Active Member
Well as a grower not a dealer I want best price I can for it,considering the money they will earn off the back of it but obviously there takin more risk,doin small deals breakin pushin nearly £300. So what u think ???
Would`nt have thought your business would last that long doin it at that, im in agreement with what chedder1985 basicaly says to earn loyalty you gota sacrafice a little coin that way your punters allways return & your business will grow if thats what your wanting
So what sorta money 150-160-170 oz
Was thinkin 170, cos got some better crop comin of afghan kush and want a little more for that
round here its £20 8th but only 2gs weight
for an oz its £280 spend on avarage £160 a week on it but stoped buying it now as is a total rip off
I always thought 150 had good returns and don't feel the need to rip people off. i only mentioned the coke as a realization that drug dealers rip people off wet weed and cutting coke. No morals. I don't touch the stuff myself. Gos to shoiw theres no quality these dayssay 2 Oz a plant at £150 when growing it you stand to make £1500 for 5 plants thats not bad it pays for your overheads & grow gear, but the Uk market for it some new growers expect fantastic returns of growing plants so when they get very little returns they put prices up & usually on poor quality weed to make as much as possible & every dealer after that one has to make profit so again the prices go up more its a supply or suffer situation with everyone in the chain wanting to make their own money out of it "the art of business". as for the other drugs take "pills" they aint no where near as strong as they were back in the 90`s fuck some of them would keep you goin for ages you could take 4/5 today where back then if you took 4/5 pills you wernt sleeping for a week if you didnt end up in hospital..
(EDIT) as for coke i dont know much about it i dont touch it ive seen bad things happen when you involve coke, gear & heavier drugs, nowt more provoking then a moron with powder power that has no grip on himself, girlfriends, children & friends get battered or worse while this idiot is seein them as attacking his ego when their doing nothing more then standing up for themselves
I aint talking about everyone just a select few i know
round here its £20 8th but only 2gs weight
for an oz its £280 spend on avarage £160 a week on it but stoped buying it now as is a total rip off
thats another thing thats pisses me off why do dealers call it a 8th? 2g aint a 8th!
feel for ya m8 pretty much same prices around me its just too expensive to smoke unless ya grown it yourself, i can easily smoke 10g ina day n night if im on abit of a session thats £100 if ya paying for it fucking crazy.
thats another thing thats pisses me off why do dealers call it a 8th? 2g aint a 8th!
feel for ya m8 pretty much same prices around me its just too expensive to smoke unless ya grown it yourself, i can easily smoke 10g ina day n night if im on abit of a session thats £100 if ya paying for it fucking crazy.