Ultrasonic misters


Just some idiot
So far no, it's been in constant use. I clean it weekly with regular water and I also Clearex it along with my res. after every change. I would order back up discs for it, they aren't that much in the long run it saves time and aggravation.


Well-Known Member
i think imma buy me a few of these: NUTRAMIST Single Head Fog Module @ FUTUREGARDEN.COM

those are made by nutramist....although they look like all the generic ones. they claim difference in:

" Our aeroponic foggers offer the exclusive benefit of having teflon coated ultrasonic transducers, specifically designed for use with dissolved nutrient solutions, so they help prevent salt buildup which causes premature failure."

imma build an ultrasonic fogger cloner

i would also like to add this to my ebb and flow....not sure if its practical yet.

what kinda nutes are you using? i wonder if it would be a good idea with my ebb and flow...i think it would as the nutra-systems come like that (fogger and ebb and flow). iono if i should run organics tho....

munch box

Well-Known Member
My friend got one that is used for lizzard and aquariums, and on the directions it says only to use it in plain water or it will void the warrenty

munch box

Well-Known Member
they all cost the same. might as well get the fogger designed for hydro applications. Other pond and aquarium foggers may not get the water drops as small.

munch box

Well-Known Member
i know, i gave you that link 2 days ago my grape ape thread. I am intristed in making a fogger seperate from the resivoir like how they do in the nutramist ebb and flow design. that way it can be used unvirersally in both rooms and as a foliar spray. they charge 400$, but i bet there is a much cheaper way of building one.


munch box

Well-Known Member
An ultrasonic humidifier? i havn't looked into those. sounds interesting. do you know how small of a micron droplet those things produce? do they clog up from nutrient solution?


Well-Known Member
not sure on the micron number...

im not sure about the clog up.

i think it would work. peep game (as long as you keep the fogger clean, it shouldnt clog)

im thinking put the fogger in your res.

have 4 holes....1 drain, 1 flood, possibles 2 holes to run piping from res (to move the fog) to the tray.

in my head, i think it will still work

hell yea...i think i got something cooking

munch box

Well-Known Member
what about the fan? you need some type of driving force behind it. And that driving force needs air behind it. kind of like a passive intake. see on the nutramist unit it has the fan hole on top for air to go down in through? how would you set a fan up without it getting wet?


Well-Known Member
i wasnt talking about the stand alone fogger

im talking about the fogger disc by nutramist....

doesnt fog rise? it isnt stand still....

my thinking is drop one of those fogger disc in my res for my ebb and flow....seal off everything. 1 tubing for flooding, another for draining... and maybe two tubes for upward flow of fog....

im thinking the fog would travel up the flood tube AND the drain tube as well.....

munch box

Well-Known Member
fog will rise for sure, but i don't know about 2 tubes. you may need a boost up through there. how wide of a tube are you talking here?

munch box

Well-Known Member
try it and let me know what happens. maybe if the tube is strait and very short it could work. how long of a tube do you need to your res?


Well-Known Member
not long. im about to start building the fogger cloner...and ill set up my mediums in layers to benefit from the fog....and then start building the idea....

imma bug fletch tho...thas my diy partner....(he doesnt know it yet, but he is)



Well-Known Member
i have 4 real small flood and drain system in my cab

each tray is roughly 16" x 8"

i would need more than one fogger....unless *oh shit....stoner idea* brilliant!!!!

unless i could make brew a tea or some sort...

yanno? a soup mix that consist of superthrive, other protective nutes, wett betty organic and maybe some other nutes that can be used in all 8 weeks... so i can a 4 tube/pipe system to go to each tray.

munch box

Well-Known Member
i'm telling you the tube should be wider with a fan source or some type of booster to move the mist through a tube. nutramist uses a 1.5 inch hose and a fan unit with regulator. there are different speed settings you can use to feed. I'm thinking unless you do it like nutramist loudblunts, your mist will condense into big water drops by the time it reaches the other end of the tube. Unless if you keep the spray hose REALLY short, strait. and thick. but i hope you prove me wrong. GL