Trying again the newbie adventure....


Well-Known Member
What sort of CFL's are those? Looks like blue spectrum ones which would be more ideal for vegetative growth. I've heard getting the the redder CFL's during flowering can help... still the bud looks pretty good man!


Well-Known Member
What sort of CFL's are those? Looks like blue spectrum ones which would be more ideal for vegetative growth. I've heard getting the the redder CFL's during flowering can help... still the bud looks pretty good man!
thanks a bunch, I have another plant that will be done in about 2-3 weeks, then 5 more that will be ready in the next 3-4 weeks, and some seedlings that I started over the weekend that will be 12/12 from seed... trying to get a perpetual harvest going.

as far as my cfls I run mostly the red spectrum bulbs but I do throw a few blues in there also, seems to be working I think I have 1 blue for every 4 reds....and this is just 2 buds from one of my ladies, I will chop the rest of her on Friday:joint:


Well-Known Member
Ok my first plant has been harvested, and is in my dry box, had some "finger hash":hump:......... I think it will be right at about 1/2 of an ounce plus the 1/8th I already took I am pleased I am hoping it drys in a 3 days or so, and then I am puttin git in a nice canister to cure my other girls have more room and more light now.... I made the decision to harvest after I rolled one up from the sample and really liked the high it gave me, I was kind fo stuck on stupid for about 45 minutes, then very upbeat and chipper, then I went to sleep, thats a good high for me sorry for the crappy pics



Well-Known Member
Looks good, BigD. :) Remember, it's puff puff pass!
:blsmoke: man this shit is good, I am srill smoking on what I took yesterday its still a bit too moist but I put it in a blunt and it stays lit and burns slow, not one seed... dam I cant remeber the last time I had a bag with no seeds...... what a great hobby this is I am so glad i found riu and HB's


Well-Known Member
last night I put the first buds in my container to cure, I opened it up this morning to let them breath still moist but the smell is getting better and better, for some of my sampling I used a couple of quick dry methods and honestly although they worked it was dry and smokeable the taste was destroyed compared to the stuff I put in the dryer box for 2 days and then one night in an airtight container, this is the taste I was looking for and its so stickey after I break it down for a blunt I rub all the resin from my fingers into my pipe and man what a hit......... cant wait to see what girl number 2 produces since she is a different strain and its going to take her much longer to fininsh Imay harvest her 4 weeks from now giving her 12 weeks total but wewill see how it goes... I am rambling on and on kind of what happens when you smoke good shit......


Well-Known Member
so since now I know for sure that I can grow, I am going to do some experimiting with lst and try a nice sog, so I put together aflower chamber today its 2x2x2, it was a storage container that we didnt need anymore, I took the shelves out and used cardboard wrapped in emergencey blankets to create reflective and light proof walls, Ihave a cutain on the front worksgreat Iahve a small fan inside and a compute fan on the top pulling hot air out, the temp held steady at 79 degres, I put 2 of my flowering girlsin there and a few seedlings I have 4 42w cfls inside.. if I use clones and put them straight to flower after they root, I can keep them in those 44oz cups for there life, I can probably get 8 in there at a time, now all I need is a few good mothers, going to germ some more seeds.... I love this hobby


Well-Known Member
stay tuned brother the more I smoke the more I think the better I grow, the better I grow the more I smoke etc......:joint: Ok I was pretty pleased with the quality and density of my buds that were grown under cfls they are a ton better than anything I was buying even the wife noticed the smell the flavor, and the HIGH oh man... not to mention that I got 3/4 of an ounce from one plant that went threw 3 different types ofgrowsand all kinds of problems, now that I have found the hempy buckets I think the sky is the limit..dammit rambling again, this smoke is fuking gr8... ok I have a pic of the next girlthat will be chopped looking at her maybe only 2 more weeks to go but I am taking it day by day hard to tell, I also like my new growbox I put together but I think it is best suited for moms and clones due to the height restrictions I am going to continue to use the closet for the flowering room but with my new knowledge its going to be alot more efficient, ok enough talk here are a few crappy pics



