Trump's Tax Code has destroyed the future of the USA

You people crack me up, Bitch when it's hot bitch when it's cold. If anyone believes either party has your best interest in mind you are dabbing way to much.. Put down the dab pen learn how civilized people address a You live in the greatest country in the world but yet you chose to complain about shit you can't control. Enjoy your freedom be happy you are not in a war torn country be grateful that you where blessed to be born in the USA!

It shows just like a teenager you reply with no substance ! I never told anyone what to do I just made a suggestion don't wanna grow up that's the problem bunch of immature cry babies bitch about a problem but never offer a solution...

the solution: firing squad.
Go live in another country for a bit pal.If it's so bad here, why do people from all over the globe want to live here? I'll bet when and if you make it back you will be glad.
Are you satisfied with the US being the largest economy in the world by far, with only 5% of the population and yet middle of the road to bad in terms of quality of life? We can include middling to bad in terms of social mobility and overall happiness.

Your answer: If you aren't satisfied with mediocrity then move.

Fuck that.
The national debt reached over $22 trillion for the first time today, making the US by far the largest debtor nation in the history of the world, and reach a milestone that experts warned is further proof the country is on an unsustainable financial path to Hell, that will fuck the economic security of every American citizen today and for generations to come, and we all can thank this massive fucking mess to that Master of Shit, Donald J Trump

The Treasury Department reported this morning that the debt grew just this last month alone by $30 BILLION, and it ain't slowing down any time soon, if ever.(Nice thought, isn't it)
The national debt has been skyrocketing following the passage of Dick Brains $1.5 trillion tax-cut package a year ago, and as the result of the congressional efforts to increase spending on military programs, which have reached historic highs. (never enough nukes) This nation has added more than $1 trillion in debt in just the last 11 months alone, with no end in sight because the GOP and Trump have royally fucked the middle and lower classes (surprise!!!) and their children's children economic future.

We are so fucked.

“Reaching this unfortunate milestone so rapidly is the latest sign that our fiscal situation is not only unsustainable but accelerating,” said Michael A. Peterson, chief executive officer of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, a nonpartisan organization working to address the country’s long-term fiscal challenges.

So, in the span of a little over 2 years, Trump has managed to completely destroy the economic future of this Nation, by creating a national debt that we will never, ever get the fuck out of, a lasting gift from that spawn of Satan Trump

Just when it seems it can't get any worse, it does, and Mueller can't save us from this one, the damage is done, and we own it.

Fuck Trump

You need to send this post to every illegal immigrant or immigrant that our economy is in shambles, millions dying in the street, massive debt and led by Satan himself.

Heck people are dying everyday and breaching our borders thousands every week to get here and when finally here they are going to find out its far worse than the country they left, especially Venezuela and Honduras . They have been conned and its your duty to tell them before its to late. You can save them!

They have all been brainwashed by CNN that America is Great Again. Doesn't make any sense why all these immigrants want to come here. NONE!
You need to send this post to every illegal immigrant or immigrant that our economy is in shambles, millions dying in the street, massive debt and led by Satan himself.

Heck people are dying everyday and breaching our borders thousands every week to get here. They have been conned and its your duty to tell them before its to late. You can save them!

They have all been brainwashed by CNN that America is Great Again. Doesn't make any sense why all these immigrants want to come here. NONE!
is your argument that trump has not made america slightly worse than a 3rd world dictatorship?

i mean that's not very strong. it's rather weak
You need to send this post to every illegal immigrant or immigrant that our economy is in shambles, millions dying in the street, massive debt and led by Satan himself.

Heck people are dying everyday and breaching our borders thousands every week to get here and when finally here they are going to find out its far worse than the country they left, especially Venezuela and Honduras . They have been conned and its your duty to tell them before its to late. You can save them!

They have all been brainwashed by CNN that America is Great Again. Doesn't make any sense why all these immigrants want to come here. NONE!
I never have understood why Trump is illegally refusing legal sanctuary to people who legally ask for refuge.

Satan is a construct of human mythology but is a metaphor for that kind of action. Also a metaphor for cafeteria Christians intolerance.
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Right now Feb 2019 the DOW is off to the best start in 40 yrs

Eight straight weeks of gains. UP 444 today.

Once trade talks with China are finished it will just get better.

America is the place to invest and currently has the best economy in the world. Why else would millions of migrants want to flock here?

... because America is doing shitty?

You people crack me up, Bitch when it's hot bitch when it's cold. If anyone believes either party has your best interest in mind you are dabbing way to much.. Put down the dab pen learn how civilized people address a You live in the greatest country in the world but yet you chose to complain about shit you can't control. Enjoy your freedom be happy you are not in a war torn country be grateful that you where blessed to be born in the USA!
The same goes for you... I see RIU has the same old kids running about...
That would be rude to kids. I read today that Obama didn’t add to the deficit and Democrats are fiscally responsible. It’s either trying to sway the naive or a mental illness and that’s coming from someone who voted for Obama the first term.

Pro tip. Neither side cares about you and they are both so fiscally irresponsible that it’s beyond scary.
That would be rude to kids. I read today that Obama didn’t add to the deficit and Democrats are fiscally responsible. It’s either trying to sway the naive or a mental illness and that’s coming from someone who voted for Obama the first term.

Pro tip. Neither side cares about you and they are both so fiscally irresponsible that it’s beyond scary.

Where did you read that? Please give citations.

Are you a good reader? Do you like stories about Goofus and Gallant?

I have read things too. I also saw them with my own eyes. I saw Obama take a devastated economy and nurse it back to health. In the process of doing that he lowered the deficit.

Then I saw an orange man take a recovering economy and add hyuuuuge amounts to the deficit. Now I wonder what will happen in the future if the economy turns down and we have already gone massively into debt so that future President's don't have the luxury of an expansionary fiscal policy.

I like you. I want to party with you. What is the highest level of education that you achieved? Do you like Hot Pockets? Let's meet up.

Thanks for the pro tip. What are you a pro at?
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That would be rude to kids. I read today that Obama didn’t add to the deficit and Democrats are fiscally responsible. It’s either trying to sway the naive or a mental illness and that’s coming from someone who voted for Obama the first term.

Pro tip. Neither side cares about you and they are both so fiscally irresponsible that it’s beyond scary.
Obama didn’t add to the deficit and Democrats are fiscally responsible.
that's true

obama inherited a massive deficit from republicans, $1.6 trillion dollars

obama cut that deficit by over a trillion dollars, which is more than any other president in history

all debt is owed to republicons. if obama had inherited clinton's budget, we would have no debt whatsoever right now