tweed main street barrie helped me and my doctor with the process for FREE

(but everyone else is not allowed of course),
Never gonna happen. Dispensaries are already tax paying businesses, some of them licensed by the municipality they're in. When it becomes legal to operate a storefront, it's gonna be a tough sell to limit it to LP's, IMO. The LP's are gearing up for recreational sales...they don't care about patients...never have.
Here's what I think should happen:
Dispensaries should continue to operate for patients, they have the knowledge and experience. There will be government licenses, regulations and inspections/testing for growers and sellers, like every other product sold for human consumption.
LP's become the Molson's or Labbatt's of the recreational cannabis market and have a secondary line of products labeled 'mmj' to sell to unsuspecting patients. Until they find a way to patent a plant, there is no future on the medical side and they know it. Selling warehouse weed to weekend tokers is the real pot-o-cash.
The patient has the right to grow his/her own medicine or have somebody do it for them. This limits the LP mmj customer base to a small fraction of actual patients.
And finally...
Every Canadian over 19 can grow a limited number of plants for personal consumption. This reduces the concerns about diversion that existed with the mmar.
Not exactly the free-for-all, wild,wild west outcome some want, but I think it's a fair compromise for everybody.
Wait. So this place by tweed. All it does is take your prescription and sign you with them? They have no doctor of their own? You need your own doctor willing to prescribe it says.
That seems rather pointless since most doctors fill out a medical document directly to one of the LPs.
Sounds to me like they looking to sign leases and do nothing useful in the them until health Canada allows LPs to have have storefront dispensaries (but everyone else is not allowed of course), and then overnight tweed dispensaries appear
as soon as canada post goes on strike...that's the end of mail order herb!! It'll all be store fronts!

using sick people as their excuse of course eh... Rec are not the concern after all !!!!! (:
as soon as canada post goes on strike...that's the end of mail order herb!! It'll all be store fronts!

using sick people as their excuse of course eh... Rec are not the concern after all !!!!! (:
they'll be forced back as they are an essential service
that was only when the licenses were still valid and the LPs were requesting them , now that they are all expired and frozen is does not matter , i was fooled too man
Really? I guarantee your local bm dealer can beat anything Tweed has both in price and quality. You gotta be a self-respecting mmar patient would sign with an LP and then brag about it.
He needs to go back and tell them thanks. I'd love to see that happen. Cancelled the membership to the Mickey Mouse Club.
Hey @forbiddenmedicine if you go back to quit a pic of their shock.
not sure how it is yet but il post a picture , i dont consider myself to hold a trophy because i was fortunate enough to get a personal production licence before a program ended that barly anyone knew about , im a patient and i will seek access anyway i possbily can
For fuck sakes - if you can afford to buy from tweed walk down the street to the dispensary. Their medicine much better that the hay being sold by tweed. Plus you don't have to worry about any shipping delays.
No instead you get to worry about the police robbing you at gunpoint shouting at you on behalf of all the lil fucking kids!
If the mmpr is being replaced in August why are they even signing more people up to it?