Trump to meet with Kim Jong Un

Reenty of an ICBM is much more complicated than some simple math. The structural and heat stresses that a shield must endure to protect the payload is exceptionally high with ICBMs due to their speed and angle.
rocket scientist at work folks! stand back and give the gentle genius his props
I think you aren't the one I would ask. Unless you can post a pic of your pHD in engineering for us to lend some credibility?

I didn't say reentry was simple math like your Hillary loving friend. Funny thing about the internet is you can learn shit......Try it. Youll find half the shit these fools say is bull.
i could spend 5 minutes on google and spout off big words like you too. so not a phd? how about a masters in engineering? something to lend some credibility?? anything? bueller? bueller?
What big words was I using? Should I use crayon for you next time? Would that help you?
You can attack me all you want. I enjoy it. Shows leftists true colors.
Community college never graduated nor wanted to. GI BIll paid for it so I took pottery.
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WE are not the ones trying to figure out the heat shield requirements for re-entry of a nuclear warhead.
Again, it just takes an engineer. Material tolerances, etc are all well established and publicly known scientific certainties.

You clearly know nothing as well. Did you learn all your know-how on a huffpost info-graphic
Orbital mechanics are really not all that difficult if you're "better than High School" at math.

There's even publicly available simulators for this exact thing. The issue with ICBM's is the technology of getting them up high enough and in the right spot, you need very very little course correction once you hit apoapsis and begin coming down again.

Private companies do this, it's literally just math, you can even extremely accurately calculate the exact fuel requirements.
Again, it just takes an engineer. Material tolerances, etc are all well established and publicly known scientific certainties.

Orbital mechanics are really not all that difficult if you're "better than High School" at math.

There's even publicly available simulators for this exact thing. The issue with ICBM's is the technology of getting them up high enough and in the right spot, you need very very little course correction once you hit apoapsis and begin coming down again.

Private companies do this, it's literally just math, you can even extremely accurately calculate the exact fuel requirements.

Doubling down. Nobody will know the difference. Easy peezy
Doubling down. Nobody will know the difference. Easy peezy
You can literally find the information required to put any object into any orbit right now, on the internet.

The fact you think NK couldn't just look it up themselves shows you're just naive/retarded/both as fuck.

What took them so long was getting the engines and guidance correct for the required payload, and reducing the size of their weapons to be able to be carried by them.
Trump has been learning from Kim all along

In a holding center for brown children:DfnWRI3UEAEcCQf.jpeg

Dear leader. Also has them learning American history. Even though they are getting deported anyway
that answers a lot. thank you.
I assume you served? What do you have angainst pottery?
You can literally find the information required to put any object into any orbit right now, on the internet.

The fact you think NK couldn't just look it up themselves shows you're just naive/retarded/both as fuck.

What took them so long was getting the engines and guidance correct for the required payload, and reducing the size of their weapons to be able to be carried by them.
Yeah again you know very little.