Trump to meet with Kim Jong Un

no testing taking place this year.


Schools out pal.

Kim Jong Un: North Korea no longer needs nuclear tests




sanctions edit: he offered to lift those too
Re-entry testing not complete.
Are you smoking on fucking super-meth or something?

Reentry is not an unknown, we've been doing it for over 75 years.

The forces, angles and velocities required are all simple math, for the unfucktarded that is, so I don't expect you to understand.
Are you smoking on fucking super-meth or something?

Reentry is not an unknown, we've been doing it for over 75 years.

The forces, angles and velocities required are all simple math, for the unfucktarded that is, so I don't expect you to understand.

You clearly know nothing as well. Did you learn all your know-how on a huffpost info-graphic
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Are you smoking on fucking super-meth or something?

Reentry is not an unknown, we've been doing it for over 75 years.

The forces, angles and velocities required are all simple math, for the unfucktarded that is, so I don't expect you to understand.
WE are not the ones trying to figure out the heat shield requirements for re-entry of a nuclear warhead.
Who would of thought all you need for peace is to give the other party everything they wanted and ask for nothing in return, what a brilliant negotiator, I see at least a happy meal prize in his future.
Nothing in return? Are we in the same spot we were a month ago? Easing tensions is not nothing.
Are you liberals really upset about stopping war games?

Reentry of an ICBM is much more complicated than some simple math. The structural and heat stresses that a shield must endure to protect the payload is very high with ICBMs due to their speed and angle.