Tucker Carlson out at Fux News

I did not realize that.

Yanno, Stone's movie, Natural Born Killers, featured Robert Downey Jr.
as a completely whacko, sensationalist journalist, who I wonder wasn't a depiction of Murdoch. I think
in the movie his character was even an Ozzie.
I don’t think RuDoch ever was a journalist. He inherited editor/ownership of his dad’s constellation of lesser periodicals. He was boss from go.
I don’t think RuDoch ever was a journalist. He inherited editor/ownership of his dad’s constellation of lesser periodicals. He was boss from go.
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is sometimes labeled as a latter-day Citizen Kane.
-- wiki

And Kane was lifted from the exploits of
william randolph Hearst, who wiki also had said he
hated the movie, banned it from publicity, etc., etc., blah, da fuckin' blah blah blah.
I don’t think RuDoch ever was a journalist. He inherited editor/ownership of his dad’s constellation of lesser periodicals. He was boss from go.
he turned fairly reputable papers into tabloid garbage, as soon after his dad died as he was able, but as far as i can gather, he was never an actual reporter, or even what would pass for an editor.
Yep, President Carlson, if you elected Trump, you will elect anyone, no matter how loathsome, even Tucker.
The biggest racist will win the GOP nomination hands down and many Americans will vote for a racist and obvious traitor, that has already been proven. Tucker might go into republican politics, if George Santos can do it and Trump can do it, he can do it too, being a liar is no impediment at all and a lack of character is a prerequisite for a republican politician, he just needs Trump's endorsement.

Tucks could run...

Lol, he shares a nickname with buttwipes.

That does seem like a likely choice. It is the opportunity available to him. As a candidate, if he can get through the primaries, I think he can pull plenty back over to team R to make up for whomever trump would take with if he isn't their candidate.

Looking forward to him fighting with trump. Curious if it waits until the one with meatball Ron is done or if Trump dives into another. Tucks is better suited to the fight.
I don't think he will run for president, he IS smarter than trump, and has to realize that the republicans are the losing team.
There is no way an attention seeking narcissist like him will knowingly set themselves up for public failure.
If he thought for one second that he might have a real chance, he would be all over it like white on...well, like white on tucker carlson's offensive, racist, fascist ass...but he knows that the republicans are going to lose, and lose big, in 24.
And, his legal woes may be far from over. He could be named as a defendant in any of the suits still pending at fux, which wouldn't look good, all those emails getting dredged up again and again on channels that aren't fux folk friendly...
It just occurred to me...What happened to all that Jan. 6th footage weasel mccarthy gave fucker?
That needs to be returned to the government, ASAP...It was specifically given to fucker, by a fucker, and it needs to be accounted for.
Of course, we all know how much you can count on republicans for accountability.
i don't like him, but he seems to have a valid point this time...Hate is hate...call is racism, or sexism, or ageism...it's just another way to express hate.
do semantics matter, when the lynching rope is in hand?
no. If you consider sexism a fully contained subset of hate, Tange is right, and Nope launched a smear on bad logic.