Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

We really can't afford the government to expand. It needs to shrink so we can pay off our debt. The interest is gonna kill us. The debt will double in 10 years from interest and increased spending.

If we asked corporations to pay taxes instead of dialing up subsidies, our government would be brimming with money to build our economy and or national future with plenty to spare.

Instead, we've handed the reins to defense contractors and corporate raiders who start wars just to profit from them?

I still think paying people good money to show up on time, work hard and delight the customer and insisting that corporations pay tariffs to import goods in order to level the playing field for Americans with said decent wages can be a prescription for prosperity for all.

When only 61 people have more wealth than the bottom half of the entire human population, I think income and wealth polarization have been tested as economic theories and templates to run societies by- and been found rather wanting, in many, many important ways.

The system is broken and needs to be fixed. Control needs to be restored to We the People, wrested away from the Me for Profit crowd currently writing all those SuperPAC funding checks.
You seem to be promoting paying people good money to show up 4 hours late, hardly work all and piss off the customer.

Trump is in league with corporate raiders which I support that methodology because it works... Like I said previously we audit the company find out overlaps, cut costs through synergy savings, unprofitable none essential assets we liquidate etc etc.. In my view the Federal government needs exactly that the second half is increasing revenue... That is what corporate raiders do... Bernie has no business in Finance and even his own financial positioning shows that he lacks financial self control... Bernie has been working as a politician for his entire life he has no clue about business and all he has literally is the value of his home...
Not his entire life. He was a welfare recipient for years.
Sanders entire domestic economic plan revolves around investing in America, including creating millions of jobs doing just that

Sounds a hell of a lot better than giving it to defense contractors or writing corporate welfare checks

Investing in America and American's future is a better way to net a positive return on that investment

If anyone disagrees, name the candidate that has a better plan
Naming a candidate misses the point. Sanders plan isn't "investing" and it won't create "millions of jobs". It will create huge debt and enable some people to live off the labor of others.He's just buying the votes of parisites with other people's money.. Sadly, parasites are becoming the majority.

BOTH of my folks majored, mastered and taught English before moving on to careers that require a complete command of the subtleties of the language.

What you posted up there was management speak, confusing to someone actually trying to get something done and speaks to a corporate culture inimical to new ideas. It's places like those that innovative people like me LEAVE so we can be left the fuck alone by idiots in management spewing bullshit like that!

I'd suggest an entirely different way of running a company but I doubt you'd be open to it.

Silo job functions are there so management can make sure no one knows too much about the company process. That's because they're terrified of the idea that workers at places like these might have better ideas than they do.

Our country is going down the tubes exactly because of 40+ years of this kind of thinking. I don't want more of the same, warmed over stupidity that got us here, I want change. The REAL THING, not merely a slick media campaign.

I never been in a company which promoted silo job functions unless you are talking about government or union shops... My experience with unions are strictly with technology and the idea that the main focus of unions is strictly on fork lift drivers is ridiculous when many union members sit in a office, and do walk outs when the temp goes below or above 72 degrees by 3° in a office building... Those types of rules were originally for long shore men etc, but they apply them even to some fat guy sitting in a office... I don't think you realize just how far some of the union insanity goes... If you have an individual in a office that performs a simple function, and joins a union it becomes very ridiculous very quickly...

Unions originally were for job functions which have a vulnerability to exploitation like long shoremen, pole men, fork lift drivers etc... However, today we see them spread into ridiculous functions like a logical provisioning technician that sits in a office all day, and runs a program that provisions services... LOL! If you think Microsoft and Apple need more union influence you must be joking...
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Then why did 170 economists endorse his economic plan?

Why are you avoiding answering that question?

If his plan is so bad, why do those who study the economy support it? Why have no other candidates running for president, including Trump, gained any such endorsements?
So a bunch of unemployed "economists", or if they are employed, it's by some Progressive hack group, or McDonald's, expound a system where they will get a bigger welfare check. Nearly every economist ever produced is not employed in that field. If their "science" was valid, no country would ever suffer a recession.
So a bunch of unemployed "economists", or if they are employed, it's by some Progressive hack group, or McDonald's, expound a system where they will get a bigger welfare check. Nearly every economist ever produced is not employed in that field. If their "science" was valid, no country would ever suffer a recession.
You are too stupid to hold a conversation with
Unions stifle innovation?

The practices that allowed commercial and investment banking to merge is responsible, I've remained consistent on that the entire time. The rules are what need to be changed, and Sanders is the only one committed to changing those rules
The recession was caused by a real estate crash, brought on by Liberal legislation forcing banks to make bad loans.
I never been in a company which promoted silo job functions unless you are talking about government or union shops... My experience with unions are strictly with technology and the idea that the main focus of unions is strictly on fork lift drivers is ridiculous when many union members sit in a office, and do walk outs when the temp goes below or above 72 degrees by 3° in a office building... Those types of rules were originally for long shore men etc, but they apply them even to some fat guy sitting in a office... I don't think you realize just how far some of the union insanity goes... If you have an individual in a office that performs a simple function, and joins a union it becomes very ridiculous very quickly...

Unions originally were for job functions which have a vulnerability to exploitation like long shoremen, pole men, fork lift drivers etc... However, today we see them spread into ridiculous functions like a logical provisioning technician that sits in a office all day, and runs a program that provisions services... LOL! If you think Microsoft and Apple need more union influence you must be joking...

what is it with sock puppet retards and ellipsis abuse?

so uncanny.
You are too stupid to hold a conversation with
Yet you keep replying. Too bad for you that you are unable to refute my statements, unless you think insulting me somehow is a refutation. Maybe try tossing in a lies about dead children again? You haven't done that for, what? An hour?
The recession was caused by a real estate crash, brought on by Liberal legislation forcing banks to make bad loans.



In 1992, President George H.W. Bush signed the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992.[15] The Act amended the charter of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to "... have an affirmative obligation to facilitate the financing of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families in a manner consistent with their overall public purposes, while maintaining a strong financial condition and a reasonable economic return;"[16] For the first time, the GSEs were required to meet "affordable housing goals" set annually by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and approved by Congress. The initial annual goal for low-income and moderate-income mortgage purchases for each GSE was 30% of the total number of dwelling units financed by mortgage purchases[17] and increased to 55% by 2007.
The union mentality transcends into their personal lives simply by what they wear when not working and how they define themselves by what they do... I define what I do, and what I do for a living doesn't dictate who I am...

I believe the Chinese built a 5,500 mile wall without tractors and the Israeli's built a 400 mile wall that varies between 11 ft and 20 ft with guard towers, and automated gun placements as did the South Koreans along the DMZ which is 160 miles...

I believe with automated targeting systems, fiber optic placement along the wall, gigapixel surveillance and seismograph's we can have a pretty interesting delineation...
Automated gun emplacements? Where can I get one of those?
Sanders can't get anything passed through congress, but you think Trump will get a fucking wall between Mexico and the US through?

Congress has already passed legislation funding such a wall years ago. Executive inaction is the only reason it hasn't been built.