Uk Weed Street Weights and Prices ! Leave yours here !

shiet, weed is expensive in the UK! i aint movin there
Your damn right i can't beleive how much the price and standard have changed over the years. When im out of harvest time and my own bud and have to go hunting its shocking what you have to buy just to have some smoke. Can't wait to advance my grow into multiple plants so hopefuly will not have run out in future, A man can dream cant he lol
Thats discusting, running out i mean & id rather do without then pay some of these prices £130 on the oz aint bad but whoa £250/300, id just grow my own at those prices i got me 3 female kalichakra 25 days into flower & im lookin well forward to collecting my rewards
tits up in this case i mean get raided, goes wrong. why how much you getin for mate?
well im not from the UK though.
you have weird bags overthere it seems haha. here, you cant buy less than 5 G and they cost about 30 P i guess. if its haschish its half the price
So how much £ & g ya lookin at on the half oz, 8th & 1/4 mate, sry im just recovering from serious shock got ma missis on the ready to fone my arse an ambuuulancce

£50 for 1/4 that dont weigh a full 7g isnt uncommon although most small sellers will only sell 10s n 20s which can weigh from .7g-1.3g for a tens n 1.6g-2.6g for a scores. qaulity can vary depending on the 3 areas im talking about but mostly pretty shit in tens n scores.

most half oz that ive seen brought have just been for percy n weighed up the full 14 but cost silly money a friend of a friend paid 160 for a half oz of real cheese over xmas mostly 100 tho n like i say its always been percy so dry n good qaulity.

as for big bits i dont no any1 who sells qaulity by the bar or box anymore its 200s,180s each if ya very lucky n dont matter how many ya buying well maybe not but up to 10oz the price aint changing.
Havn't bbought in quite a while now but i can imagine it's nnot but worse than it was last time. Was going for about £10/g, dealers won't sell anything larger than an 8th whihc will be about 2-2.2g, if you're lucky enough to finder a dealer not as greedy as the norm and you'll find a half or an ounce for £100 or £200, never dry, never cured, generally utter shit. Soe of the dealers i know have simply taken to re-wetting the buds, mold be damned, in that push for more profit.

Bunch of cunts the whole lot. If i ever move any bud, it's just a ten or twenty to a friend and it's always around £3-4 a gram.
Thats extorsionate, who the fuck, sounds to me that dealers are tryin to rival Sir Alan i feel sorry for everyone who`s havin to pay them prices for just wantin to sit on arse after a hard days graft, watch tele & ave a smoke but really in these times in the UK its lookin like the only way to keep the wonga in ya pocket & get good herb is to grow & get good at it? i dont think i`l ever stop growing, you can choose your own variety leki bills about £150/£250 over the whole grow at 600w & end up with several Oz of bud that you know aint soaked, no powdered glass etc to tide you over till your next crop of your next strain is in, i really do feel your pain fellas

K im off to sell an Oz for £300.............. jk

P.S Im moving to Sweden
Dam man thats bad but here`s sommet to cheer us all up...

So three guys were in the jungle and were captured by a wild
When they get to the camp, the chief says,"We will let u live,
if u can do a task. if u fail, we will kill u. The first thing u
need to do is get 10 of a kind of fruit. any fruit. then come c

so the first guy comes back with 10 apples, and the chief
says,"now shove them all up ur ass without making a sound." so
the guy gets to the 3rd apple and he grunts. so they kill him,
and he floats up to heavon.

now the 2nd guy comes back with 10 grapes and the chief says the
same thing. so the guy gets in 9 grapes. Then he suddenly bursts
out laughing. so they kill him too and he goes up to heavon.

when he gets up there the first guy asked,"y'd u start laughing,
u almost made it." and the second guy says,"I would have. but i
laughed when i saw the other guy coming back with pineapples."
My experiences vary from time to time. Sometimes i get 2.8 henrys for £20. once i had some jumped up little prick try sell me 1.4 for £20. lets say he aint dealin no more...
Ounces vary from £135 to £285. I bought a oz of cured widdow for £285 and it was the best weed i had ever smoked and it looked like half a bar.

But it seems atm that the prices are the same everywhere i go in my town.

£140 for a oz of Vietnameese grown shit (Damp and smells like coffee)
£180 - £250 for sticky and sweet

10s are usually 1 - 1.5
20's are usually 2.4 - 3.2

It all depends on the weed and how many guys have been busted around here.

Your damn right i can't beleive how much the price and standard have changed over the years. When im out of harvest time and my own bud and have to go hunting its shocking what you have to buy just to have some smoke. Can't wait to advance my grow into multiple plants so hopefuly will not have run out in future, A man can dream cant he lol

i think my main reason to grow is to try every strain i can, but some mens dreams are an others reality you just got believe & sell a kidney neo lol,

3 female Kalichakra (in flower/Next smoke)
5 feminized Critical Sensi Star (20 days old)
1 feminized Blueberry (20 days old)
1 feminized White Widow (20 days old)
1 feminized Orange Bud (20 days old)
1 feminized Skunk 11 (20 days old)

So as you can see i dont think i`l run out for a while then i`ll do my dry spell until next crop probably satori, somango, G13 x Haze
Ive alltogether spent £1000/£2000 on the grow gear & god knows how much leki ive sucked out the grid lol but by the looks of the prices nowadays lad/lasses it has saved me a hell of a lot more then ive spent if i were to buy it from the dealer, id love to sell the greedy b`stards it at their prices
dam just dropped prices £175 an oz for dry and cured cheese and no wetness regained in bags
straight henrys 3.5 £25
pop 1.4 £10
arfer 14.0 £85
just your normal dried cheese
oz £160
arfer £80
henry £20
pop at 1.6grams £10
lads this shit aint round long trust moved in bulk but to me muckkas this is wot they get with no complaints ever and i can see why now wet weed how the fuck can you sell that lol
the country does get worse!!
to the lads that sell wet weed they must be proper cocks trust me im from the west mids and if ever a lad told me about some sticky bud id slap him and laugh in his face and tell him to dry it properly lol!!
i think ill put my prices back up!!
every1 can make money without selling wet weed trust me my whole set up cost me close to a £1000 pound food and nutes cost me £300 for a grow.
22 cheese plants cost me £120 electric just over £300
so ill neva have to buy my set up again maybe hps bulbs and filters and thats it so every grow from now on will cost me £700 to £800 pound but i gain this back off 1 plant dried and cured
on average off 22 plants ill get 70 to 80 ounce at my lowest price £160 ill get back £11,200 tell me that aint a tidy sum for 12 to 13 weeks easy work exept the trimming
every1 can make money without selling wet weed trust me my whole set up cost me close to a £1000 pound food and nutes cost me £300 for a grow.
22 cheese plants cost me £120 electric just over £300
so ill neva have to buy my set up again maybe hps bulbs and filters and thats it so every grow from now on will cost me £700 to £800 pound but i gain this back off 1 plant dried and cured
on average off 22 plants ill get 70 to 80 ounce at my lowest price £160 ill get back £11,200 tell me that aint a tidy sum for 12 to 13 weeks easy work exept the trimming
Thats what i grow in a year. Tidy sum for sure