Tucker Carlson out at Fux News

Don't care how others gauge the relevance, I'm happy Lemon got fired. The difference between Lemon and Tucker is Tucker was good at being bad and Lemon terrible at being good. I watched Cuomo for years, was my bed time show (timezone...) and the contrast with Don was just cringeworthy. The dramatic pauses made my stomach turn. Amateur hour.

Meh, just another one of his many dumb comments. Definitely not enough to fire someone who apologized but then they never should have hired him in the first place. Women in their prime in their 20s and 51 is too old to be in your prime... in the context of suitability for potus, is just dumb.

Tucker of course should be drawn and quartered. It's good he's off Fox but he'll end up elsewhere will even less restrictions.
CNN took out the garbage too, no more Don Lemon. It is odd they both go down on the same day though, was this part of a back door settlement? Is it 100% coincidental? The biggest Faux entertainer and one of the biggest CNN entertainers both axed on the same Monday.
only if she'll do the news in black face...which shouldn't be a problem, seems like an old republican tradition.
I’m not so sure it was a Republican tradition as much as comedic as early as the 70’s
I think of Archie Bunker vs the actor who played him Carrol O Connor
He despised his character and emulated the exact opposite in RL
I even suspect Red Fox was much the same
Although he was so blue much if his work vanished
new weeds will pop up to replace them. And don lemon, yuck, what a dipstick. Liberal, but dumb as a rock.
That is why ya need to win in 24 and hold hearings on all this shit so that new laws can be written, and regulations formulated to make their business model problematic, cable would be regulated like broadcast TV, AM radio can have its bandwidth reassigned to digital and music only on FM no talk. This is what I call spoon feed media, things that affect the weak minded and vulnerable, abuse them with lies and fascist propaganda. The FCC will have authority again and jerk broadcast licenses like they were cursing a blue streak on daytime TV in 1960 and showing people fucking on B&W TV!
Reagan began deregulating FCC and everything else, and it hasn't stopped since, even a dem like Bubba got involved in it.
If the democrats win in 24, that will change, I can assure you, foxnews and anybody like them will not survive or be able to operate. The airwaves and what goes on the wires are government property the 1st does not apply and never did, it is not like print media or even the internet. Reagan also gave Rupert Murdoch citizenship after 1 year in America and opened up cable for him to operate in, that can be changed and will be. We have all seen the destructive effects of foxnews, from starting the second gulf war, to covid and J6 and tons of bullshit in between. Foxnews is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans with the covid coverage alone. They are a 24/7 propaganda wing of the GOP and give them billions in free advertising and the lawsuits have exposed their assholes to the sunshine.
Foxnews stock fell by almost a billion bucks when they fired Tucker!

See Tucker Carlson fired: Fox News finally forced to 'pay for it'

56,086 views Apr 24, 2023 #msnbc #foxnews #tuckercarlson
Fox News abruptly fired Tucker Carlson after the network’s record-breaking $787 million defamation penalty. The LA Times reporting Rupert Murdoch made the call to fire Carlson after concerns about January 6th coverage. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber breaks down how the defamation case draws a new line for falsehoods at Fox, reports on accountability and how legal experts see the “system working” in Carlson’s firing.
Reagan also gave Rupert Murdoch citizenship after 1 year in America and opened up cable for him
I did not realize that.

Yanno, Stone's movie, Natural Born Killers, featured Robert Downey Jr.
as a completely whacko, sensationalist journalist, who I wonder wasn't a depiction of Murdoch. I think
in the movie his character was even an Ozzie.