Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Am not even a registered voter, however I did register to vote 4 times...

When they send out voter registration forms from the department of corrections I become uneasy...

I registered to vote online, twice through the dmv, and once through the department of corrections lol... Finally, they told me 8 years later after attempting to register to vote 4 times that I had to appear in person with a birth certificate or valid passport.

At this point am at awe....
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I'm independent, numbnuts
Didn't say you were a Lefty, just said that's how a Lefty responds. Adding "numbnuts" at the end of a response is typical, also. Are you sure you're an independent? I'm registered as a Democrat, doesn't mean I agree with them.
Click the link that says "As you can see, GDP growth and tax rates do not share a direct correlation"
Click the link that says "As you can see, GDP growth and tax rates do not share a direct correlation"
Okay, I see a leftest claiming Roosevelt's New Deal was slowing the recession when the recession worsened under his policies, leaving the economy in shambles up until WWII. Also doesn't even show the recession during the Carter admin, which was much worse the the one in 2008. Somehow I find your citation to be less than credible.
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Ok kids...

These have been deployed in Israel, Korean DMZ, and Saudi is deploying them also... We could have these suckers across our southern border...

Israeli's have confirmed kills with these automated turrets...

again, what is it with you racist retards and your ellipsis abuse?

i need to know.
again, the ellipsis abuse. why do you sock puppet, racist right wing retards always abuse the ellipsis?

the ellipsis has done nothing to you except help you express your retarded thoughts in a more 'flow of thought' manner befitting those unable to express their ideas coherently.

so stop abusing it.

Do you understand what racist even is... I find people who go around telling other people they are racist have more reservations about race than most... Sorry, I have no issues talking about race openly, and the turret deal was an obvious absurdity....
factually incorrect.

factually incorrect.

Your assumptions about facts based on the facts of others is quite troubling especially when you call other individuals mildly retarded...

I am intellectually disabled, and I deserve disability, secure job, welfare, and free housing...
How am I racist automated gun turrets would target anything that moves regardless of race... I believe it would be an equal opportunity destroyer... I promise the targeting system will destroy mestizo's, and Europeans equally in the kill zone...

horrible sock puppetry.
red killed his first family in a car "accident".

then, red's entire family burned up in a housefire in 1982 due to "careless smoking". he claimed smoke alarms did not exist. he had two kids in the house, 5 weeks and a year or so. both burned alive along with his wife. he claimed he was at work at the time.
