tweed main street barrie helped me and my doctor with the process for FREE

my worry right now is i believe we won our right to grow but our health minister only mentions affordability and accessibility to be addressed. nothing about being able to produce
The only options that would meet the court decision around affordability and access would be to legislate a maximum price LP can charge, subsidize the cost with tax dollars or allow home gardens. The first two would not be politically advantageous or be seen as honoring the spirit of the decision. I think we'll keep our plants and negotiate through a new set of rules. We may end up right back in court arguing the rules, but we'll still be growing.
None of us know what is going to happen really, but I still feel confident MMJ grows will be allowed. And, if they allow MMJ's gonna be tough to say Rec can't grow.

Two things I do know for sure....

1. I've had the pleasure of dinning with OMS, and his homemade pizza Is fuckin AWESOME! 8)

2. OMS grows some of the best MMJ I've sampled....and that's a lot! :weed:
So maybe they think if they can force affordability and access then producing is moot?

It's pretty likely, although honestly I don't know how they would 'force' affordability without a budget provision.

This LPC has a very odd interpretation of constitutionality in that they believe a new or re-written law doesn't have to comply with a court decision and is yet somehow still 'Charter compliant'. C-14 (assisted dying) already has a new constitutional challenge against it.

So, if the pattern holds I will be very surprised if this is not back in court. The issue is you're rolling the dice as to whether the initial judge will either continue the Allard injunction or create a new one, very possible neither will happen. Some 'industry' people are saying they've heard 6 plants or whatever but nothing official yet, so we'll see.
None of us know what is going to happen really, but I still feel confident MMJ grows will be allowed. And, if they allow MMJ's gonna be tough to say Rec can't grow.

Two things I do know for sure....

1. I've had the pleasure of dinning with OMS, and his homemade pizza Is fuckin AWESOME! 8)

2. OMS grows some of the best MMJ I've sampled....and that's a lot! :weed:
Well at least he's good at something...he really sucks at basic human interaction. I have no idea why he seeks out my posts to bitch about what I have to say, and then pm's me to tell me he likes reading them. Maybe you could ask...?
Its illegal for Ontario Doctors to charge for scripts. So any willing Doctor would do so for free. Also the post title sounds like it has LP advertising connotations.

Yup... doctors have always been paid for signing prescriptions by the government. It's free like our entire health care system is free (it's not). Doctors who charged extra cash to sign are generally just taking advantage of the market and demand.
the cheese is beyond looking after ... :lol:
Bill and Anne wont do shit really. What ever comes out of their head will do a 180 only because they don't have a clue really...
Like asking a one year old how old they are.

me>>>>>>1.sorry bout the cheese
2. i hope you are correct..but..not having a clue never stopped a politician

vianna..i never saw an olive branch..i wanna get along with you as long as i don't have to

agree with you on things working out for adults being allowed to grow their own [legalization 1.0]

i agree things SHOULD work out the way you predict..but the gov does not always work that way

good grief..presenting an opposite opinion does not constitute trying to discredit you..

i want to be wrong..

because none of us know whats coming...

...don't be so touchy man
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NOT once have I suggested people should agree with me, just understand my point of view is every bit as valid as any other. "i agree things SHOULD work out the way you predict..but the gov does not always work that way...i want you to be right.." If that is a true statement, why do you spend so much time and energy into trying to convince me and others that I'm wrong? Also if the gov does not ALWAYS work that way, you are admitting that sometimes it does...Until we hear otherwise, I'm sticking with what I think will happen and you go with your 'the government is out to get me' theory I'm not the only one who shares the same predictions on this forum, so I wonder why you don't put equal effort into opposing them? Seems awful Dizzy-like.
gb123.."you'd be like that too if Dizzy crawled up your 'arse'"



sorry[ edit].'.the gov is "always that way..except after being take to court numerous times"

on the" try so hard"..i don't try very hard..its took little time.

i like what you say and the work you put into it..up until you say we will get to grow our own

when JT's legalization plan is revealed...

i will try harder to not reply to that..and if i lose the bet i will make sure you are gastromically rewarded for your pain in having to

deal with the likes of me..
that's my thought.
unless they do something about affordability then the LP's are destined to fail
if they subsidize it, what a blow to the tax payers. that would be quite a lot
No shit!

Wasn't it like under 500 Vets costing taxpayers $12M/year for shitty LP schwag? No disrespect to Vets...but, you deserve much better meds for you esteemed service.

I don't foresee the Gov subsidizing MMJ for the masses!
No shit!

Wasn't it like under 500 Vets costing taxpayers $12M/year for shitty LP schwag? No disrespect to Vets...but, you deserve much better meds for you esteemed service.

I don't foresee the Gov subsidizing MMJ for the masses!
i think they should force the LP's to an affordable model...and give patient quality meds instead of the industrial crap