Well-Known Member
well my originall 2 girls have been harvested and dried in my box, the total dry weight from the 2 was 1.25 oz not great but considering all they went through I am not disappointed, I prefer the smoke of the first one more of an indica than the sativa but no seeds and a good high with no headache so I am not complaining....... As promised I am going to continue this journal and detail my experimenting and trials and errors, my goal is to get a perpetual harvest going I think by accident I am well on my way, I have 4 others that are flowering nicely, after reviewing my journal, I cant be sure how far into flowering any of them are as it was very confusing in the begining but I know it has been between 5-7 weeks depending on the plant, so all 4 are fastly approaching harvest time and it shows, these plants pretty much got 0 veg time but I plan to harvest them in the next couple of weeks, I also have a clone from the sativa that is flowering nicely and should be done in about 4 - 6 weeks, I have 2 other seedlings one that I put into flower 2 days ago the other has been in for about 2 weeks neither has shown sex yet........ in my newly designed veg/clone box I have 8 freshly germinated seeds, 4 seedlings about 10 days old and I did and expriment with my first plant that was harvested, there were 2 branches at te very bottom that barely had a bud on them I snipped the bud and cut the stem and stuck it in rocwool I see a little bit of green new growth on both so I may have 2 more clones if all goes well still using the cfls even tho my t5 setup has arrived I havent taken the time to do the construction in the closet yet I am having some great luck with the cfls and dont want to disturb the flow...... I have also had incredible luck with these bagseeds,I germinated 10 all of them sprouted a tap root, I picked the 8 that looked best since thats all I had room for, and it seems everything I plant is a girl so hopefully the trend continues, oh one last thing I dont really like these little pellets I got they turn the perlite brown and the seedlings that were started in them all have a little brown on the edge of there first set of leaves... live and learn anyway a few crappy shots of buds plants seeds etc.....



Well-Known Member
thanks a bunch guys its such a satisfying feeling to smoke your own home grown...... and just knowing that each harvest will be better and better as I learn more the futre is looking very bright...


Well-Known Member
any body that is watching help me out wiht a couple of questions and I will make sure I rep you.....

1. cloning question, I have read several post describing all these detailed cloning procedures, all I did was snip a branch and stick it in a rocwool cube and let it sit and there was a clone I have done one from avegging plant and now I have 2 from a plant I took the clones during harvest.. am I just lucky??

2. for the cfl'rs although my bag seeds ( I have hundreds) seem to be a bag of gold producing 80% femalesand some good frosty nugs, Iam unaware what strain it realy is, so I want to oreder seeds ONCE, so I know my genetics, what is the best strain for cfls/flouros?? there has to be one that works or was bred for this type of grow...

otherwise all is good in hempy town, seedlings coming along a few of the seeds I started yesterday are already poking out of there cubes, the grow box is workin great I am only running 2 26w 6500k cfls inside but for the seeds sprouting and seedlings and clones I dont think I need anymore than that... my girls in flower are all on a straight water diet, I am approaching harvest time for them all, just from eyeballing it I may get a touch shy of an ounce from all 4 but they were basicly 12/12 from seed so I am againpleased with the anticipated reults... and withthe hempy buckets I can handle 4 times that many plants so soon I will be harvesting 4 oz a month I hope :hump:


Well-Known Member
I didnt quit reach the goal of six, but I got 3 going pretty healthy. Im stoked.
Im shooting for at least an ounce dried. I know I know, Ill probably get a little more but I would be happy with just an OZ even.


Well-Known Member
well again no problemsto report, all of the seeds I started are now in 32oz HB's, so I have a total of 12 seedlings inside the veg/clone box..... I will move someinto the flower room as I make room and others will stay in the veg box to hopefully provide mothers.... I relly think I can do perpetual cfl/hempy thing and harvest every 2 weeks......other news I had a plant show sex today it had been topped so its looking good ( of course its a girl) I threw the 2 clones I took from the first harvested plant into the flower closet, they took and are growing it will be interesting to see what happens with that... I did burn the crap out of my other clone I had a 42w bulb right on top of her main cola :spew:she seems to be coming back around ..... and I threw seedlings from the last round of sprouts into flower yesterday...

trying to decide if I shoul start a new journal since I now have my grow method, or just keep continuing this one....what do you guys think??


Well-Known Member
I sat down today and tried to get all ofmy dates straight, but I cant lol I have just done soo muchexperimentatingwith this and that, that there is no way for me to tell with my earlier plants when they started flowering so I have go off best guess, my memory, thankfully my wifes pays attention when I ramble andshewas ableto help... in any event best I can tell this is week 8 ish of flowering for 2 that started in the AG and week 6 ish for the other 2 and honestly too look at them its easy to see the differencethe older 2 look older hairs are orange etc... so chop chop, the other 2 will be next weekend I think :hump: so I took 2down they look good basicly 12/12 from seed about 18 inches tall buds look tasty...

