tweed main street barrie helped me and my doctor with the process for FREE

"will happen" and "should happen "imho are SO far away.......

it is sad and hilariious at the same time..

people over 19 able to legally grow a number of plants..?

dream .............on............
Interesting that OMS is so quick to discredit my post and label it 'sad and hilarious' while providing no legitimate argument why I'm wrong. It might show some maturity if he could accept that not everyone agrees with his doom and gloom scenario, and things could very well go exactly the way I predict it will. Maybe it won't and OMS's version will be closer to reality...we won't know until it happens. Either way, I'm entitled to my thoughts on the matter, as is OMS, the fact that he chooses to ridicule and dismiss rather than engage in civil conversation speaks volumes. Refusing to accept that there may be a different outcome than the one he predicts demonstrates that even he doesn't believe what he writes
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not interested in your manipulative all

you said what you said i[19 yrs and older get to grow plants]

said:i think it will NOT happen...

the "sad "had nothing to do with you..


sad that we will indeed find out that we will not 19 yrs and older get to grow plants....

you seem to love my name ..and say it a lot..hey thanks.

so let me make this clear

i care about legalization

and the only legalization includes people over 19 being able to legally grow

i do not think this will happen...

we are on the same side ..i want you to be correct

if you said:

"we will eventually get to grow our own after a series a of many extended court sessions.".

i would not be saying what i have

wanna make a bet ....2017 is coming soon..

Bill is still here..we have the prohibition dragon lady Anne M on the scene now too

and..if anyone over 19 grows the noble weed

" whatabouthe children" might somehow touch or breathe the air that this demon weed is grown in

...and you know what that means?

oh yes you do
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I'll take that bet. The what about the children argument is only as strong as it can be related to alcohol. Unless there is a equal stiffening of regulations and laws surrounding alcohol to protect the children already affected daily by alcohol, it would be difficult to treat cannabis as a more dangerous legal intoxicant.Alcohol is top of the list when it comes to societal harms, including death, abuse & neglect of children. I'm not saying they won't try, but joe public ain't goona accept it...and neither will the courts. ( Sorry I didn't elaborate about the possibility of court challenges in my previous post)
I think adults will be able to don't...who's right? I haven't heard a single politician mention it one way or the other. Bill and 'the dragon lady' haven't made any statements that I know of. How much weight do you think those two are going to have when it comes to selling it to the public? Trudeau's stated goal is to take profits away from organized crime and that is not going to happen as long as home grows are not allowed. Only when people are able to produce their own, will the profits be removed. Home gardens are working well in other legal jurisdictions and there is no reason to expect it won't here. I'm sure the Liberals will attempt to appease all sides as much as possible rather than deliver something that pleases no one and ends up causing political damage.
I could be wrong and they might be purposely trying to piss people off, and build a personal pot empire in order to screw over and oppress their voting public for shits & giggles. Maybe their entire election campaign and push to gain power was a bid to toy with the evil pot smoker.
I really don't think you are in favour of legalization. You seem to prefer the "Us against The Man" culture...I can understand that. We've spent our adult lives fighting against the government to end prohibition, and now we are counting on them to deliver fairness in legalization. For some it's easier to stick with what they know rather than accept that times have changed.
So what's the bet.....?
I really don't think you are in favour of legalization.

>>>wrong..just do not see the" we are allowed to grow" coming soon to a theatre near here remotely soon

You seem to prefer the "Us against The Man" culture...I can understand that.

>>>.the word "prefer" is just plain silly

i will retort are in some sort of a dream world..
i can understand the need to feel good but..smell the coffee dude

We've spent our adult lives fighting against the government to end prohibition, and now we are counting on them to deliver fairness

in legalization. For some it's easier to stick with what they know rather than accept that times have changed.

>yes i/we have been fighting against thre gov to end the war on some drugs[mj isn't even a drug]

i havr seen too much change sice Jt's well wordedreplies to stephen stairs questions in the 2013 video

Jt knows exactly what be should do...he was eloquent there....there has been no mention of any of his key points..since then

...times are changing..but not as fast as you think

So what's the bet.....?

>>a pizza with

" i wuz rong" written in anchovies
They dont really have a choice OMS... he has a point and I understand where you are coming from as well.
Happily... They cant NOT let people grow it. It wont or cant work any other way.
OR we'll be back to prohibition 2017 I guess and back in the courts from here on in..


if it's legal, i think they will have to let us grow the same as beer and wine.
if it's not i can see their legal bills going up due to several actions
hey thanks for the positive notes...its nice to hear optimism

GB and DD.."they" don't "have to"

i did say "after lengthy court battles"...[and less done than expected] every HC ever done concerning cannabis...

they have your dough to spend on court battles...

that does not count for my pizza win.[.i would happily lose it and phone in my order to the pizza place of Viannas choice]

now i will go back to other parts of this site i frequent

and let the cheerleading build up[said with affection..]

have a good Canada Day!
I really don't think you are in favour of legalization.

>>>wrong..just do not see the" we are allowed to grow" coming soon to a theatre near here remotely soon

You seem to prefer the "Us against The Man" culture...I can understand that.

