Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

I'd vote for Kasich or Sanders, what theory are you speaking of? Both parties disgust me.

In all honesty and I like to maintain a 80/20 ratio of honesty, many independents are not really independents at all and very few communists or socialists register to vote as socialist or communist. Bernie Sanders has never registered to vote as a communist or socialist he is registered as an independent identifying himself as socialist or communist would be political suicide. The reality is many communists and socialists are scared to register under those titles. So, many take the view they are independents but only as an idea to escape persecution.

I am not saying you are the above, and my snide remark above was simply a jest.. I don’t believe you are communist by what you have said, so far. However, I believe we are all sick of the parties and you are not alone in that respect. Bernie Sanders is an oligarch he is a part of congress which is the prevailing oligarchy in the United States.

Kasich career politician supported privatization of prisons opposes medical marijuana supported the invasion of Iraq...
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just shut up you idiot sock puppet.

I grew up colored blind, and wasn't aware of racism until I was exposed to the south. I take every opportunity to help in maintaining a none discriminatory environment where employees, and fellow citizens can be at ease in the south which includes utilizing economic power to force public institutions to get rid of “racial” discrimination and symbolism especially in schools and push to provide communities equal access to education.

That is one of the benefits of corporations...

am I racist nope am mixed myself am not 100% white even though my father was blonde blue eyed my mother was not...

So, my point being protecting a national border against a foreign nation which has had hostilities against the United States is not so far fetched... Am I racist because I believe a nation should be secured not at all...

I think the overplay of racism where it does not exist and ignoring where it does exist creates far more harm...

Take black lives matter which I have talked at length with some of them they should be totally none violent, and get rid of those in the movement that promote violence. They should take the stance that police killing any child whether Hispanic, Black, or Caucasian is an attack on the whole community rather than focusing solely on a specific demographic. Since, the black population is only 13.6% of the total population they will always require support from other communities. The best place to hit hard is the mothers, soccer moms etc, and try to relate as much as possible to various other demographics inside the United States to garner more support.

I am left of republicans and right of democrats in that respect however north aligned with libertarians and individualism...
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I was just showing the debt. he is accurate saying that it will be 30 trillion debt and he is accurate that increasing our government size will lead to more spending which will cause the deficit to rise over the next several years too.

We really can't afford the government to expand. It needs to shrink so we can pay off our debt. The interest is gonna kill us. The debt will double in 10 years from interest and increased spending.

Nice try. But no.

You are skirting the issue. The debate is not the debt itself, the debate is how "we" arrived at that debt. MuyPoco claims, and you agree, that it's all Obama's fault. Well it's all due to Obamacare. I'm asking you to cite where you two have drawn that conclusion. Right now all you are doing is making leaps in logic.
Mofos care too much about politics

Not 1 president will turn our country around in 4 or 8 yrs....

Fuck we are all living proof.....Honestly has America gotten better since you were born?

Fuck no...it's gotten worse and it's going to continue to get worse

It's fun to read the spewed bullshit that unclebuck and his sidekick see4 put down here

They say jobs are more available with Obama bin laden? Mofos I had a great job when bush was In office

Obama? YeH right good luck holding a job

We need a president that taxes the fuck out of the rich and puts forth the effort for the US military to kick some fucking ass

Politics is a big fucking joke
Mofos care too much about politics

Not 1 president will turn our country around in 4 or 8 yrs....

Fuck we are all living proof.....Honestly has America gotten better since you were born?

I am quite wealthy and have no complaints. What's your problem?

If you or any one thinks govt. is the answer, you're wrong. Other than providing transportation system, a strong military, defending the borders and all the other stuff that goes with it.....govt. won't and can't do shit but get in the way. It's all up to you. At least conservatives want smaller govt which is a step in the right direction as opposed to Sanders who believes in huge public, govt., corporations.

Oh I dunno....maybe employers see that I am a 14 yr combat vet....see that I have some issues....give me a job and a few month later .....goodbye. ...I try too hard to produce good work

Things is ...eh who am I kidding

You won't understand either

Oh hey I tried suicide the other day....because my life is no longer enjoyable. ..

People suck

Smoke meth be happy
Oh I dunno....maybe employers see that I am a 14 yr combat vet....see that I have some issues....give me a job and a few month later .....goodbye. ...I try too hard to produce good work

Things is ...eh who am I kidding

You won't understand either

Oh hey I tried suicide the other day....because my life is no longer enjoyable. ..

