Democratic win in House, Senate, and Presidency, as well as the Govenor and State senate seats to enact those laws in their states. Instead the Republicans they have now suing to not give their citizens access to Obamacare (which is why we don't have universal healthcare today).
Desperate Donald Trump Attacks Dr. Fauci, Dances For Votes On The Campaign Trail

As the election fast approaches, Joe Biden is courting voters on the video game Animal Crossing while President Trump makes his case for a second term by lashing out at the country's most trusted doctor, wondering out loud why he's lost support among women, and subjecting everyone to his frightening dance moves.
The Most Competitive Races Aren’t In Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania l FiveThirtyEight

Micah Cohen and Sarah Frostenson key in on the most competitive races in the 2020 election. They are not actually in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, even though those states may be the most important for winning the election.
Dig the enthusiasm, but guns are not going anywhere.

Best we can hope for is a steeper curve for people to actually be able to buy them to stop all these nuts from acquiring a arsenal and become potential domestic terrorists. And reasonable trade in money to destroy them in a buy back program, because it is easy to see that if someone passed away and some idiot kid ends up with a crazy amount of firepower, so incentivize them getting turned in to reduce the availability. Keep national stockpiles if they want instead of destroying. I always have a soft spot for the gun nuts in our country, it is a clear message to any outside government that they will not succeed invading us, our crazy may not win, but they would be their worst nightmare. I always enjoyed Red Dawn.

All for reforming the justice department. That is why we need a Democratic win in House, Senate, and Presidency, as well as the Govenor and State senate seats to enact those laws in their states. Instead the Republicans they have now suing to not give their citizens access to Obamacare (which is why we don't have universal healthcare today).
Universal healthcare is BEYOND ObamaCare. Universal health care means that everything around health issues (hospitals, labs, vaccines, population health, ambulances, organ transplantation, research) paid by the government. Including free access to college comprising med school, nurse school, dental school, pharmaceuticals and free access to some medicine and free access to high cost medicine.
If you want some kind of luxurious fancy hospital's and expensive doctors, you should pay for it. But you still got to be able to have a decent, effective free medical service available.
This Is a constitutional right every American should fight for
rump In 2020 Peril If This Surge Continues: New Early Voting Data | MSNBC

With turnout way up in 14 key battleground states, MSNBC’s Ari Melber discusses the massive increase in early voting – up from roughly 6 million early votes at this point last cycle to 17 million now - with Tom Bonier, the CEO of political data company TargetSmart
Steve Kornacki Highlights The Strategy Biden Should Take To Win In November | Deadline | MSNBC

MSNBC and NBC News national political correspondent Steve Kornacki takes viewers to the big board where he breaks down the impact of early voting, the Republicans’ strategy to win the Rust Belt, and the way Joe Biden can win big in November.
Universal healthcare is BEYOND ObamaCare. Universal health care means that everything around health issues (hospitals, labs, vaccines, population health, ambulances, organ transplantation, research) paid by the government. Including free access to college comprising med school, nurse school, dental school, pharmaceuticals and free access to some medicine and free access to high cost medicine.
If you want some kind of luxurious fancy hospital's and expensive doctors, you should pay for it. But you still got to be able to have a decent, effective free medical service available.
This Is a constitutional right every American should fight for
Until you hit a period of time like we are in now with the postal service and a troll gets appointed to the head of the government run healthcare system and they yank on every loose string to bring it down anyway that they can.

I agree with the goals, but I would prefer that be done through the free markets as much as possible and the government support and regulate those private industries to protect our citizens.
I wonder if Pat and God have a weekly lunch together like Obama and Biden did?

I find it hard to believe after all these talks with God, Pat never once asked for Friday’s Powerball numbers. Of course shilling for God can be quite lucrative.....
I wonder if Pat and God have a weekly lunch together like Obama and Biden did?

I find it hard to believe after all these talks with God, Pat never once asked for Friday’s Powerball numbers. Of course shilling for God can be quite lucrative.....
I'm waiting for the Lord to smite Pat, it's about time he smote the old goat. Donald's been fucking the flock, or should I say herd.