>>>.the word "prefer" is just plain silly

i will retort are in some sort of a dream world..
i can understand the need to feel good but..smell the coffee dude

We've spent our adult lives fighting against the government to end prohibition, and now we are counting on them to deliver fairness

in legalization. For some it's easier to stick with what they know rather than accept that times have changed.

>yes i/we have been fighting against thre gov to end the war on some drugs[mj isn't even a drug]

i havr seen too much change sice Jt's well wordedreplies to stephen stairs questions in the 2013 video

Jt knows exactly what be should do...he was eloquent there....there has been no mention of any of his key points..since then

...times are changing..but not as fast as you think

So what's the bet.....?

>>a pizza with

" i wuz rong" written in anchovies
So because you "just do not see the" we are allowed to grow" coming soon to a theatre near here remotely soon" that somehow makes your opinion more valid then mine?...I don't think so. Glad you think my ideas are 'silly' while you base your assumptions on what hasn't been said. You have nothing factual to support your position and neither do I, that's why I call my theories 'predictions'... Ah well, at least we are having a civil conversation...
So...Bets on! Do you want my address now? Tell ya what, you deliver it in person and we'll sit on the beach and share it and my latest crop while we discuss where you went wrong! Lol! :bigjoint::peace:
i base my opinion on who is in charge of the hen house..since JT's eloquent vote getting video of 2013

and was not about to say anything on here again until i read your view on what is coming

hey you are entitlled to your opinion..unfortunately i don't see this and long court battles do not count for you..its the

2017 we hope legalization platform 1.0..unless its put off longer..does that count as not being able to grow also?

i wanna be wrong though...

as for delivery ..unfortunately i live a long ways away...would like to deliver in person..i will wait to give you my address..
what part about THEY HAVE NO CHOICE! does everyone miss?
WE have already WON in court. THEY CANNOT CHANGE THAT or they'll end up back in court to LOSE ONCE AGAIN!!

Yeaaa(: It;s friggin awesome!! ;) Dont you worry about what THEY WANT to do.. the awesome truth is/ THEY CANT. they just don't quite know that yet. It'll all show when they try and change whats already set in motion.
I think its funny really, losing a battle that they can't win. and they've known that all along too.
Its becoming overwhelmingly clear ;)
i missed choice?

i do like that...again.. extended court battles don't will eventually happen some year

i am speaking of the momentous legalization Bill n Anne

sorry i have stayed here too long

you look after that "cheese" dude
i base my opinion on who is in charge of the hen house..since JT's eloquent vote getting video of 2013

and was not about to say anything on here again until i read your view on what is coming

hey you are entitlled to your opinion..unfortunately i don't see this and long court battles do not count for you..its the

2017 we hope legalization platform 1.0..unless its put off longer..does that count as not being able to grow also?

i wanna be wrong though...

as for delivery ..unfortunately i live a long ways away...would like to deliver in person..i will wait to give you my address..
Exactly. You base your opinion on what has NOT been said. Very interesting method. I have an opposing obviously I have no fucking clue according to your logic. "and was not about to say anything on here again until i read your view on what is coming" So what you are saying is you felt a need to discredit my post simply because you don't agree and even though you have nothing to back up anything you write. Or maybe it's just because it's me and you think anything I write is a good opportunity to spew your anti-liberal conspiracy theories...I don't know. Isn't that kinda TROLL-like? I even tried to extend an 'olive branch', which you ignored. You can't disprove a prediction until the facts are in and you can't claim to know what will happen for that same reason. It's unfortunate that you are not able to accept that you could very well be completely out to lunch , I could be right and JT and the Liberals are not going to implement legalization that is more oppressive than prohibition. You talk like a tough guy on here and then PM me to tell me how you enjoy my posts...are you bipolar, by chance?
"its the 2017 we hope legalization platform 1.0..unless its put off longer..does that count as not being able to grow also?" I don't know...did the legal challenges for mmj count? We didn't get to where we are today without fighting for it. I fully expect grows to be part of the initial system...but if not we fight that and win. I'm not sure I follow your reasoning behind trying to qualify at what point I would be wrong...or right, after all, you are hoping I'm right and you 'wanna be wrong' ...
I will accept your apology next spring....with the pizza.
my son said you guys would think this information is helpful , i was signed with dr kushnir at the wellington walk in clinic in Barrie for free
i missed choice?

i do like that...again.. extended court battles don't will eventually happen some year

i am speaking of the momentous legalization Bill n Anne

sorry i have stayed here too long

you look after that "cheese" dude
the cheese is beyond looking after ... :lol:
Bill and Anne wont do shit really. What ever comes out of their head will do a 180 only because they don't have a clue really...
Like asking a one year old how old they are.
my son said you guys would think this information is helpful , i was signed with dr kushnir at the wellington walk in clinic in Barrie for free

no doctor by that name there or are they allowed to charge//// shill girl!

so much for you then ;)


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the cheese is beyond looking after ... :lol:
Bill and Anne wont do shit really. What ever comes out of their head will do a 180 only because they don't have a clue really...
Like asking a one year old how old they are.
It's like talking to Dizzy 2.0...
my worry right now is i believe we won our right to grow but our health minister only mentions affordability and accessibility to be addressed. nothing about being able to produce