Trump's Tax Code has destroyed the future of the USA

Socialist Propaganda

Deep State subversion.

Fake news perpetuated by fake news outlets

There all Anti- American, anti-religious, anti- capitalistic lies designed to destroy our God given liberties bestowed upon this fabulous place (USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!) by the one and only Great White Male Christian (definitely not Muslim or Jewish) God in the sky


Blah, blah, fucking blah.

And the American people eat up Trump's and the GOP'S bullshit (lol), just like they did with Reagan's, and with both Bush's trickle down economic shit show and then get fucked in the ass while they wait for the promised Tax benefits to arrive that never, ever will come, because their too fucking stupid to understand they've been fucked and don't deserve any, those brain dead imbeciles. (the average American it seems)

Ha Ha fucking Ha!!

What a bunch of suckers that deserve to get fucked, it's just too bad that the sane people are in the same sinking ship (that is unless your a multi-millionaire, then your laughing all the way to the bank)

Well, all the American taxpayer has to do on April 15 (when the realization comes that they've been raped), is to sing happy songs, like the one below, and all will be good.


The national debt reached over $22 trillion for the first time today, making the US by far the largest debtor nation in the history of the world, and reach a milestone that experts warned is further proof the country is on an unsustainable financial path to Hell, that will fuck the economic security of every American citizen today and for generations to come, and we all can thank this massive fucking mess to that Master of Shit, Donald J Trump

The Treasury Department reported this morning that the debt grew just this last month alone by $30 BILLION, and it ain't slowing down any time soon, if ever.(Nice thought, isn't it)
The national debt has been skyrocketing following the passage of Dick Brains $1.5 trillion tax-cut package a year ago, and as the result of the congressional efforts to increase spending on military programs, which have reached historic highs. (never enough nukes) This nation has added more than $1 trillion in debt in just the last 11 months alone, with no end in sight because the GOP and Trump have royally fucked the middle and lower classes (surprise!!!) and their children's children economic future.

We are so fucked.

“Reaching this unfortunate milestone so rapidly is the latest sign that our fiscal situation is not only unsustainable but accelerating,” said Michael A. Peterson, chief executive officer of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, a nonpartisan organization working to address the country’s long-term fiscal challenges.

So, in the span of a little over 2 years, Trump has managed to completely destroy the economic future of this Nation, by creating a national debt that we will never, ever get the fuck out of, a lasting gift from that spawn of Satan Trump

Just when it seems it can't get any worse, it does, and Mueller can't save us from this one, the damage is done, and we own it.

Fuck Trump
ever wonder what would happen if we just said "we're resetting all global debt. we owe you nothing, and you owe us nothing. what you all do between each other is your business, but you have a clean slate with us, and we have a clean slate with you." then just refused to even discuss it in the future?
because it's all "shadow money" that doesn't even really exist. it's all scraps of paper that are meaningless outside of the creditors and debtors integrity. life goes on daily, business goes on daily, no matter what the bottom line on that scrap of paper says...whether it says 0 or fucking 1 followed by infinite zeroes.
Right now Feb 2019 the DOW is off to the best start in 40 yrs

Eight straight weeks of gains. UP 444 today.

Once trade talks with China are finished it will just get better.

America is the place to invest and currently has the best economy in the world. Why else would millions of migrants want to flock here?

... because America is doing shitty?

Another fucking idiot tying the Dow to everyday life and people.