Uk Weed Street Weights and Prices ! Leave yours here !

Me im just a grower that likes to have choice/veriety

near enough £4000 a month how could ya complain thats a nice sum but by the looks of it their are some seriously greedy fuckers out there,
£300 leki bill how many bulbs & what space you got??
Just thought Id throw in the prices in Ireland, just for reference sake since you guys are so close to us, generally its:
1/8th (3.5g) €50
1/4 (7g) €100
1/2 (14g) €150
Zip (28g) €250-275

For high quality homegrown you could ask for €300 a zip or more (depending on how much the person wants it!)
Dam man thats some serious stretch using hps all the way through, soil or hydro? & how you manage all the heat they belt out i run 2 x 600 aircooled & its still dam warm in my 10 x 8 x 7 you gota be aircooled runnin 3 x 1k lamps
Just thought Id throw in the prices in Ireland, just for reference sake since you guys are so close to us, generally its:
1/8th (3.5g) €50
1/4 (7g) €100
1/2 (14g) €150
Zip (28g) €250-275

For high quality homegrown you could ask for €300 a zip or more (depending on how much the person wants it!)

FUCK ME 100 euro on the quarter, thats about £90 fuck me id seriously be lookin at sellin my crops at those prices
it was good back in the 90s with the different kinds of hash.
im sure theres people on here got ripped off with the "gack" i remember buying that twice but the hashish back then was great and affordable.
its sad today imo the state of hashish and cannibus prices too in general
Yeah to get any sort of value here you have to buy 1/2 or bigger...just most people dont bother and just buy fifties (€50 = 3.5g).
The way this is lookin at the moment is grow, deal, both or quit this is shocking at just how much people are ripping each other off dropping weights for more coin & or upping prices to extorsionate levels, in the 90`s was simple buy a quarter £25/35 & get 7g & some did it cheaper if they were bringing kilos in :) but now it just seems to have got where most dealers are wanting to drive a fuckin bentley
bentley mate i go on cruises 2 times a year and live the high life but never ever rip any fucker off
reputation is better than pound coins trust me the more you scank the more custom you lose but the more you look after people the more you get looked after yourselves selling wet weed is stupid trust me if you ask for weed you should get dry crusty weed that is smokeable not some wet ass fuck bag of shit this is why i get rid of my cheddar in 1 hit and still get pestered 4 more but there is only so many places you can run on your own be4 it takes over your life trust me i ve been there its good for the money but shit on your family. it is addictive trust me i could earn double that in 1 month but i find a medium inbetween were i can earn a comfortable living and spending time with my family or else why would it be worth it?
try doin a full time job and feeding 50 or more plants manually its no fuckin joke. i used to wake up at 5 in the morming sum days and not get to sleep till 1 the next morning!! were is the pleasure of life there?
aint sayin you mate you seem quite reasonable at £175 a dry Oz im saying theirs hell of a lot of dealers out their that see their punters as complete morons that are just there to rip off at 250 to 300 an oz but as i can see you grow to sell & growing itself isnt exacally an easy feat so the way i see it your earning it no matter which way. once working along with growing & dealing your time for your lil ens, family & pleasures in life will be taken up with earning money & unwanted visits from punters when your having time with your family so i understand picking one or the other because if your not carefull & ive seen this happen myself your family will suffer many have said it "mixing freinds, family & business dont go" at that point you neglect your family, turn your friends into punters & lay stagnent in life with a fair bita wonga in your pocket and a load of stick-on friends that are only their for what they can get & as soon as its fuck all they go find another mug ive been there & it caused me to stop dealing, start growing for myself & re-evaluate so called friendships also you see how fucked up some individuals can be robbing girlfriends leki money for a 1/4 of weed like its all that matters.

Coin/herb dont mean everything but to some who have no remorse chargin £250 to 300 on the Oz im sure you`ll agree that their a pack of wankers the lot of em while their busy extorting coin from another family to line his/her own pockets with as much as possible "granted its up to the punter wether he pays it" but still thats no excuse to treat people that you make your living off that way & it shows a severe lack of morals, respect & disregard to the people that enable the dealers lifestyle but im only targeting dealers their & some punters aint much better then the £300 an Oz dealer, taking the piss getting tick that they got no intension to pay or stiring shit & when you catch up with them it wasnt me, they didnt get paid this week, only got this weeks leki money & what about my kids, their kids are gona do without food or i knocked on your door on that day & you wernt in & you know the slimey little bastard is talkin shite but what can ya do about it "its all part of the game"

Moral of it all: My belief is SOME people need to get some principles

Fuck me i edited that about 10 times
Thought id but in and say when i sell i sell at £150 an ounce! I thought that was expensive. For some reason it does get snapped up quickly like gone in a day. Apart from personal smoke
what ive asked and wondered so many times is what happend with the weed in the uk why have the prices gone up qaulity gone down when all the other drugs are as cheap as they ever been in my lifetime neway.
say 2 Oz a plant at £150 when growing it you stand to make £1500 for 5 plants thats not bad it pays for your overheads & grow gear, but the Uk market for it some new growers expect fantastic returns of growing plants so when they get very little returns they put prices up & usually on poor quality weed to make as much as possible & every dealer after that one has to make profit so again the prices go up more its a supply or suffer situation with everyone in the chain wanting to make their own money out of it "the art of business". as for the other drugs take "pills" they aint no where near as strong as they were back in the 90`s fuck some of them would keep you goin for ages you could take 4/5 today where back then if you took 4/5 pills you wernt sleeping for a week if you didnt end up in hospital..

(EDIT) as for coke i dont know much about it i dont touch it ive seen bad things happen when you involve coke, gear & heavier drugs, nowt more provoking then a moron with powder power that has no grip on himself, girlfriends, children & friends get battered or worse while this idiot is seein them as attacking his ego when their doing nothing more then standing up for themselves

I aint talking about everyone just a select few i know
i dont know about ten bags but,

off the same guy i brought an ounce for 120 it was split into 8th bags and each weighed 3.5 and it was white skunk, but i only got this cuz he is a close freind :D
So guys as a grower in s.London what could u realistically ask for oz of half decent smoke to a dealer,everyones gotta earn a crust