Tucker Carlson out at Fux News

i don't like him, but he seems to have a valid point this time...Hate is hate...call is racism, or sexism, or ageism...it's just another way to express hate.
do semantics matter, when the lynching rope is in hand?
Exactly. And for the record, I don't like you either, but at least you don't let your rage blind you too much.
Tucker Carlson is a grad AAAAA piece of human , racist garbage.
That doesn't change the fact thst Don is also hateful, this time towards women.
no. If you consider sexism a fully contained subset of hate, Tange is right, and Nope launched a smear on bad logic.
technicalities, imo...do you have to despise the nazis who put jews, homosexuals, and gypsies on the trains to the death camps slightly differently than the nazis who actually forced them into the crematoriums?
no, and that was my whole point, and if I understand it right, Tange’s. All hate is a larger set than a specified hate.

Is this the "if you are intolerant of intolerance then your just as bad" argument? That one made me rethink the idea that hate is wrong.
and for something that was at its best going downhill
rosebud, wtf was welles thinking. But i never got it and you did.
What paper did hearst have? Examiner. He's like the only person to win oscar
for pic, actor and was it director? That whole thing kinda makes movies weird,
or interesting, however u view it. One could argue hearst should've been locked up
for what he did w/spain. Talk about fake news.

edit: Wiki says rosebud was a bicycle. it was a sled.
Not sure. My argument is perhaps best illustrated: A is larger than B

A is all hate; B is sexism

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Ah, yeah, what I was talking about would be deciding all A is bad, so then anything that falls within A is by default wrong/bad.

Hate is wrong. Sexism is hate. Sexism is wrong. Which works fine from a logic perspective in that particular instance (and many others), but also gets used as the faulty logic behind "hate is wrong, you hate hate, so you are wrong ya big ol hater you."

It does invalidate the statement that hate is wrong though. I think you have to look at the individual item the hate is leveled at. Hate being wrong isn't a universal truth.
A is all hate; B is sexism

I'm a racist, i hate the human race, ergo, U is I, and all the rest is understood. :)

edit: However, we're not supposed to hate, we're only commanded to love one another.
There's good, logic to that by any standard. Hate just isn't healthy, period.
Ah, yeah, what I was talking about would be deciding all A is bad, so then anything that falls within A is by default wrong/bad.

Hate is wrong. Sexism is hate. Sexism is wrong. Which works fine from a logic perspective in that particular instance (and many others), but also gets used as the faulty logic behind "hate is wrong, you hate hate, so you are wrong ya big ol hater you."

It does invalidate the statement that hate is wrong though. I think you have to look at the individual item the hate is leveled at. Hate being wrong isn't a universal truth.
I think it’s possible to describe the dislike and rejection of hate as something other than hate (and to do it without hating), which does away with the paradox.

Keith Laumer lampooned the idea when he imagined a movement called the Hateniks. Their slogan iirc was “We hate hate, and will mess up any son of a slime culture who disagrees!”
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I'm not sure you can't hate a thing, like war, disease, just not any people. But even
then, hate just isn't a healthy emotion, so probly best to sub love for hate, we're all better off.
I'm not sure you can't hate a thing, like war, disease, just not any people. But even
then, hate just isn't a healthy emotion, so probly best to sub love for hate, we're all better off.
I think the difference is reason. Hate is built on an unreasoning hostility. Its rejection, done right, is reasoned and not visceral.
I'm not sure you can't hate a thing, like war, disease, just not any people. But even
then, hate just isn't a healthy emotion, so probly best to sub love for hate, we're all better off.
When a person knowingly promotes lies that inflame misogyny, homophobia, antivaxx during an epidemic, and help carry out a coup, all to enrich himself.

I can hate him. For what he did? It's OK to hate the person for their evil deeds.

I hate Trump and would have hated Hitler if he were in my time. Putin? Oh yes, very much.
Sexism is more stupid ignorance than pure hate.

But hate is always hate. And Carlson always promoted hate. Lemon stuck his foot in his mouth, I don't see that as pure hate as much as being tone deaf.

And the 'not in her prime' incident with Lemon didn't just happen so something else we may not know about was festering behind scenes there. CNN didn't issue a statement on exactly why Lemon was fired so people decide on the reason why he was fired for themselves based on their personal opinions or the personal opinions of others who wrote about it yesterday.

And you certainly don't have to be a sexist not to like Nikki Haley who thinks Trump (a sexist) is an OK guy.
I'm not sure you can't hate a thing, like war, disease, just not any people. But even
then, hate just isn't a healthy emotion, so probly best to sub love for hate, we're all better off.
it's best to sub action for hate...DO something about the things that make you feel that way...but do something constructive and productive.
for me Tucker is a right wing, bullshiting Russian stooge, heck that mofo already has job offers in Russia, one from RT and the other from the General of the BS Brigade over there.....so fuck him.....asshat...

Lemon did say sexist things, but i don't think that's what did it for him.....in a interview with a GOP candidate on Wednesday...that interview didn't go well...maybe this also was a factor for him leaving, rather than him being fired, CNN refutes firing, they actually want him to come back and talk...meanwhile...here is the interview that got heating, his co anchor really wanted to get out of there...js