People suck

Smoke meth be happy
seek help
no it is not, but you have to try and keep trying

Talk to people is like beating dead horse

Kinda like this politics section....yiu all argue over stupid shit Yiu will not change

I've talked to mental, behavior health specialists.....I'm too far gone
Talk to people is like beating dead horse

Kinda like this politics section....yiu all argue over stupid shit Yiu will not change

I've talked to mental, behavior health specialists.....I'm too far gone
Well this might not be the place for you. Find someone you can talk to
Oh I just come here to bs lIke everyone else....but Andy is a moron and yiu all feed him

Honestly, Ive talked to professionals.....they don't know what to do....they feEl bad because the shit I've been through and how I got treated in th e army while begging for help
Unions originally were for job functions which have a vulnerability to exploitation like long shoremen, pole men, fork lift drivers etc... However, today we see them spread into ridiculous functions like a logical provisioning technician that sits in a office all day, and runs a program that provisions services... LOL! If you think Microsoft and Apple need more union influence you must be joking...



Here you go, Comrade, advancing mankind.
If it's good for Apple/China it should work here as well.....
Oh its that easy huh

No it's not and as someone who seems to be in a severe state of depression it's gonna be tough for you, for a while. Don't give up. There is plenty of support out there. RIU is NOT what you need & meth will certainly mess you up. Reach out to community support groups, professional counselors and good luck.

Uncle Ben
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View attachment 3608173

Here you go, Comrade, advancing mankind.
If it's good for Apple/China it should work here as well.....

Once again I will reiterate that unions are only necessary when there is inadequate labor laws to protect workers. Unless you are in Angola you are not forced to work in the United States... You can't compare Chinese labor laws to American labor laws and using them as an excuse to support unions in a country where there are modern labor protections is absurd...
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View attachment 3608173

Here you go, Comrade, advancing mankind.
If it's good for Apple/China it should work here as well.....

Once again I will reiterate that unions are only necessary when there is inadequate labor laws to protect workers. Unless you are in Angola you are not forced to work in the United States... You can't compare Chinese labor laws to American labor laws and using them as an excuse to support unions in a country where there are modern labor protections is absurd... I am not saying American labor laws in every state are perfect, however from a labor prospective we are leaps and bounds ahead of the Chinese...
Oh I just come here to bs lIke everyone else....but Andy is a moron and yiu all feed him

Honestly, Ive talked to professionals.....they don't know what to do....they feEl bad because the shit I've been through and how I got treated in th e army while begging for help

I don't know what happened to you while in the military concussion damage, stress, etc or if it simply your current environment etc... However, you are not alone when it comes to this, and you would be surprised by the power of the individual...

Meth will only make you more paranoid and schizophrenic exacerbating your condition... Build your body up, eat right, and start setting small goals or pursue things that help with your self esteem...

Like I said previously I don't know your situation, however all of our experiences are key coded into our physiology it becomes apart of you physically and your brain has plasticity which can even repair or bypass damaged areas. The best thing is to create more positive experiences... You have to understand we are organic beings, and the small things that you don't notice brings you pleasure just as long as you take the time to notice...

"Man only likes to count his troubles, but he does not count his joys.", Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Once again I will reiterate that unions are only necessary when there is inadequate labor laws to protect workers. Unless you are in Angola you are not forced to work in the United States... You can't compare Chinese labor laws to American labor laws and using them as an excuse to support unions in a country where there are modern labor protections is absurd... I am not saying American labor laws in every state are perfect, however from a labor prospective we are leaps and bounds ahead of the Chinese...
No real wage increases since 1968, the elimination of overtime pay & benefits for millions of Americans

Those are two of the most important reasons unions exist

Oddly enough, and I'm sure this is all just a big coincidence, at the height of union membership around 1955, working conditions were decent, wages were fair and overtime was plentiful. As union membership decreased, so did the benefits said unions provide. Today we have none of it to go hand in hand with no collective bargaining power to be in a position to leverage it.

Anti-union tirades like the one above are designed to discredit all the work unions have accomplished for workers rights, and they're designed to decrease the wages and benefits of workers to increase the profit margin the business/corporation makes. They're absolutely not about ensuring workers don't pay hefty union fees or get screwed by union execs. Anti-union businesses don't give a fuck about workers, they care about themselves, and you joining a union to be in a better position to demand fair wages or benefits is bad for their bottom line, hence all the horseshit propaganda.
